Thursday, May 31, 2012

Blind Item #1

So, this television couple is having problems in real life too. She is married. He is married. They were having an affair and keeping it quiet and then the next thing you know she got pregnant. Yikes. Who is the baby daddy?


  1. John Krasinski and Jenna Fischer?

  2. SMG and Ioan Gruffud.

  3. I like GrowFarmington's guess, but the wording makes it sound like the show is still on (Ringer was canceled). So we're looking for a tv couple that is having problems onscreen.

  4. @HeyThere...Great guess. I had heard rumors that these 2 had a fling at one point even though they were both married. I guess it wasn't just a fling.

    That kinda annoys me that they're both cheating. They were both single when the show started, and they could have been with each other anytime they wanted. Now years later they decide to do something about it, when 2 other people are involved? (that is, of course, if this BV is really even about them.)

  5. How about Bones & Booth?

  6. Freddie Prinze Jr seems like such a great family man judging from the photos I've seen. I'd be sooo disappointed in SMG if this is about her.

  7. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Bones and Booth was my guess. He has a history of cheating and they are supposed to be very good friends....hmmm....

  8. Which TV couples are having problems on their show? Jim and Pam on The Office aren't having marital strife or any real problems.

  9. Yes, I can't think of any on-screen couples that are having problems. That's the place to start.

  10. Melissa Joan Hart and Joey Lawrence? Is that still on?

  11. I haven't watched The Office since Season 3(the last good season, IMO), but I just guessed them because Krasinski has been a blind before and from those blinds, has a pretty open relationship with Emily Blunt.

    I know nothing about Jenna Fischer.

  12. Agreed. Got to start with a TV couple currently having problems, then move to real life from there.

    I am currently drawing a blank. I need to watch more TV.

  13. Jenna Fischer was actually married to her first husband when "The Office" started, so she and John really couldn't have gotten together. I'm unsure of the timeline after her divorce and his hooking-up with Emily, so there may have been a window...who knows?

  14. @Xoapril. I like that guess and it is still on just started new seaso where they're talking about the characters hooking up. Maybe that means something.

  15. Off topic but did anyone see Joey Lawrence on WWHL? Wow he is way too old to be sporting that look..and he was trying waaaaaaaay to hard to not appear gay....yeah I know he is married but I also know he has been with guys before too.

  16. So does "who is the baby daddy" mean she already had/recently had the baby? Or is this someone we don't yet know is pregnant?

    Jim and Pam are not having problems on the Office. Not them.

  17. Jenna is awesome. We have mutual friends. I don't think this is Jenna.

  18. I like the SMG guess.

  19. I like the SMG guess! the on screen trouble could also refer to the fact that ringer has been cancelled.

  20. Jenna wasn't single when The Office started, she was married to that hot piece of asshole man meat James Gunn.

    1. Also, there was basically NO gap between James & her current husband.
      Not that I think this is her, just feel like if I have this ridiculous unnecessary knowledge I might as well throw it out there.

  21. SMG and Ioan could be having the TV problem of their show being cancelled. They seem like the best guess for this.

  22. its no one from the office, that was just someone's uneducated guess.

  23. A couple from Parenthood? All of the couples on that show have problems.

  24. Could the pregnancy not have been announced yet? Ellen Pompeo and Patrick Dempsey... I would say a plane crash would qualify as on screen troubles and both relationships have rumored infidelities!

    1. Ellen's husband is black, so if she has the baby and it's Patrick's, it probably won't be a secret for long.

  25. Is Sandra Oh married? Her character is having major marital problems on Grey's.

  26. I immediately thought of Grey's too, but I don't watch much TV drama.

  27. Just to throw it out there, Claire and Phil from modern family. I haven't watched this season. Ur I do know she has very young kids

  28. Just to throw it out there, Claire and Phil from modern family. I haven't watched this season. Ur I do know she has very young kids

  29. Just to throw another one out there, too....Will Arnett and Christina Applegate?

  30. Please, God, don't let this be Will Arnett and Christina Applegate, I love Will and Amy Poehler TOO MUCH =(

  31. Which actresses have recently announced a pregnancy?

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Fred Flintstone and Betty Rubble FTW!!!!!!

  34. PS: Not Wilma cos I think she's past childbearing age. LOL

  35. What about Sookie and Bill?

    They're married IRL, she's pregnant....jat

  36. Annabella--do not call me uneducated. I had guess just like you, not need to be a cunt.

    1. She didn't call you uneducated, she called the guess uneducated, which it is since you admitted you don't watch the Office and just threw that guess out there. Relax.

  37. Patrick Dempsey and Ellen Pompeo despise each other in real life. Not them.

  38. hey! This is a civilized forum. We try to keep friendly here.

  39. Wow... Cunt? Over-react much?

  40. I have to say that I was at a party wtih Amy Poehler recently....

    Without saying too much, that said, I could TOTALLY see this being Will Arnett and Christina Applegate.

    PS. I don't buy the Ellen Pompeo/Patrick Dempsey hate eachother rumors. They are always very respectful in the media and there has been long standing rumors that they have always negotiated how much time they would put into the show together. They made it a point that they would leave at the same time or around the same time.

    1. Will and Amy aren't perfect?! No no no no no no no LALALALALALALA I can't hear you!!!

  41. Grey - C'mon, say a *little* more about Poehler/Arnett/Applegate! Please!

  42. Wow, HeyThere. I once had someone on here call me a "piece of shit", and I remained fairly chill about it. If you're going to post, develop a thicker skin. When you express yourself, it is very likely that someone will disagree with you, sometimes rudely so. Most of the people who post here are very nice, but everyone has bad days. I am going to assume that you are having one now. Save calling someone the C-word for when you have been truly insulted.

  43. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I've never heard that Ellen Pompeo and Patrick Dempsey hate each other in real life. Neither of them have ever said a bad word about the other and Patrick usually raves about Ellen in interviews. There have been rumors forever that they have slept together, but unless she's pregnant now (and hasn't announced it) this blind really doesn't fit. Plus, their characters have been okay in more recent seasons other than the crash.

    Booth and Bones kinda ended things a little rocky since she left to go into hiding, but, I'd like to think Emily Deschanel would have more sense than to sleep with David B. knowing his reputation.

    I wish we knew this one for sure!

  44. It's not Will & Christina - they aren't having problems on their show.

  45. Major disappointment that the C-bomb was dropped. Save it for the posts about truly abhorrent human beings.

  46. What about Tim Daly and Amy Brenneman from private practice?

    1. I'm not sure if he is married in real life though?

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Melissa and Joey?

  49. I cosign disdain for the C word. I love reading this blog because the posters are so chill.

    I don't know who this might be, but I would totally make babies with Will Arnett. Just sayin'

  50. If you feel insulted just take a deep breath and remember, opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one.

  51. my sis worked at SNL during the time Amy Pohler was on and relayed that she was quite possibly the biggest asshat she met during her time there - rude, demanding, had nasty comments for everyone she came into contact with, etc. Of course, like the conversation went in this thread...everyone has their bad days. Amy Poehler just had them everyday. :-)

  52. Alyson Hannigan and Jason Segal...

  53. That's somehow surprising about AP. She's supposed to be just like Leslie Knope, just with a different job and address! [/mostly kidding]

    But Tina Fey is awesome and perfect in real life, I'M SURE.

  54. Ugh. I've only heard wonderful things about Amy Poehler til now. I seriously doubt she and Will Arnett are part of the answer to this blind though - he and Christina Applegate's characters are happily married - but what a downer to read that Amy has bad days.

  55. Jason Segal is not married.

  56. According to this site, it's Sarah Michelle Geller and Ioan Gruffud.

  57. I immediately thought of Applegate and Arnett while reading this. True, they're onscreen characters aren't having marital strife, but they ARE having trouble trying to keep their show on NBC. Saw the two of them on the GMA promoting the season finale awhile ago and they were hanging all over each other the whole time. If Will Arnett was my hubs, I'd be major jealous of Christina! She's gorgeous and hilarious.

    I've never heard Amy Poehler was a b*tch, but I never liked her on SNL. However, I am a big fan of Parks & Rec. Hope this guess isn't right but it certainly would make sense.

    I would also like to add that there was a blind a couple months ago about a married couple on-screen both committing adultery with each other offscreen (said they were "ALL OVER each other, ALL THE TIME"). Arnett and Applegate were the popular guess for that.

  58. I don't think it is Arnett and Applegate. Unless she is pregnant again, the timelines don't fit. Christina had her baby in January 2011 and the show didn't start until September 2011. I know they would have been filming before September, but not as early as April or so 2010 when Christina got pregnant.

    Plus their couple on Up All Night have not had any serious marital problems.

  59. Tia Mowry just had a baby and her TV marriage is in trouble ...
