Sunday, April 01, 2012

Wilmer Valderrama Goes Public With Derek Jeter's Ex-Girlfriend

It looks like Minka Kelly and Derek Jeter have officially 100% this time they mean it ended their relationship and Minka has moved on with Wilmer Valderrama. She tried to move as low as possible on the skeeze meter but was not willing to move quite to the bottom rung with Jeremy Piven and instead hovers off the bottom with Wilmer. Meanwhile Demi Lovato now has voodoo dolls of Minka all over her room and is watching Friday Night Lights on a loop while cackling. Minka and Wilmer have tried to keep their relationship secret, but left their guard down in Australia where this photo was taken. Wilmer is spending the big bucks on her and took Minka to lunch at a food court in a mall where they had sushi. Sushi in a mall food court? Rolling the dice my friends, rolling the dice.


  1. Yeah and her purse is open. He isn't even paying for the three day old fish.

  2. In another photo from this set you see that she is the one paying for lunch, so she's not evening getting that out of it

  3. Enjoy all the as-yet unnamed STDs he has.

  4. I want that handbag!

    Trying to decide who's worse, Piven or Fez. It's a tossup.

  5. At least she's not a 18 yr old. She can do better!!

  6. Fez must be hung like a bull to get this much action.

  7. Well, their careers are about the same level...

    Isn't she too old for him? he likes teens.

  8. This guy has oily creep written all over him.

  9. Did everyone read the NY Post piece about Enty today?

    It was...interesting

  10. He is looking right at the camera. He wants to be seen with her. I feel like he is just trying to rehab his image away from dating barely legal (or not barely) teens to dating adults. SEE SEE I'M NOT A PEDOBEAR!!!

  11. Timebob could not agree more, also i need to find a way to drop pedobear in to conversation at some point.

    I think he looks so skeevy and dodgy in that picture it's creeping me out

  12. I've been say on here for a long time saying Enty isn't Enty.

    Come on guys...

    Left their guard down. The phrase is let their guard down.

    And in the post above, Amber instead of Amanda?

    Combined with all of the blind reveals, outings of gays.

    Not enough proof, besides the change in writing style. And the weekend posts.

  13. Yeah read the piece on CDAN, wasn't really impressed.

    A friend posted that Michael Jordan was just killed in a car accident, says he's not joking but I don't know. He said it was an AP story...

  14. Link to the story about Enty please? Can't find it on the NYT page.

    And didn't Minka deny she was dating Wilma Flintstone or whatever the hell his name is the other day?

  15. here you go jason

  16. Thanks izz.

    @Hunter - Found this about Michael Jordan:

    Could be an April 1st prank. If it is it's pretty fucked. We'll know as the day goes on.

  17. It's gotta be an April Fool's prank. There is no way in hell a reporter would have any info about a closed casket this early in the story. *eye roll*

  18. Apparently Ja Rule "Died" last night too.

    I hate this fucking day.

  19. If you scroll down to the bottom the website states that the story is fake.

  20. The NY Post article is interesting, indeed. Although, if I had a blog that, were I to reveal my identity, would most likely get me run out of town (if I was lucky to make it past the city limits), blacklisted, or sued down to the gold caps in my dental work*, I would definitely throw as many red herrings out as possible.

    And it's not exactly like the NY Post reporters are known for their intrepid reporting skills.

    * I'm sure your teeth are lovely, Enty, but it's all my sleep-adled brain could come up with on one cup of coffee.

  21. this NYPOST story on enty makes me sad. i wanna believe this site is true but also feel angry at being punked by some bored estate lawyer with a vivid imagination and free time purporting the tell us facts. most interesting is that it seems like the guess everyone had about the himmm being that virginia tg guy was wrong. poor dude but post said he's got lawyers so i guess he's pissed. it was probably enty doing it all along and making us think its rdj or the other guy.

    that sucks. i believe the post story because the callahan reporter - i read her other stories - seems very pro and even double checked the amber tamblyn story enty gave her. so she's thorough - guess she doesnt wanna get sued.

    i feel like most of the blinds are now made up and like i found out santa claus doesnt exist. i'm like sad keanu :-(

  22. The Leo blind is down after a call to hIs people...Could this be the biggest punk of all times - this site has been a fake for all these years? If so, this would be the worst April Fools Day ever - all those NYE and July 4ths where I checked my phone for the reveals...Could Himmmm be enty and the ultimate prank?

    The one happy note, himmmm had 4m's - guessing for the "4 people" that shared the account and the "intrepid"
    Post reporter only had 3m's...just holding out some hope here... :-(

  23. How Crazy Days and Nights fooled Hollywood

    Last Updated: 4:43 AM, April 1, 2012
    Posted: 10:52 PM, March 31, 2012

    So are all the "blind item" articles on CDAN fake? Just curious...

  24. I always assumed Enty wasn't an entertainment lawyer because of his spelling and grammar errors. Also, how would he have that much time or ask for donations? However, I did think he was legit with his info except this past week was too out there. I'm sad that this might be complete bullshit:(

  25. What ever happened to the radio show he was doing w/an ex-wife. He asked for donations, never listened - didn't it fizzle out almost immediately?!?

  26. I'm having a hard time believing this site is a punk on us all. I'm still going to play here.

    I begged Minka the other day to get away from this punk ass bitch. He's parasitic, crab infested slime. He oozes around LA until he finds a new pretty lady to fester on.

    It's too late now, Minka. He's oozed through your pores, into your inner being. Once he gets in your brain, you'll be a shell of your once self. Go ask Demi. And LiLo.

  27. I don't think this site is a punk, I don't know who or what profession enty is. I do know I sure never though he was 400lbs, 3x married living in his parent's basement. I'd be surprised if most posters did.

  28. @Jason Blue Eyes & Ivy -- thanks, you're right, it's fake. I'll just let his FB update sit there.

  29. I adore this site and the commenters. I never took anything to much to heart. The BIs and the commenters posting their own BIs makes for fun detective work. I love how people figure out from such minor clues what the answer is. I treat this like a game, sort of like the game Clue. I have no idea who's identity is in the envelope but have fun attempting to solve. I never cared who was really behind the curtain, and never attempted to peek.

    I adore seeing reader pics. I personally would be rather sorrowful if this website shuts down. Threats of lawyers and lawsuits means Enty made the big time.

    Just remember what Andy Warhol said, “Don't pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches.”.

  30. Its ashame that people just want to bring the party down. This is a cool site and i likes to read it for the gossip. I dont care if enty is a lawyer or whatever or if he really is himmmm at this point it doesnt matter.

  31. Ok so i read the ny post about the site. I think what was said about enty could be said about lots of blogs.

  32. If this is at the Sydney City or Bondi Junction Westfield the "Food Court" in both establishments aren't your run of the mill food courts. Not that I don't think Wilmer is a d-bag but I'd be more than happy to be taken their during a shopping trip.

  33. nolachickee, I surely hope it isn't a punk, because it would be the worst April Fool's ever!! The BI revealed to be Leo was so much fun. It made us all think of him in a different/better light. Just sad...this is the one sight that I have tended to believe the bi's. As I have stated previously, I do feel the commenters make the sight what it is, enty being an entertainment lawyer - yeah - sometimes you had to suspend belief due to legalities, but enty living in his parents basement - don't think so - them moving in w/him due to age or being snowbirds - easily believable!! Me caring who he really is or who himmmm is - no biggie - but please let some of these bi's be true!

    As for Minka? WHY!! Love the Pedobear comment Timebob!! :-)

  34. Posted on Enty on FB: "Great April Fools Day Pranks Part 3: ???"

  35. I never thought Enty was a 400lb basement dweller seeping on futon swelling booze and gobbling bacon.

    I liked the site, I liked the people who posted,and I enjoyed the game. I have no wish to look behinde the curtain.

    The buzzards seem to be circling, I hope this site does not end.

  36. Sorry ....Swilling booze.

  37. Please don't be an April fools joke cause I REALLY want that STD infested bastard to stay away from Demi Lovato.

  38. I think Wilmer is far worse than the Pivert, because he targets vulnerable young women. The Pivert seems to just go after the usual skanks.

    Snowstorms, the Leo reveal is still up. The Post story is a mess.

  39. U R Awesome Mooshki! You have put out quite a few fires today due to that rotten article! My personal hero of the maybe enty messed w/her because he had a feeling the story would hit today? That would be classic! Til tomorrow...lOl

  40. Did anyone believe Enty was any of that stuff? Does anyone see the blinds as gospel?

  41. I'm sorry...but I think Fez is one step below Piven. I'm shocked by Minka. I love and admired her. Thought she was so classy. I'm disappointed and have lost all respect for her. She just dropped a million pegs straight to the bottom. Once she's over her fling or whatever she has with Fez, she's going to realize it really hurt her career. He dated Lindsay Lohan. Need anyone say more.

    Of course her purse is open and she's the one paying. Fez is a non-working actor.
