Friday, April 20, 2012

Worst Song Ever

I think I found a song that is probably going to be as popular as Friday and just as awful. The song is called Hot Problems and is two teens singing about how they have life rough because they are so hot that it causes them all kinds of problems. This could have been a parody, but it looks like they truly believe what they are singing and will probably be very famous and then crash and burn really quickly after 15 minutes. Rebecca Black, who "sung" Friday, she has not been doing a whole lot lately despite everyone saying she was going to be the next big thing.


  1. The concept is amusing, but the execution is flat.
    If the tune was catchier, it would be a fun parody song.

  2. i can't decide if my ear drums exploded or try to figure out why my 1 year old nephew ran from the room screaming-either way, this sucks.

  3. Also, it's funny that the video was produced by a company called "Old Bailey Productions".

    Let the "crime against music" jokes start...

  4. Weeelllllll, I don't know, it's cute and retarded I guess.

    At least they're not auto-tuned to death, just not talented singers.


  6. @Hunter- The sad thing is that the song actually is autotuned to death and still sounds this bad.
    I feel like they thought they could sound like Kesha. She's a pretty awful singer, and they sound so much worse than that.

  7. This was HORRIBLE... Makes me long for the "Friday" song, which I may now need to listen to in order to get this song out of my head...

    Hot? I think not.

  8. Say what you will about Rebecca Black and her song, but that song didn't make her sound like an obnoxious shit.

    This song is so awful.

    I've been sending it to everyone all morning.

  9. may the protools and autotune, along w/ the 'producer' of this atrocity auto-combust w/ the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns. #myearshurt

  10. This song seems like something Paris Hilton would release.

    The Friday song kind of grew on me. "Partyin' partyin', Yeah! Partyin' partyin', Yeah! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN!"

    Holy hell. The Ads by Google advert on top of the video is for free catheter samples. WTF???

  11. This is a joke though, right? This isnt serious, because they arent even singing.

    This isnt real. This is two girls looking for a quick 15 minutes. Right? Because this could be brilliant if they did this on purpose...

  12. At least Rebecca Black could sing even if it was a suck ass song. This was just horrible on all levels!

  13. @Sarah - No. No WAY!!! Really??? Dayummmmmnnn.

  14. 30 seconds, and I had to shut it down. I will not subject my precious ears to such drivel LOL!!

  15. This one pushed me over the edge..I now officially hate teenagers

  16. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I'm joining Jewels in not being able to listen to it all. But seriously, do they really think they are that good looking? Because they seem pretty average to me.

  17. They've been playing this on my morning show all week. Ugh.

  18. Ouch, that's bad. Friday kind of grew on me too!

  19. this is the most terrible thing i have ever heard/watched. oh my goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  20. Daily Grace and Jenna Marbles should do their own version of this song.

  21. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I heard the first 30 seconds of this "song" last night. 10 seconds after these stupid (and frankly average-looking) twerps started "singing," the pommies attacked the computer. When I pushed them away from it, they started howling. I concur with their assessment.

    Was this song written by Samantha Brick?

  22. Good LORD. They sound like Winona Ryder with sinusitis! Hot (not!) and with the intellectual acumen to quote Miley Cyrus, these girls have the personalities of wet socks. Talent to match.

  23. Dear Teenage Son,

    Please do not bring girls like this home to me.



  24. the sad thing is they did use auto tune and still they suck.

    and they are average looking. somebody's daddy had some money burning a hole in his pocket and is trying to make these average girls stars. it just doesn't work that way, daddy. esp. if for no-talents like these two.

  25. Man this is sad. Note to rich daddies - when Juniorette with No Ambitions in Life comes to you with a cockamamie idea of becoming a recording star, don't shill out the dough because you feel guilty for not spending enough time on her. Shill out the dough IF SHE ACTUALLY HAS TALENT WITHOUT AUTOTUNE (and no, don't trust the word of a sound engineer/music producer - they'll just be after your cash).

  26. This has to be a joke. Has to be.

  27. I think I saw this on The Soup a few nights ago and Joel said something really snarky about it.

  28. Holy crap that's embarrassing. When you make Rebecca Black look good you've got problems.

  29. Listened up to the 58sec mark.

    Once the girl on the right started quoting Miley Cyrus I had to stop because my brain exploded in a series of what the fucks.

  30. Anonymous1:07 PM

    LOL, Jasmine. You lasted almost 30 seconds longer than I did. Congratulations.

  31. ughhh terrible.

  32. Pookie, the producers posted a disclaimer along with the video: "Old Bailey Productions did not create any of the audio or lyrics for this video. We produced the video as a favor." In other words, "Please don't blame us!!!"

    Top comment on YouTube:


    I can hear the auto-tuning sound in some places too, but I think they just used it for reverb or something, because autotune used properly shouldn't sound like this. It's really not that bad if used sparingly.

  33. Haha, the Samantha Brick comment is right on.

    I don't get why this happened. It makes me feel bad for them.

  34. Hot girls DO have problems.

    They're tone deaf.
