Luka Rocco Magnotta is a porn actor from Canada who filmed himself beheading a man and then hacked off the body parts and mailed them to government offices across Canada. Hen then posted the video online and police have issued a nationwide warrant in Canada looking for the man. Apparently after his victim was killed, Luka also sexually assaulted them. I'm trying to decide if the zombie attack in Miami is worse than this attack in Canada. I think the Canada attack is worse because the victim died and also because of the whole mailing of the body parts.
Police believe Luka could also be the man responsible for the kitten torture videos that were on the internet earlier this year.
Sick fucking fuck! He should be kept outside in a kennel in upper Nunavut.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is wrong with people today?
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ReplyDeleteSo this is story number 3 about zombie-esque attacks this week. Jebus.
ReplyDelete*throws hands up in the air*
ReplyDeletewhat the fuck? i give up.
I second that
DeleteEnty, you forgot about the story about the guy that was stabbing himself and threw parts of his intestines at the cops.
ReplyDeleteWe're going somewhere quickly, but it can be nowhere any good.
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ReplyDeleteWhat could possibly happen next?
ReplyDeletewth? And then the end part about kitten torture videos.... People can really suck. Killing and then sexually assaulting people is on a Jeffery Dahmer level. This man is most really the dangerous kind of person on earth. Evil AND crazy. I hope they catch him before he can can harm anyone else. I hope people in his neck of the woods stay vigilante and keep and eye out for him. :(
ReplyDeleteI was wondering why it took so long for enty to post this. Google 1 lunatic 1 ice pick if you dare. You've been warned.
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ReplyDeleteYikes, grossly disturbing but not surprising. This is the same guy that Canadian serial killer Karla Homolka took up with upon her release from prison.
ReplyDeleteSupa, I think I'd rather watch 2 Girls 1 Cup with my mother.
ReplyDeleteA "friend" of mine once sent me a clip of the guy that was beheaded after Daniel Pearl. I can't remember his name, but I didn't talk to that jackass for almost a year.
I'll admit that i watched 2 G 1 C, but that was so faked. As for the other vids? Nope. You can't unwatch things.
DeleteI always wonder what kind of parents these fuckers have.
ReplyDeleteThis was the first story I came across today. And all I can seem to utter is, "I just can't." I just can't because what's left to say? What's happened to us as a race, the human race (we are one). Between the regular insanity which exists and we all know is out there like human trafficking and child porn, I know we've heard of snuff films before and most of us knew it was more than an urban legend, but this bozo was supposedly "well known on the internet because of his cat torture and snuff films" (sandra rose). So are you telling me there are people who enjoy watching such things and trade video's??!!??!! I mean, as I said I believe that snuff films are real and true, I guess I just never really processed how much of a "community" there would be in support of it. I think I assumed it was a small, never the less seedy group. Is it because of the internet and the constant need for attention??? I mean what is going on? Everyday it's worse and worse. People eating each other's faces, ripping out their intestines as mentioned above, teacher's having sex with their students, people cutting up themselves and or others to serve it up as a meal, parents taking out themselves and their kids in murder -suicides. I mean seriously, what the hell is going on.
ReplyDeleteI only hope the Mayan's were right. Because this world the way it is, I cannot take much more of it. Let's just say I really hope Yellowstone blows and blows BIG.
I don't know you gals and guys. I know I don't know any of you, but I wish you the best. I also thank you for allowing me to have a venue to share what I feel about whatever, the important (as this) and the mundane (celeb gossip).
I'm signing off.
Well said, although your comments will be missed! IIRC, you're an Okie too! I miss it up there everyday!
DeleteGod Bless you
Oh my- there is a Homolka connection? Her story is one of the most disturbing I have ever heard of. And if she was with this monster- she knew what he was and this proves that she has/had not changed- she probably is just really careful now about when/if/how that sick part of her is going to get to play again.
ReplyDeleteHe's such a sick fuck. He killed kittens too. I hope he goes to jail for a long time.
ReplyDelete@ drusillaluna, yup, they dated. And I agree that she should have rotted in prison just like her former husband Paul is. Her own sister was one of their victims. She got a much lesser sentence due to some technicality, or perhaps because she cooperated in putting Paul away, can't recall now.
ReplyDelete@Omama, Don't go , best not to be alone during troubling times.
ReplyDeleteRight. Homolka. Anyone who thinks its a good idea to "date" her OBVIOUSLY has problems. I am so disgusted by this bastard.
ReplyDeleteIt's believed he left the country.
ReplyDeleteI don't blame the parents in these types of cases. There is something fundamentally wrong with their brains.
Lotta classy shit going on up here this week.
Sorry. One more.
ReplyDeleteHe is also charged with cannibalism.
here's a link to the story:
I read a couple of books about Homolka - didn't think you could get much sicker than that until this week. Someone threw their intestines at a cop? Where was that? At least the Miami Zombie was on drugs which explains a little. I'm guessing that's not the case here - he's psychotic, narcissistic, and a sociopath.
ReplyDeleteAs for this sick fuck, torture him the way he tortured the cats.
supapimp, yeah, the director admitted he uses soft serve chocolate ice cream that just looks like poo.
ReplyDeleteI love twisted & "fail" videos, but when someone dies, that's over the line for me. No way in hell.
@Omama - please don't go. You always have us to talk to!!!
ReplyDeleteAngel, Karla cooperated with authorities by claiming that she was abused and Paul forced her to do it, etc. Afterward, the authorities found a bunch of videotapes that proved Karla was just as into it as Paul, but since they had made "a deal with the devil," there was nothing they could do about it. I think here in the states, if a person lies in a plea bargain that negates the agreement, but apparently not in Canada.
ReplyDeleteThis guy is obviously a complete whack job. When are we as a species going to get it into our thick heads that if someone abuses defenseless animals, they will never, ever be functioning members of society? There are dozens, if not hundreds, of studies proving that people who abuse animals move on to abusing humans. There is no cure for this kind of sickness.
IMHO, a child caught abusing an animal should be incarcerated at once. I know that seems harsh, but truly, they are defective. They cannot play nicely with the rest of us. Get rid of them.
Verdict's been reached in John Edwards case.
ReplyDeleteSame way Jeffrey Dahmer started.
ReplyDeleteWARNING! http://theync.com/static_html/sick-1-ice-pick-one_media.html Here is the link .
ReplyDeleteWTF??? I just don't even know what to say.
ReplyDeleteI'm fostering kittens right now and everything I read or hear about abuse of kittens it makes me crazy. These littles are the cutest things ever and the thought of them being abused is horrific. I guess I feel bad for people who are abused but I always figure people make decisions and can possibly escape or fight off idiots. I realize that's not always possible but what can kittens do? They are about as helpless as anything in the world.
ReplyDeleteApparently after his victim was killed, Luka also sexually assaulted them.
ReplyDeletePlease tell me this is just the incorrect pronoun and it's not saying he sexually assaulted the body parts.
*rocks in the corner*
Snapdragon, I was thinking the same thing.
ReplyDeleteWe need a break from all this gore.
Accept this balm for the soul that is cats in sinks.
He mailed a foot to the Conservative Party of Canada which was delivered to their head office and hand in a package was found at the post office addressed to the Liberals..no idea if the NDP was on his mailing list
ReplyDeletewe are flooded with terrible dark humour up here this week..
It takes a lot of make Birmingham look good. And as of this moment, we are looking really good.
ReplyDeleteI am not going to watch the ice pick video. I looked at Saddam Hussein's sons' dead bodies on rotten.com, looked at many many horrible things, but I can't look at that. I don't even know what it is, and I can't look at it. We are talking about people chopping up other people and videotaping it, people eating other people's faces, people disemboweling themselves and throwing the intestines at other people... I can't even imagine what the ice pick thing is about, but I know I don't want to see it.
ReplyDeleteAmong other hideous things this past week or so...the guy who had his genitals removed and served them to five lucky diners.
I'm going to go think about bunny rabbits and Muppets.
This week is the beginning of the end of the world...jeeze so many sick fucks.
ReplyDeletewhat the hell is going on?!?!
ReplyDeletebefore this blood bath of a week, i have been noticing more and more- esp on blogs where it wasnt really present before- a very large divide between those who have (celebrities) and those who may have but dont have nearly as much (us). just a sort of angry, fermenting sense of injustice. no one notices the pretty dresses and they once did, its so much deeper now. its an angry abyss.
and now the blood bath.
the world is f*cked.
I'm about to sound calloused, and that's not my intent. But this sort of twisted behavior has always happened. It's just with so many ways to access information, everyone knows about it when it used to be contained to a local or regional level. It wouldn't become a national story unless a known figure was involved, like Sharon Tate and Charles Manson.
ReplyDeleteNot that this makes the story any easier to comprehend. You have got to be sick/evil/mentally imbalanced to go down such a dark road. But the stories aren't new. Just better known.
I don't believe in torture or the whole eye for an eye business, but it's a shame he never directed his murderous ways towards Karla before she ran off to that Caribbean island and decided to get involved in 'teaching' and pop out a few offspring.
ReplyDeleteThe only link I'm going to click is Vicki's. I can deal with cats in sinks. The other stuff, not so much.
ReplyDelete@Vicki - thanks for the link!
ReplyDeleteLayna Day is right. Stories like the gunman in Seattle we would have never heard about 40 years ago except for perhaps a paragraph or two on the 20th page of a newspaper. Now with the internet and cable news, it's everywhere immediately. Maybe that's good, maybe not. The world can be a sick place sometimes.
Doesn't Homolka have a baby, too? I could've swore I saw that on the E! doc on her. (Yeah, I know...)
ReplyDeleteGreat, this dick is probably the dad. Now, what do you do with the child? Put it in lockdown foster care for the rest of it slife?
@Omama, please stay, we sane ones need to talk to each other!
ReplyDeleteThere is no rational reason to watch anything these sick, twisted people do to others. I'm not sure there is a punishment harsh enough.
FYI Karla lives in Florida with her husband and kid. sorry but you don't just stop being a psycho.
ReplyDeleteThere are some crazy mothereffers in this world. god (in what ever form you go with) help us all
j97, that's not a bad idea. That kid shouldn't be anywhere near that psycho bitch. No one should be near her. I'm shocked she's married.
ReplyDeleteI can't look at those other news items either. I read Helter Skelter 20 years ago and it still haunts me to this day. I learned my lesson to try to stay away from certain details. I can't handle it.
@Omama Please stay!
ARGH, I just saw the damn zombie-chewed face on Tumblr, on accident. I was searching the tags for art and typed in "face". Not a good idea. I can't un-see that.
ReplyDeleteF'ing psycho freaks in this world are freaking me out.
However, I enjoyed the cats in sinks. Thanks, @Vicki_Cupper.
@Redhead, Karla doesn't live in FL. She is married to Thierry Bordelais and they have three children. She lives in the french Caribbean (Island of Guadeloupe).
ReplyDelete@Texshan, thank you! Your comment totally registered with my faded memory. She practically got away with it for the flimsiest of reasons. It's still upsetting to think about. I can't even imagine how the families of her victims feel.
ReplyDeleteThis is a big news story here in Canada due to it's disturbing, gruesome and sick nature. This kind of thing doesn't happen too often here and when it does it's all over the news. The police(with Interpol) are looking for him and they think he went to Europe. He was living in Montreal where my son goes to university and that freaks me out! There are so many crazies out there!
ReplyDelete@OMAMA is BROKO, I've always enjoyed your comments and sincerely hope you'll reconsider.
ReplyDeleteI want Omama to stay too. Always appreciate your comments.
ReplyDeleteThis story is suck as fuck. And I'm trying so hard to restrain myself from looking at those Zombie Dude pics....
for everyone losing faith in humanity this week- watch this video! it will give you a lot of that faith back!
This is the apocalypse. God, what happened to the days of school shootings being the worst thing?
ReplyDeleteApparently he left for France on the weekend, and a note left with the body part that arrived at Parliament Hill said he had mailed 6 parts. The guy is another reason that we should NEVER have gotten rid of the death penalty up here. Karla Homolka, who is a complete psycho bitch that took a girl from the same high school my nieces went to, is another. The fact that her parents stood by her is stupefying. As they said, Paul Bernardo was a rapist. He didn't murder ANYONE until he met up with Karla Homolka, and then they started with her younger sister.
ReplyDeleteI think this guy is sociopath, whereas the zombie weird shit can be an epidemic.
ReplyDeleteAs a poster said upthread, this is a big story in Canada, but so far it hasn't been to sensational, at least that I can tell. Body parts mailed to a politician hardly made the front page! But now that the video is out there, it is getting big.
ReplyDeleteI watched the video so you don't have to. It's real. And it is very disturbing. I was hoping that it was possibly a cadavor but once the dog got in there I lost all hope it was a sick prank.
This guy either want's to get caught, or die by cop. This story is eerily similar to the Andrew Cunanan case, and the Michael Alig case, and from what I have read, this guy wants to be famous
I feel bad for the victimv but he appeared either drugged or very sleepy, so I kind of hope he didn't suffer too much.
Sorry for babbling, but I have to get this out of my head somehow. Off to have a drink. Oh, and don't watch the vid.
Thanks, Vicki. Cats are the balm to the soul, I think.
ReplyDeleteI saw a police officer interviewed on the news last night, and he said that they don't believe that he was ever involved with Karla Holmoka - they believe he said it to garner attention only.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to even think about this - it gives me the willies in the worst way.
I cab't even look at the bottom picture of this psycho. It is totally creepy.
ReplyDeleteI'm relieved to read that I'm not the only that horribly traumatized by recent events.
ReplyDeleteSyko, your last sentence made me smile. Thank you :)
Omama was the first person (and so far only person) to say to me that I had a "great guess" on a blind, so PLEASE STAY!
ReplyDeleteOMAMA, Please don't be a stranger. You're a CDAN regular, we'll miss you if you're signing off for good, and we welcome your posts. A lot of things in life suck, but this 'place' isn't one of them.
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ReplyDelete@surfer, the story is somewhat convoluted, mostly due to the questionable nature of anything Luka Magnotta says, but police still think he and Karla Homolka were at least good friends at one time.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure the policeman you saw on the news thought he knew what he was talking about, but this isn't a new or recent story. Police first questioned Luka about Karla back in 2007, and he actually denied they were dating at the time, so whatever the truth about their connection is, it's not about dropping her name for attention. The info is coming from archived sources.
@angel - who knows - just relaying what I saw on TV.
ReplyDeleteAnd for what it's worth, this guy has changed his name a number of times. The name he's currently going by, Magnotta, is the name of a winery here in Ontario. I'm sure that family is just thrilled by this unwanted attention.
The story is just too creepy and troubling and for words. I heard on the news that there's concern about finding the head of the man he decapitated because it could be challenging to prosecute without being able to identify who the victim is. What next.
ReplyDeleteThis story gets scarier: I just saw in the news that the victim(a student from China) was attending the same university my son goes to, so he could have just as easily seen, known, talked to,been friends with, or even room mates, with this crazy killer! What it HE had been the victim?It hits TOO close to home and freaks me out!!
ReplyDeleteApparantly the guy has been lying about a lot; he claims to be a succesful male pornstar, a succesful model, dating Homolka and there are also stories online that claim he was stalked and wanted by the government for being a gay pornstar (yeah of course honey, Canada has better things to do -.-).
ReplyDeleteHowever, it appears he posted all this kinda stuff himself; under different names. He also posted multiple pics and videos of himself as a model, and HIMSELF (also under different names) reacted in the comments how hot and nice he was. There he also complimented himself on his looks, posted made up 'fan'-encounters etc.
It appears he also tried to change Homolka's wikipage multiple times, trying to add his own name as 'her husband'. He even made a Facebookpage in which he claimed to be married to her, yet no pictures are on there of her or them as a couple.
According to the stuff I read he has spend years building himself an online life, with lots of fake details and fake fans and popularity. No one has ever seen a porno of him, no photographer has worked with him during his 'modelling' career and it appears every comment on every thread/board/site about him have been posted by himself and himself only.
He wants attention and this way he is getting it. I am sure he loves it that every newsarticle calls him 'the gaypornstar killer', since he is not even a pornstar. All that info and PR-stuff was planted by himself.
I have seen the video, the actual murder is not seen, at first the guy is alive (but drugged probably) and in the next scene he is suddenly dead. He probably has a reason for this too; whining he didnt kill the guy, just mutilated the body etc. You also can't see clearly it is actually him doing all the gruesome stuff, the guy in the video wears a hoodie most of the time.
He also posted online guides on how to live under a different name, and how to steal someone identity. Probably the name he uses now isn't even his real name. I also doubt this is his first murder. He must have had some practice before shooting a snuff-movie.
*Sorry, long comment, but wanted this stuff to be heard*
@Pogue Mahone : That is very scary.
ReplyDeleteI just heard he has been roaming around in my country for a while, i also find that very scary. Not as close to home as in your case of course, but still the idea that someone like that could be hanging around next door gives me the creeps.
I still can't imagine what it's like to know someone, or be close to someone and then finding out he turns out to be a crazy mofo..
I can't imagine any of my college classmates/friends being an insane psychopath, but still.. The idea that so many killers get away with stuff because they are able to charm and manipulate their way through life scares the hell out of me.
When he gets caught or when friends/family starts talking I am sure they will say they never expected it, he is such a nice guy etc. That's the creepiest for me.. Nobody expects it, nobody knows.
Do have to say, I find this guy to be scarylooking. He has a weird look in his eyes. If only insanity could be really seen on the outside.. xD
What kind of world is it when Karla get's RELEASED from a correctional institution????!!!!???!!!??? (her and her husbands case have never left my mind since I heard of it, which was over a decade ago. Let's just say, I won't EVER locked my kid out if they miss curfew because of this case specifically).
ReplyDeleteI also wanted to say that I left this site the other day, logged off the internet, and realized that I am a conundrum. Because what I said above, about is it a constant need for attention these new influx of crazy and even crazier crimes we are committing against each other, then I realized, I even said myself, that I come here because I enjoy being able to share my thoughts with people, about current events, celeb gossip and such.
Either way. Thank you. I wasn't bowing out for attention, I really felt sick to death after all the latest news online, things I am learning in my classes, etc. It's like a combination of knowledge, and really, sometimes, it's like I wish I just didn't know (not really, but that's how it feels at times).
Either way. Thanks again, and I will probably post my thoughts again here. You gals and guys are a kind group.