Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Demi Lovato & Miley Cyrus Fighting Over Fourth Judge Slot On X Factor

Simon Cowell loves to see X Factor in the news. The thing is it is never in the news or discussed because of the performers. The only time anyone ever talks about the show is when it comes to the judges. Simon has pretty much run the course of rumors for who is going to be the third judge with the latest rumored for the spot being Britney Spears. Now, Simon wants younger viewers to start watching the show so is talking about a fourth judge which never worked on American Idol and wants that fourth judge to be Demi Lovato or Miley Cyrus. The two of them already hate each other so this is a natural for the tabloids. Plus if Miley wins then the tabloids can wonder if Demi is going to have a relapse. I wonder if being on national television twice a week is good for Demi or not. I think it is great for her if she realizes she looks wonderful and does not start thinking about eating and body issues. With Miley? Do you really want Miley & Britney on the same panel? How many ya'll's can you fit into one hour?


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