Dario Franchetti Wins Indy 500 - Ashley Judd Steals Spotlight
It seems like every year that Dario Franchetti wins the Indy 500 and that every year whatever photos you see of him invariably have way more of his wife squeezed into the frame then the actual winner of the race. Ashley Judd loves the Indy 500. It is not a huge celebrity driven sport so she is guaranteed lots of face time on camera where she always manages to do run through what she perceives to be the emotions that a race car spouse should have. I actually have stopped watching the race because every year she shows the the same three or four emotions and rotates them for each time she is on camera.
I love the photo I use in this post because this is Ashley Judd in a nutshell. All the drivers acknowledge the crowd. Somehow Ashley thinks the fans are cheering for her too.