Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bethenny Frankel & Jason Hoppy Getting Divorced

The new issue of Star is out and they confirm what I have been saying for a long time. Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy are splitting. Each has met with divorce lawyers and I'm presuming the only thing to work out is child custody and where to keep Bethenny's soul. She has so little niceness for anyone in the world she comes into contact with. When they have these episodes where she is out with her friends I feel like producers have hired the people to come hang out with her and only do it because of the chance to get famous. If not for the cameras or some kind of other inducement, I think they would rather stay at home. It is so awkward when she talks to the people that you can tell there is no love either way. And the way she treated Jason's parents? They are probably on their knees giving thanks to their God that Jason is splitting with her.


  1. Well yes, we all knew this...

  2. Run, Jason, run!!!! Poor guy tried to do the honorable thing, but the honorable thing rarely works out when you knock up some chick you met at a bar. Especially when that chick is Bethenny Frankel. I feel sorry for anyone he dates after this, though. I have a hard enough time dealing with baby mama drama from my boyfriend's ex who is only midly awful. I'm sure Bethenny will take it to epic levels of crazy.

  3. Such a nice guy too...I rarely watched her show because she is such a shrill, mean person. So channel surfing last week I watched the show where she was celebrating at the resort...motherhood has not softened her a bit...I found myself wondering how he could stand her.

  4. Hope he gets half of SkinnyGirl!

  5. Now will they have a "Bethany Getting Divorced" spin-off?

  6. I can't help it - I like her and I hope this is not true.

    1. Me too. She's caustic but pretty funny.

  7. What's up with those heels worn with a tank top? I guess I live VERY FAR from L.A.!!

  8. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Two words: sham marriage

  9. I like her too. I know, I know!

    *runs out*

  10. I like her, him & them together. She's a savvy business person, hopefully her marriage was not an opportunity for career advancement. Sad for the family if this is true. Hope not.

  11. Good riddance to him. He's cheap, weird, mean and two faced. He's constantly insulting her and picking fights with her. He does it all in a passive way, so she looks like the crazy one. A big boot in the butt to his clingly parents too. Yuk.

  12. I dunno, this may not even be a sad thing. The rumor all along has been that he's gay. Considering "reality" TV's penchant for manufacturing drama, this could just be part of the plan. I've heard that it's a "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" situation where she gets the marriage and baby for her show/ratings, and he gets his baby without having to go through a surrogate or adopting.

  13. Who is she and why is she relevant?

  14. Well, isn't she the one who calls herself "skinny bitch" in those cookbooks? Not "skinny sweetheart." Or is that someone else.

    Pretty sure tho that @dirtydisher IS Bethanny. ;-)

  15. I like her outfit, especially the shoes. I haven't watched her new show, but I liked her on real housewives years ago. Is she meaner?

  16. This chick. Another one (much like tatum o'neal) whom blames blames blames. SO what! Few of us had a "good" childhood. Get the f over it. Lord knows I don't even know this bitch and I am sick to death of hearing her complain about her shitty parents. My God. Grow up, let it go. Madonna.

    I also think she is purging again.

  17. I never believe anything any more. I thought it was a real relationship I kind of like her, and kind of like him, but then they both act like idiots. So who knows, maybe it was all a sham.

    I guess I always wondered why a guy with small town values was living in NYC ...and why what he did for work was never acknowledged.

    And then, who in their right mind would expose a relationship to reality cameras? Nothing good could have come of it. She wanted fame, she tried long enough, finally she got it.

    Whole thing is..UGH.

  18. Actually, Jason would rather be living in ranch styled house in Pennsylvania, next door to his parents. He has no NYC swagger. And to make matters worse, he's super insecure about Bethenny's wealth. Not a good look on a man.

    Not sure about the gay thing, but he definitely could not man up and be her husband. There's way too much testosterone in that relationship.

  19. I believe Skinny Bitch is another brand. This trick is Skinny Girl.

  20. I read the headline several times as "happily getting divorced". I need new glasses.

  21. I personally like her and am sorry to see their marriage fail (if it is), but I agree that Jason does act passive aggressive a lot.

  22. I read yesterday that Beam is launching a new marketing approach WITHOUT Bethenny for Skinnygirl. "Drink Like a Lady".....

    Not sure how that will impact her income from that relationship.

    I hope Jason gets a lot of custody of the baby---she will need a lot of normal in her life to balance out her unhappy needy mother.

  23. Frufra, they actually live in NYC.

    I too hope this isn't true. He looks at her with such love in his eyes and it's so cute when he calls her Mama. I'd be happy with the gay rumors though. I think Jason had a sibling who died and he's the only child now. Giving his parents a grandchild is very sweet. I never cared for Bethenny's treatment of the in-laws. They seem like nice people.

    I know she can be a pain in the butt, but I still like her.

  24. I've been married for 10 years. It takes two- to make it work and to make it fail. If this is even true- Star, Enty? - I am sorry for them both. She made herself from nothing, & he seems like a good guy.

  25. @calif - ha! See, that's how out of touch I am - how funny! I only know about most of these reality folks because of CDAN.

    But I stand by my assessment of her outfit. She'd be downright trampy here in Mid-America :-).

  26. Radar reports divorce imminent and that she is with Skinnygirl Daily exec Matt Hesse. This relates to the show because Matt is the guy in the Aspen episode that the ski bums thought was her husband---

    Just saw this at TwoP---so that may explain why Jason's had a rough edit on the show this season.

  27. He's so blatantly gay... Took long enough

  28. Gay or straight he doesn't bother me, but I agree with 'omama' her endless whining about her childhood is unbearable.
    I am guessing it's done in an effort to make her appear sympathetic but to anyone that dealt with a toxic parent it's ridiculous!

  29. I hate this woman.

  30. That guy is going to get so many chicks when they split. Women love him.

  31. You know I liked them too...but I thought he was a little "off" and just put it to the cameras, so maybe there is more to the story. I think she is funny too., but then again my sense of humor is completely warped.

  32. I haven't watched since I saw him throw her a surprise bday party and she acted like an ungrateful bitch.

  33. I love her and if I had her body, I'd dress like that too!

  34. I DVR the show and watched it last night, she was sooooo painfully thin it was all I could see. She has been wanting to move to LA and he did not want to leave his P's, she is starting some talk show, I assume in LA, so timing is good. If she hooks up with the guy who is already running some of her business that is what she wanted so everyone is happy.

  35. I got a soft spot for Bethany because she has the same birthdate (11/4/1970) of my dead high school boyfriend. I know it's weird. Anyway, I saw the show all she kept doing was shopping. That's all she talked about was money and shopping.

  36. He has a stupid last name.

  37. I like her, a lot. She speaks her mind and is a no nonsense kinda girl. Plus she works hard at improving herself. I always found Jason very childish, petty, two-faced, and very passive aggressive. He's not a 'catch' and good riddens for her. Too bad she still has to interact with him, due to the child, and too bad the child looks so much like him.

  38. The surprise bday party behavior was the last straw for me too. She's horrible.

  39. I'm guessing the haters haven't read her books, watched her show, or know her from the RHONY years, or know anything about her other than from reading goss. She's self made, self depricating, can laugh at herself, has a huge personality and mouth and knows it, knows she is not flawless and is a BRILLIANT business woman. She encourages young women to be authentic and true to themselves. Her food book helped me immensely, because I came to understand that it is impossible for me to eat like a normal person so I got help for an eating disorder. If she has one, which is unlikely (I think she is naturally thin, and underweight because of her lifestyle, but is the first to point out when she is too thin) the last thing ANYONE has a right to do is comment on it, or glibly refer to purging or bulemia like it is something a person can control or a reason to judge someone. I get that this comment section is meant for snyde and sassy commentary, sometimes it's mean JUST to be mean, and judgey JUST to be judgey...I doubt this was an arranged marriage (I think her original hater, Omorosa, started that rumor, along w/ the Jason Hoppy is gay rumors, and really, why would anyone listen to that monster?)so if it is a divorce, how sad for everyone involved. Divorce is never easy, clean or the first choice - especially when kids are involved.

  40. I like bethanny. I know she can be a horrible bitch but at least she will own up to it! Besides on the real housewives of ny show she had to deal with that nut kelly. I like jason and think he is a good man but maybe they werent the right fit for one another. I remember seeing her life story on the E channel and she has a history of fucking up good relationships.

  41. Please stop making these people famous for doing nothing.

    Star = (e.g.) Charlize Theron, Kirsten Dunst, Zooey Deschanel. Actual actors, seemingly interesting people, somewhat private, good clothing models.

  42. i only read about her/him/them, on here. but just wow. how weird to do all this just to be famous. getting divorced is no fun. if it was a real marriage this will suck the life out of them to have it filmed. poor baby.

  43. I agree that I think the game/$ probably has changed her but I'm with Nina in that I find her self made status pretty admirable. To go from nothing to the empire she's created is pretty impressive and fairly different from the other RH who have ridden the coattails of their successful husbands. I think it's sad they are divorcing but I never saw Jason leaving the east coast. He is way too close to his parents for that. Sad for Brynn. I wonder what Ellen thinks about all these rumors (the Situation, divorce, etc) since dhe's backing her show?
