Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Can One Person End A Feud?

If you call someone fat and miserable and a million other things that insult the person, can you then say you are not going to call that person anything horrible anymore and that the feud is over. Is that your choice to make? If I yell at you for four hours straight about what a horrible person you are and then after the four hours say that I am finished arguing and walk away, is it really over? Do you not get to decide anything since you were the one being yelled at?

Kelly Osbourne said nice things about Christina Aguilera late Sunday night on What What Happens but you get the feeling that if given the chance Kelly would get nasty again. Has Christina ever said anything about Kelly publicly? I know Kelly said that Christina has called her fat, but she didn't do it on national television and then also call her a little f**ker.


  1. I could be wrong, but I was under the impression CA has called Kelly fat numerous times. Public or not, I don't see a big difference. CA isn't known for niceness.

    As for ending a feud, I don't think that is what it's called, it's more like moving on. Or being put on the spot, I didn't see this.

  2. You get to decide if you're the only one calling people names. I don't recall Christina ever getting involved in this (at least not publicly). This "feud" has always felt one-sided. Kelly Osbourne is a spoiled little brat who needs to belittle people to make herself feel better about herself. She is right out of the Paris Hilton/Nicole Richie mold. No surprise that all three of them are celebrity spawn.

  3. CA has said absolutely horrible things about KO in public and on the record.

  4. Permanent muzzles would end the feud.

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  6. You know, I used to like Kelly. But over the last few years she has shown her true colors.
    Team Xtina. Always been a fan. Always will be. She can have an attitude. She's earned it.

  7. Anonymous8:20 AM

    They're both immature little brats on and off cameras. Kelly was put on the spot, she didn't do it out of the goodness of her heart. Also, are you getting your posts from ONTD? They posted this yesterday with the same angle.

  8. Kelly is a vapid, useless brat. If there ever was a feud, CA hasn't been involved in it for years.

    Diana, ONTD gets almost all of their posts from other sites. This story is just working its way around the entertainment blogs.

  9. Don't care about the feud, just wanted to comment that, at least in this pic, KO looks like both of her parents. Don't know if that's a good thing.

  10. Jessica Simpson has checked into the hospital according to TMZ.

    At least that explains the rain on the East Coast.

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  12. Anonymous8:43 AM

    @LeeLee I know how ONTD functions. I just can't stand when heavily edited headlines are reintroduced a day later on another site without some fact checking and corrections. It's not like you can't still cover it as an event.

    @Frufra Definitely and definitely.

  13. @ Em - Muzzles, yes!!!

    They are both incredibly unlikable.

  14. When Kelly said it, she said Xtina "called me fat for YEARS" and if the rumors about xtina being a super bitch are true, I'm sure it was pretty ugly. I remember them all making a joke about Xtina back on the Osbournes and that was at least 10 years ago. So this has been going on for a very long time. And if the same exact thing happened to you, would you not feel a sense of relief at some payback?
    I am not necessarily defending Kelly, I just think there was probably a lot more going on than we knew. We can't all take the high road 100% of the time.
    Did think it was funny though.
    When we start hearing about Kelly being a bitch to people and treating them like shit, then it won't be funny. Until then, funny.

  15. Kelly always seems to be feuding with someone, and since her brother and sister don't get involved in squabbles, I tend to think she brings it on herself, so I give Xtina a pass on this.

  16. Staying away from that whole Osbourne show maelstrom was the smartest move Aimee Osbourne will ever make.

  17. @Vicki ha! Thanks for my first laugh of the morning.

    I'm unreasonably excited to hear JSimp is finally giving birth.

  18. I seem to remember an Mtv awards show of some kind where they both presented - can't really remember anything else about it except that they were sniping at each other continuously.

  19. The only way Kelly gets any attention is if she mentions someone more famous.

  20. Can the old enty from two enty's ago come back? Or even the last enty?
    CA has publicly called Kelly fat, told people how she used to throw darts at her picture, and made a snide comment to a reporter about it being Halloween when she saw Kelly on a red carpet.
    So, just bc she hasn't been a bitch in the last few years bc she got fat and her career fell off doesn't mean that Kelly should just forgive and forget, which I think was the point you were trying to make but in Christina's favor.

  21. Well. I gotta hand it to Xtina. Although saying Kelly was fat was pretty catty and nasty...I gotta give her credit for keeping her mouth shut and not entertaining Kelly's nasty words back. Kelly keeps talking about it, but Xtina never ever mentions it. Probably cause Xtina knows she's an amazingly talented woman with an amazing career, and Kelly is a no talent daughter of a Rock Legend. That's her only claim to fame. Her dad.

  22. I kinda have to go with @crila16 on this one.

    CA didn't start out famous or with wealth, so perhaps KO started the mean girling when CA first came on the scene, but really who cares.

    CA seems to be taking the high road by not giving in to the conversation this time around.

    Please let this be the end of it.

  23. It doesn't matter. Kelly has been such an over-the-top turd there will be people lined up to blast her the rest of her life the second she gains an ounce (and she will).

    And I beg to differ -- there most certainly is a difference between trashing someone publicly and repeatedly and saying shit to the person in private. For all we know Kelly is flat-out lying, by the way.

  24. Kelly bragged about picking her nose and wiping the boogers all over Xtina's car door handles years ago- and Sharon was with her laughing.

    I love that Xtina ignores Kelly. She's a fucking tool.

  25. Aimee Osbourne is the Marilyn to the other Osbourne's Munsters.
    That booger story sums up Kelley and Sharon's characters for me.

  26. I think they are both nasty people so who cares?

  27. I like Kelly on Fashion Police *shrugs*

    I think a lot has to do with BOTH of them being current/former alcoholics and drug abusers.

  28. They both look so fresh faced and young, like two delicate spring flowers. Ha.

  29. Kelly seems to be hungry for publicity and rightfully so. she doesn't have a marketable talent (she's not a model contrary to her Material Gil gig and proved years ago she is NOT a musical act). her media coverage STRICTLY revolves around her recent weight loss and Christina Aguilera.

    and i'm almost 100% positive Christina has never commented on Kelly publicly. which, to me, means she wins. it’s a shame because I think Kelly is a great personality and should really focus her attention on future business opportunities. i have a feeling the well may run dry for her soon if you know what I mean…

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  31. I'd forgotten all about Aimee--the normal, pretty Osbourne.

  32. Kelly looks good in that pic. I wish she'd dye her hair closer to brown though. Would suit her better. You know, in case she cares what I think.

  33. didn't the feud start when kelly made a big deal out of how horrible she thought ca's voice was, on the osborne reality show?

  34. Gah! Seriously, both of them would be better off if they'd be quiet. They both have money but ZERO class.

  35. Im not saying either one is right or wrong. CA and KO have been at it for years! They have both said terrible things to each other. Its best to not make fun of ugly or fat because u never know *side eye Christina* but CA is an amazing talent and doesnt need the bullshit!

  36. It was in a game on Watch What Happens Live where you can plead the 5th on only 1 thing and Kelly was asked to say 3 nice things about CA. She did and they were all very generic about her kid and stuff. Not a revelation about her being nice to CA on purpose.

  37. Christina did say a lot of nasty stuff about Kelly, especially her weight. She even presented an awardshow for MTV and spent the whole show bashing Kelly, even throwing darts at a picture of her.

    tbh, I LOLed hard when Kelly could finally call Christina fat, while she was finally skinny. Sure, kelly is kinda talentless, but Christina is such a biatch, oblivious to her own faults..

  38. Anonymous7:28 PM

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