Friday, April 20, 2012

Tyra Banks Fires Everyone

Apparently Tyra Banks heard that she could be cloned and have lots and lots of herself which is what she loves best so she fired everyone on America's Next Top Model. Talk about a bloodletting. Nigel Barker? Gone. He was one of the only reasons to watch the show. J. Alexander? Gone. Jay Manuel? See ya. Tyra of course says that she loved working with all of them, but she needs to keep firing people so no one can get more popular than her and also to keep costs down. Hire them when they are not famous so they are cheap and get rid of them once they are headed to a new contract.


  1. Keep costs down? That show must make money hand over fist! She's just an egomaniac. It should have been cancelled years ago.

  2. There's something really weird going on with that show. After the odd dismissal of Angelea in the last cycle--in which nobody accounted for whatever they found out about her (they usually drag the dirty business out for every girl; it must have been something that reflected bad on the show for them to remain silent) and then this cycle with US + UK girls? Where there was hardly any publicity and Tyra didn't even change the opening titles like she so loves to do? Andre Leon Talley leaving abruptly between seasons as well? Something's fishy, I say.

    And... I can't believe I notice this much about ANTM :/

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. But she's known for this. She fired Paulina and Paulina never knew what happened or why she was fired. She thought they were friends, and then out of the blue, Tyra just fired her. Trya also fired Twiggy. Who fires twiggy??? Twiggy is more famous than Tyra. Tyra is bat ass crazy. Tyra wants to be a Diva, yet wants people to think she's "One of Us". Her attitude actually reminds me of JLo...although I think Tyra is worse. She's a nasty, self absorbed piece of work..

  5. I'm so shocked Nigel is gone! I assumed she loved him. Wasn't he in it from the very first season?

  6. I cannot believe this show is going on.
    How come there are still girls willing to be on it? They have a better chance of making it as models by going to the agencies directly then subjecting themselves to a string of televised humiliations and Banks's absurd speeches.

  7. Actually, this sounds like a smart business decision. While I do like everybody she apparently fired, sometimes you have to make big changes to increase viewership. I don't know anybody who watches this show anymore. I also don't see/hear much about it on the interwebs. I used to love the show. Sometimes things get stale and you need to get creative. It's not like she can't find another photographer, stylist, and runway coach...

  8. In her defense the show is not working anymore, no one is watching it, something needed to change. Was this the right way to go about it? Probably not, but at least something changed and she will get a little publicity.
    This show needs to finish but she will run it into the ground until people stop letting it air.

  9. This is still on?? And to think I used to never miss an episode.

    Nigel, come on over to my house if you need a shoulder.

  10. Wha??? No more Nigel or Miss Jay or Jay Manuel? Those three have been with her from the beginning--I think, and if not, then for most of the show's life. Bad move, Tyra. Crazy-ass bitch.

    Yes, I'm flippantly using the word "bitch." I'm a woman who feels no need to pull punches, especially when it comes to spoiled egomaniacs who choose to live in the public eye. :)

  11. She just got rid of the main 3 reasons I watch that show (well, not Nigel so much anymore, he's kind of arrogant and skeevy now). Jay and Jay were great and brought life to the show because they interacted with the contestants the most. Honestly, it has become stale and it does need to end. I think this will kill the ratings not help them.

  12. It's not the Nigel's or the Jays' fault that the show isn't doing well- it's Tyra and the rest of Bankable Productions who are at fault for thinking up stupid gimmicks each season. When they announced that there would never be another "normal" season I was pleased. I thought they would do another petite season or a plus-sized season or even an all-male season. But instead, they thought up US vs. UK. Really? Tyra must be out of her right mind- first that cracked-out Modelland book and now firing the people that made ANTM great? Whatevs. Stepping down from my soapbox now...

  13. I am still watching this show. It's my guilty pleasure (I say, as if I only have one of those *L*), but I'm not sure what they can do without those three. Runway coaching with Ms Jay is one of the highlight of each season and he is awesome when he joins the panel for judging. And noted fashion photographer Nigel Barker is just hot.

  14. She might not be a phone-thrower like Naomi, but she's horribly self absorbed. I always cringed when she'd have to tell an anecdote to make a moment all about her, and usually show some stupid over-the-top pose. If she was so great, she'd still be modeling, like The Phone Thrower is. Granted, she might be making more money than TPT but she's delusional. And she must be hell to live and work with.

  15. This will no doubt be its last season. Hey Tyra, it's YOU, YOU are the reason the show is failing. Get some meds for your ego before it burns down a fucking city.

  16. I can't believe she got rid of the Jays! They were the best part of the show. That's like PR firing Tim Gunn.

    They should start their own show, on Bravo maybe.

    And if you mention Nigel, you must say, "noted fashion photographer", like Maja did, in the weird ass faux accent Tyra uses.

  17. i never watched the show because tyra is very annoying to me. But im never surprised when a model acts self absorbed!

  18. Noted fashion photographer Nigel Barker AND Miss J are gone? Oh, hell naw. I'm never watching again.

  19. Funny it is always women who get called a bitch if they do something like this - but if a man did it who cares. Tyra has managed to be pretty savvy and may be egotistical, but it is her butt on the line and she has the say so. Only time will tell. I watch the show mainly because I love the photography and the final images are amazing at times.

  20. I've loved this show I think since season 2 or 3. I love hearing the advice they give the girls. Some challenges are dumb but whatever. I love seeing the photos get critiqued and I take mental notes.
    Miss Jay is insane on the runway and I wish he had more airtime bc everything out of his mouth is amazing advice.
    Jay Manuel is great too on the photo shoots. Not sure about his fashion line, maybe if I was 11...
    Nigel is just hot. I like that he's a bit tough on the girls if they pick up on Tyras divaness.
    Kelly Cupone? is desperate to be on tv. I just don't get her but she does know what makes a good photo so I like her critiques.
    The British thing is the stupidest idea Tyra could have done. Of course they had to create a PSA on bullying last week. Cheesy.
    Tyra barely interacts with the girls, that's why they scream when she walks into the house. When she is there, she is brilliant with her advice and I'm not being sarcastic. I do love when she does her anecdotes and does a quick pose bc she really is amazing. If you're really good at one thing, you're going to lack in another. So she's a great model but bad personality. Einstein is said to have been a huge introvert.
    I'm mad bc the Jay's and Nigel were always there and they are part of the show as much as Tyra is. I may not watch if she puts herself on the air more.

  21. I'm assuming she'd fire anyone that was more popular than she is.

  22. Tyra is the worst thing about her show. I watched an episode last night. Booty tooch? Are you kidding me? Where does she come up with this stuff? And she apparently has no idea how incredibly STUPID she sounds. And she has a degree from Harvard? Please. You bought your way in and out, girl. And I heard "booty tooch" was the subject of your Harvard thesis...

  23. I just want to know do any of these girls think they can be actual working models?

  24. She just killed her show. She should have fired the producers coming up with the lame ideas not the talent.

    Whether she's a bitch or not is irrelevant to me. I HATE when a man or woman does crappy stuff like this and says it's not personal, it's business. You know what? Fu*k that!!! A) Don't you have enough money already? and B) I wouldn't want to work for an asshat like that anyway!

  25. Timebob, we have her to thank for Peter Brady's third wife, the 1st winner of ANTM, who had a huge falling out w/Tyra right about the time she did Surreal Life...Adrienne Curry had more publicity @ the time and I think it killed Tyra. I used to watch it w/my nieces as they all wanted to be discovered by Tyra...yuck! The girl who won season 2 was from Jax. FL, which is why I started watching and she has continued to model. A few have gone into acting, but none have become supermodels...I have actually watched quite a few episodes this season - Nigel - the noted fashion photographer is just YUM! Jay Alexander can pull off lavender hair pretty darn good - unlike Kelly Osborne - but that Kelly WhatsHerFace? Bring back Janice, Twiggy, Paulina...that woman looks like she still had her witch costume on from Halloween!!

    Okay okay, I don't even like this show and I just wrote a book - so that is the reason it will be on the air for many more seasons, ugh!! Craptastic tv, but the majority of models on it remind me of little girls who still believe in fairy tales, and I can't help but root for them!!

  26. I never really watched this unless it was a marathon or something. That "Smize" episode KILLED me, i hope someone on here has seen that one, christ. it was terrible and embarassing. if i were one of the contestants, I would have walked off the set forever.

    1. My friends and I have "smized" for years!! I never knew God/Oprah's little sister Tyra invented

  27. Have you seen that show in the past couple years? FUBAR. Has nothing to do with modeling anymore. Tyra's insane -- I mean batshit crazy.

  28. My niece made me watch one episode. Tyra drives me nuts, I don't like anything about her.

  29. I agree with FS, Mr. Jay, Ms. Jay and Nigel made the show because THEY still interact with the girls although Nigel has become a huge jerk in last few years.

    The new woman on the panel is really a nasty piece of work and Tyra is non existent on her own show until she shows up for the judging panel.

    It time for ANTM to end.

  30. Too bad. The best thing about this show has been Miss J, Jay, and Nigel (who might be skeevy but has a good eye for modeling talent).

    I haven't watched much of this season for unavoidable reasons. I don't suppose I'll even attempt to watch next season.

  31. Now if she would only fire herself.

  32. I couldn't even watch this season it just makes no sense. I've only ever seen a few of the models in magazines. Every year it just seems to be a different group of girls who look similar to previous seasons.

  33. Tyra Banks is a nut. I realized this for certain when she dressed up in a superhero costume and proclaimed herself "Super-Smize". I mean...come on.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. The first season (with Adrianne Curry) wasn't so bad. Tyra had her crazy reigned in pretty well and the show was cool. However, the crazy got progressively worse and I stopped watching the show with the All-Star season (Pot Ledom anyone?) The Jays and NFP Nigel Barker were the highlight of the show.

  36. But she's keeping that cunt Kelly, who drove me away from the show after watching every single "cycle" from the beginning. Stupid, stupid, stupid Tyra. I guess that "business degree from Harvar" was as much a piece of crap as we thought it was. Nigel and the Jays were not the problem.

  37. Oh, and the big problems with the show began when they fired all the writers when they dared to have the nerve to go on strike.

  38. My wife is going to be crushed that Nigel is gone.

    This season hasn't had much Miss Jay on it at all. I hate the UK vs. US schtick of this season, but some of the UK girls are really good. Also, I've gotten into watching some of the video blogs of the contestants this season.

  39. Nigel was the only reason I watched ANTM. Tyra is a classic narcisissist. She needs help. No wonder she cant keep a man,shes too in love with herself!

  40. I am also still watching and if is is true then it makes me sad. I was sad when Andre left and now the main players in the show are gone too. But we don't know the real story the 3 of them maybe felt that they didn't want to renew their contracts because they have other things going on that they need to focus on. I'm on and off about Tyra, for example her getting rid of Azmarie was a total ego thing she only got booted cuz she wouldn't put on the fake bum pad nothing to do with her ability yea she was cocky but still...

  41. Agreed, Nigel and the jays were the best part of the show. I hope they move on to bigger and better things. Who wants to refered to "noted" every week. I always felt like she was so condecending to nigel with that line.

  42. I think it'll turn out that these performers' contracts were multi-year -- and that the upcoming year included a major increase Tyra didn't want to pay. Remember this is a woman who forced her talk show production staff to move from L.A. to NYC at their own expense, served them McD's at their Christmas party with no bonus and then cancelled the show a year later.

  43. This show is STILL on? What channel? wtf i notice posts on this every once in a while i just thought it was about random syndicated episodes lol....

    Bitchy move, but amazingly smart business wise. When women show little emotions in the biz world they always get madd shit.

  44. I love this show but I'm with the author- Nigel, Ms. J and Mr. J made the show, not Tyra. No one would miss Tyra. She better be bringing Tyson Beckford or some other eye candy to replace Nigel or she's toast. I personally think people like Asmerie (the androgynous girl with the shaved head on the US vs. UK season) on the show just to cut them and make examples. No way that girl would've just flopped over, and she was never really into it anyway. Tyra brought her on the show to put fear in the other girls and future girls. That whole "one minute you're #1 but if you defy me you're out!" nonsense. Well, we will see what happens. If this is true what the author says I'm extremely disappointed and I don't care what it costs, you don't cut people who have been by your side since day one.

    BAD MOVE TYRA, bad move. You'll never be able to make up for those three .

    1. Asmerie said at the end "Tyra (funny how my phone wanted to auto correct with Tyrant) found me amidst my journey and allowed me to platform and keep going". They worked out some kins of deal. Asmerie probably didn't wanna do the cheesy show but had no problem chillin with those girls for a while and getting her face out there and in return Tyra got to make an example of her.

  45. Tyra didn't even change the opening titles like she finances so loves to do? Andre Leon Talley leaving abruptly between seasons as well? Something's fishy, I say.
