Be A Celebrity - Save A Life; Mila Kunis & Dustin Hoffman Join The Club
There is another merit badge for being a celebrity in 2012. You have to save the life of someone. If you do not save the life of someone in 2012 to show that you care about someone more than yourself, you are subject to having your celebrity status revoked. So, Patrick Dempsey made it on the board early and now in the past week, two more celebrities have ensured they will maintain their celebrity status through the end of next year. First, in London, Dustin Hoffman stayed with a man who had a heart attack while jogging in Hyde park. The man had collapsed and Dustin rushed to his side and called 999 and waited by his side until the ambulance arrived. The man, Sam Dempster, thanked on his blog, medical staff and his new friend Dustin Hoffman.