Friday, April 06, 2012

Your Turn

I saw today that apparently I can bring back out my boat shoes from back in the day because they are cool again. Granted, mine are a little worn and are basic brown and the laces are brittle and broken in places and not this brand new one above. But, still, my decision to hold on to them for so long has been validated. Any idea when paisley is coming back because I have some boxes of that stuff. So, today I want to know your favorite style memory. That piece of clothing or nostalgia from your youth that has gone out of style but that you remember fondly. It can be clothes or your pet rock or your Atari.


  1. I remember as a kid in the 70's I had a pair of those "Earth Shoes." In the 80's as a teen I also liked the big chunky belts and leg warmers.

  2. Parachute pants and jelly shoes! I thought I was the SHIT!

    I'm sure I looked liked a big ole tool :)

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  4. My crimping iron! I actually hung onto my original one from when I was 5 until I was 20, but lost it in a move. How sad.

  5. Garanimals. I've never dressed well since then.

  6. 60's - In grade school I had fishnets to match every outfit. Sooooo cool.

    70's - Disco jumpsuits were fun, but hard to get out of in a peepee emergency after too many cocktails.

    90's - Body suits with tight jeans (that didn't zip barely above the hoohaw like they do now).

  7. OMG .robert - my husband and I talk about Garanimals all the time. I truly wish they had adult ones because I have no sense of style. I did love the style of the 80s. I guess I just miss fitting into trendy clothes. I am nostalgic for my thinner clothes. :-(

  8. OK, so some of us ARE children of the 70's. I would definitely bring back high waisted jeans. I'm seeing the bell bottoms but no sigh of high waisted pants. They were very flattering to your butt if you had a good one.


  9. I have a mood ring -- not a small trinket but one of those big original oval rings that looks like a cocktail ring or something -- and I wear it often, yesterday to work in fact. I wear it on my pointer finger (my index finger) because it's big and overwhelms my hand for some reason on my ring finger, and enjoy the different shades it changes to throughout the day. Meanwhile, I'm terrified of wearing the princess diamond ring I inherited.

  10. I have an extensive Swatch watch collection and I still wear them. I've bought a few on eBay ... some of the rare ones are expensive but the super gaudy, bright-colored, loud-patterned ones are cheap and they're my favorites. I rock them with my diamond bracelets, etc., and my friends think I'm nuts. :P

    Amy, wear that diamond ring! I'm a firm believer that nice things are meant to be worn. Get it insured (it's super cheap to add to your homeowners insurance) and rock it proudly!!

  11. I've always been a fan of boat shoes and my friends have always teased me about it.

    I don't know if I have a favorite piece of clothing, but I do remember trying to attempt pulling off a body suit in middle school and having to stuff my bra. (I did that a lot back then) When I was in high school, I used to wear shoes that had really, really thick soles. It was the late 90's and they were "in" (I think. I'm not exactly a style maven). My family always teased me about my Frankenstein shoes.

  12. I loved my madras blouses from the 60s.

  13. In 1989 I had a ton of pieces of Units. Anyone else remember these? They were tops, pants, skirts, dresses, jumpers that were all strecthy and interchangable. They had these matching stretch scarf/belt things you'd tie up the whole outfit with. So comfy. I would get mine from Macy's.
    Also in the late 80's the only jeans we'd wear were tight Guess jeans with the leg pegged and tucked into socks. hehe

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  15. When have boat shoes ever gone out of style?

  16. stacked colored socks over my pegged jeans

  17. yes RenoBlondee!!!

  18. Jordache jeans and Candies shoes, worn together. That combo was the bomb.

    My favorite pair of jeans now are bell bottoms. I got them new a few years ago. They look authentic.

  19. Every time I give something away it comes back....wish I had more room.

  20. Parachute pants! I had neon green ones that were the best! I'd never wear them now, but they were awesome back in the day.

    I also really miss Duck Hunter for Nintendo for some reason (which is weird because I'm vegetarian and a huge proponent against violence against animals). I think I just liked the gun that came with it. My husband and I were just talking about how awesome Nintendo was back in the day.

    Something I don't miss? POGS. Though I made some serious cash selling them on the playground.

  21. Ok i confess that I remember wearing Famolare shoes. I loved those wavy soles.

  22. My navy blue polyester palazzo pants. The waist had a white and a red stripe. I was 8.

    Oh, and Camp Beverly Hills oversized sweatshirt from the 80s.

  23. @dia papaya - you want THOSE to come back? You're joking, right?

    1. Yes I was joking! They were hideous and I looked ridiculous. The worst was my hair! Aqua Net all the way. Big bangs and permed to the max. Like totally!!!

  24. I remember the units-style clothing. There was a chain that sold it exclusively in the DFW area.

    Back in the summer of 1981, when we were having extremely hot weather, like 2 months of 100+ degree temps, my brother and I got an Intellivision. We could borrow cartridges from the library. We spent hours every day playing. Those were good times. We only had one TV in the house, though, so we couldn't play during my mom's "stories" (soap operas, lol).

    When my mother passed away last Fall, I found her mood ring from the 70's. Still works!

  25. Benetton rugby in green

  26. Dittos jeans and pants (the back seam was an upside-down U, up both thighs and upside-down U on the butt) made my butt look AWESOME! Also, Candies shoes, drive-in movie pants (two zippers on each side instead of one middle zipper). I was way HOT! lol

  27. Oh, how I love this post! I loved my Units too! I thought I was way cool with my side ponytail and matching outfits! I don't know if this was a small town thing, but I wore Guess Jeans, Espirit outfits, anything from Benneton! Oh and Z Cavorritchi (spelling?) jean skirts!!

  28. Pegged jeans and scrunched colored socks.
    I loved body suits, you could wear the hip hugger pants and not have your ass hanging out.
    I had the Dittos jeans too, great for your ass!

  29. I loved my Ditto jeans and I had a pair of white Ditto shorts too.

    Reminds me of when the guys wore Angel Flight pants. Sigh....

  30. My memorable outfit from the 80's was:
    Pink sneakers
    Yellow Pants
    White sleeveless top with the paint design on the front
    Pink loosely knitted acrylic scarf around my neck
    Pair of white earrings - one a fork, one a knife
    I thought I was awesome. Oh dear.

  31. i got the black tshirt that sharon stone wore to the oscars and felt so bad ass in that...still have it.

  32. I have a red paisley smoking jacket with a silk lining that I used to wear to Grateful Dead concerts. Very trippy. Still have it, and pull it out of the closet occasionally, but no more acid to make it go all swirly.

  33. I loved Love's Baby Soft Lemon. I wish they would bring it back. I liked smelling like a pretty lemon drop.

  34. Painter hats, oxford shirts and bandanas around my waist.....I couldn't get one around my waist now unless it was made with a sheet.

    Enty, you need to come south. Paisley and boat shoes are always in style. As well as plaid shorts and Pink Izod shirts. *barf

  35. I grew up on Tab. Every now and then I buy a 12 pack and get odd looks from folks.

    I still remember the fluorescent lime green outfit I rocked in thr early 80s. And the orange stone washed jeans I wore all through college. I don't miss the fluorescent outfit but wish I still owned those jeans

  36. Faded 501 Levi's with a white t-shirt, black blazer and my boots that looked like the Ralph Lauren pair that Molly Ringwald wore in the Breakfast Club, my purple mohawk and skinny braid in the back of my head and of course Raybans..I was in love with The Boss..still am. The hair was in response to my mother saying she'd be disappointed if I ever cut my waist length hair - the 80's -

  37. warmislandsun: I loved that fragrance too! You can find it here:
    This company bought out the original, so some people say the scent is a bit different-according to the reviews on amazon. Good luck!

  38. When I was a teenager, my mom made me a purple velveteen jumper (scoop neck, empire waist, flared skirt) that I wore with a lino-weave blouse in a very dainty purple & white floral print, with long puffed sleeves, a big Peter Pan collar, and a zipper up the back; later, when skirts got longer again, she added a big ruffle to the bottom. I loved that outfit...*sigh* (Can I admit that my fondness for those collars & sleeves during the '70s was at least partially inspired by Louise Lasser's outfits in Mary Hartman Mary Hartman?) I also remember the Famolare-knockoff shoes w/the wavy bottoms, knockoff blue suede Earth shoes, Skinny Dip Strawberry perfume (and if I get started on toiletries from over the years, I'll never shut up, so I'll stop now), etc. etc. etc. And then there were all the calico print dresses I made during the '80s & '90s that I wore all the time for years (no jeans for me!), w/an oversized men's suit jacket w/the sleeves rolled up, or a men's dark winter coat.

    Now if I could only decide what to wear now that I'm getting old & cranky...

  39. I had a white angel sleeved mini dress. 1967. High school.

    Loved it to death.

  40. White painters pants. Veddy '70's, veddy cool.

  41. Concert t- shirts and designer jeans. You had to get a t-shirt at a concert to wear to school the next day. I saved all of my shirts and my kids have been wearing them.

  42. Jordache & Guess jeans - yes! Also had a neon chartreuse sweatshirt that I just LOVED in the '80's. Shudder :)

  43. I loved Hyper Color shirts and anything neo-hippie worn in the mid to late 90's.

  44. Something I loved at the time, but my boobs are paying for now - halter tops.

    I miss my Joseph Ribkoff dresses from the late '80s/early '90s.

    My mood ring stopped working a loooong time ago.
