Friday, April 27, 2012

Woman Wins $5.8M In Lawsuit Against Girls Gone Wild

Anything that can hurt Joe Francis' wallet just a little bit more is something I'm all for. Tamara Favazza sued Girls Gone Wild because she claimed that one of the producers had pulled down Tamara's top and filmed her breasts without permission. Tamara didn't realize this happened until about three months after her wedding when one of her husband's friends was watching porn and noticed Tamara. Tamara says she was mortified and that some of her family members shunned her. A judge sided with Tamara and awarded her $5.8M.

Here is what I think happened. Tamara was drunk at a club and she admits she was lowering her top a lot and the producer probably did lift the short, but Tamara did know she was being filmed and assumed no one would find out. When they did, she sued. Like I said, anything that takes money away from Joe Francis, I support 100%. I just think there is more to this story than we are necessarily hearing.


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