Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Talk Show Host

This national television talk show host has a perceived reputation of being super nice and always smiling. That is what is shown to the public anyway. There have been one or two public slips, but were quickly swept under the rug. Working for the talk show host is nothing short of oppressive.

Our talk show host only speaks to people on the show that are within the inner circle and does not bother to learn any name unless required to for the show. Our host will yell at the drop of a hat.

A hairstylist was fired for recommending hair products to the host. Our host wants no products and if you mention any, or that the host needs them, you are fired. Oh, and when the hairstylist was fired, her bag was checked to make sure she was not stealing any of the supplies.

That hairstylist was hired because the host's previous hairstylist was fired after it was discovered he was HIV+.

Our host regularly begins drinking shortly after the show tapes, and sometimes has a taste before it tapes. Most nights, the host passes out drunk.

Our host acts as if they are not vain, but their face has numerous plastic surgery scars from lifts.

The crew has a tough time finding replacements because no one wants to work for the host. One crew member was offered a great job on the show and told them he would rather file for unemployment than work for the talk show host.

Oh, as for our host's significant other? They are eternally grateful each night when the host passes out drunk because the nice act on television does not extend to the homefront either.


  1. Sounds like Letterman to me.

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I was thinking Letterman, too. But did he have any plastic surgery?

  3. Anderson, only because of the term "significant other" as opposed to gf, wife

  4. I don't think Letterman has a reputation for always being nice and smiling, though.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i'm just going to say rachael ray.

  7. I don't think this is Letterman. He is well-known for being very supportive of his staff. During the strike, he was given special dispensation to start filming again because he was willing to meet union demands. Also, he is a recovering alcoholic and is pretty open about discussing and joking about his problems.

    He may be an ass when it comes to the women is his life, but I don't think this is him.

  8. I dont ever think of Letterman as always smiling...he has that hilarious fake smile that he does though. Plus plastic surgery? Doesnt seem to fit. No clue who it could be, I am not up on the current late night hosts.

  9. My hunch is that it's a male host, because Enty is very careful not to give away any genders. Female talkshow hosts must out-weigh male, right?

  10. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Rachel Ray is known for being mean to her staff and a big phony. I know she had something done to her face, as she always has a surprised look on it. I'm not sure if it's her...

  11. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Conan is a good guess. Hence the "hair" and "hairstylist" comment.

  12. Also, being against hair products comes off as a male thing, to me. Unless it's someone who doesn't need them (is Whoopi still on The View? She has dreads.)

  13. Ellen?????

    I hope it's not Anderson.

  14. Carson Daly looks like he's had some nips/tucks on his face...

  15. Rosie O'Donnell? I know her show got canned, but she strikes me as a super pain in the ass and the total antithesis of her onscreen persona.

    Don't know if she's a drinker, though.

  16. Matt Lauer.

    I originally thought Al Roker, but the hair products thing? No.

  17. I know Conan's assistant personally, it's definitely not him. He's extremely nice in real life.

  18. I read this as a female host but I don't have any guesses.

  19. My first thought was Regis Philbin.

  20. Kathie Lee?

    I think Cohen is a good guess.

    As for Rachel, the only place I've ever read that she's so mean to her staff was in comments here.

  21. I like the Rachel Ray guesses. As I read this, I was thinking Conan or Jimmy Fallon.

  22. Doubt it's Conan. Met one of his show's editors over the summer, and we talked about him. She also told me Letterman was very friendly, a nice guy.

    "One or two public slips" - who has made headlines for being a jerk?

  23. I hope I am wrong, but what do you guys think about Jimmy Kimmel?

  24. This is a talk show host reputed to be super nice and always smiling. I'm afraid this might be Rosie or Ellen. I don't watch her show, though the always smiling part matches Rachel Ray even better.

  25. It's Ellen. I always thought of R.Ray's show as a cooking /talkshow. Is Rachael even old enuff to have several lifts?

  26. Wendy Williams has always been upfront about depending on wigs.

  27. I'm going with Julie Chen.

  28. It's sounds like its a late night show bc the host is always passed out by the end of the noght.

  29. I'd go with Rachael Ray.

    As annoying as I find Leno's show, I've actually met him a couple times, and he was gracious and funny.

  30. Its definitely not Ellen. My friend has worked for her since she got her show and is very well liked by her staff.

  31. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Wendy Williams?

    her TV image is a complete 180 from her raunchy radio days...

  32. Conan obviously has no problem using hair products, not to mention the fact that he has an extremely loyal cast (to whom he is also very loyal - he paid their salaries and negotiated a severance package for staffers after the Tonight Show debacle).

    Ellen, on the other hand, I've heard she's a bitch.

  33. I could totally believe it is Ellen. I think she's probably quite the bully. That's kind of how she sounded in Kathy Griffin's book. And that time she'd adopted a dog, then gave it away, then the place she got it from said she had to give it back to them, and she cried on her show...that was a real bully move. She tried to make that animal adoption place out to be evil or something.

  34. It's not Conan. Truly.

    I'd say Julie Chen but does she have a rep for being nice.

    I love the Matt Lauer guess. Good one!

  35. I actually like the Ellen guess (partially because I don't like her). She's married to Portia, though. Does that change the "significant other" title?

  36. What about my "beloved" Oprah?

  37. I think Rachel too.
    Remember the coment about the blow job queen aka Giada?

    Also look at pics from her FHM spread, when she was at her hottest and look at her pics now. The eyebrows are way up high

  38. Kelly Ripa??
    maybe someone was offered the co-hosting position and they refused cause no one wants to work with her?

  39. Piers Morgan or Bill Maher would be my guess

  40. Lauer does kind of have that Mommie Dearest, could-snap-at-any-moment vibe.

  41. Oprah (public quests for weight loss), Kelly, Rachael, & Giada don't come off as trying to act like they don't care about their looks. They dress cute (relatively speaking), and wear makeup, current hair styles, etc.

  42. As I was reading this it screamed Tyra Banks until I got to the last paragraph. I'm kind of surprised no one mentioned her yet.

    She has a rep of being a pain in the rump to put it mildly. Also black woman tend to be picky about their hair and what they use on it. Which could be the hair product reference.

    I really don't want this to be Ellen because she seems like a decent person.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. @sifichick I have a friend that worked on a Tyra show, and they said she's every bit as high maintenance and nutty that you hear. She refused to interview with anyone other than the top person running the show, and she didn't want crew making eye contact with her.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I initially thought Rachael Ray, but it sounds like it's a late night host.

  47. I've heard Letterman can be totally crouchy.

    The only person I can think of that Smiles all the time is Jay Leno. He seems like a nice guy.

    Maybe it's Jimmy. I was actually on the Jimmy Fallon show last year, and I was told when I was introduced, only to say my name and where I was from and nothing more or Jimmy would get angry.

    I think the sex of the Host and sex of the SO isn't mentioned, so as not to give the host away too easily.

    I also don't think it's Ellen. My friend is close friends with her and she's said to be really, genuinely sweet.

  48. I hate to think it because I love her, but I'm leaning towards Ellen. I also think the blind is carefully worded because it is a female.

    I was getting a mean vibe from Ellen on "Bethanny Ever After" last night. Ya, I know it's Bethanny, but still, it was more of a look in Ellen's eyes that surprised me and the overall vibe of her staff too. Also, wasn't there something not long ago about Portia and Ellen not being quite as happy as we thought?

  49. The drinking made me think of Kathy Lee. I will go with her.

  50. Chelsea Handler.

  51. Ellen or Rachael Ray sounds a good shout.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Dr. Oz pretends he's not vain but..look at him. I thought Ellen first though. The clues seem to fit.

  54. Not gender specific. I think this is a woman. I'm with
    Secondcitykid Wendy Williams

  55. There are way too many hosts on TV and not enough clues as to whether it's daytime/nightime or male/female.

  56. I think this is Rosie O'Donnell. She was at one time the "Queen of Nice". She definitely purports to be the opposite of vain, not caring about her appearance, but I can totally see her actually having stuff done.

  57. Piers Morgan? He was the first to come to mind. I can kinda see him being a jerk and the press has picked up some of his off-color comments a time or two. Plus I can see him knocking back a few before or after his show. Just a thought there though. BTW, first time commenter. I'm totally addicted to this site! I look forward to sleuthing through the blind items everyday while my baby boy is napping :) My one moments peace of the day!

  58. I too was thinking Ellen while reading it, but yes she and Portia ARE married, but it is worded very specifically and I was thinking a Lesbian couple.

  59. I'm going with either Rachel Ray, or Kathie Lee.
    Oprah did have a policy that if anyone from her staff stared at a guest, celebrity, they'd be fired, because she said, that celebrities get stared at all the time, and it wasn't going to happen when they were a guest of hers.
    So, it's possible that's it's Oprah, or Rachel R. pulling an Oprah.

  60. Hasselbeck or Rosie?

    Can't stand Hasselbeck. Idiot.

  61. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Whoever this is needs a swift kick in the ass, pronto.

  62. @2flower - Hair care products in reference to a bald guy. Don't think Dr. Phil fits the bill here.

  63. Ellen! that's why the blind is carefully worded to avoid being gender specific. Ellen could identify as he, she, or neither. Portia is "significant other" instead of the traditional "wife".

  64. Not Wendy Williams. As someone said, she's up front about her wigs and she also discussed her past as a crack addict when Whitney Houston died. Rachel Ray and Chelsea Handler seem plausible.

  65. This is not Ellen. Since when does Ellen have scars on her face from plastic surgery? I mean really?
    It seems that when someone is actually nice, there's always a person trying to find something to bitch about...

  66. I read this as Kathy Lee but I think she's already known for an attitude but I'm not sure she's known for smiling.
    NO WAY it's my beloved Jimmy Fallon. He's too giggly to be mean!
    I like the Tyra guess. You know what the clue is? Always smiling. She's known for her "smize" the smiling with her eyes that she teaches all her Top Models.
    I like a black woman for the guess since hair care products are mentioned. (I'm in the beauty industry and I've learned that as a white girl I will never know as much as any black girl about hair)

  67. I think Letterman. Have you seen his hair? Ever???

    Not Ellen - everyone raves about her. Besides, her significant other, Portia, has plenty of money to get out if she was being treated poorly.

  68. I think a significant other implies neither married or unmarried. It's just a phrase that's used when you don't know if a couple is married or not. So it could be Letterman (married) or Oprah (not married but in a relationship). Although it being Oprah would not surprise me. She has a show on OWN now, doesn't she?

  69. What about Hoda? Recently she had some kind of problem with the craft person, but they wouldn't discuss it, and kind of glossed over it.
    It was about 2 months ago. And she is really known for being nice.

  70. Matt Lauer has no hair so I don't think its him. Although he sounds like quite a diva on occasion, i.e. Viera's non-event divorce comment, complaining about his current co-host, etc. Kelly Ripa? I can't see Anderson firing someone who was positive. Brian Williams? Piers? Chelsea?

  71. Oprah? I have heard she runs an oppressive "empire" and is a diva in real life and acts like Hollywood royalty.

  72. Ellen is written all over this.

  73. Nic Cage fired his hair stylist for same health issue (movie after Weatherman). Plus his entire circle for that matter...

    Total DRUNK!!!

  74. What hair product does Matt Lauer use? He might not be Al bald, but he's pretty damn close.

  75. "This national television talk show host has a perceived reputation of being super nice and always smiling."

    In what universe does this describe Letterman?

    I'm leaning towards Ellen.

  76. I hope this is Piers Morgan. Not that he has a reputation for being nice or anything. But he does have that enormous Fox News Corp / Rupert Murdoch scandal in the UK going on that he's managed to sweep under the rug. Pompous self-absorbed, condescending uber tool. Wouldn't be surprised if he's vain as well.

  77. JENNY JONES!!! (circa 1991)

  78. this screams rosie all the way!

  79. Ellen Ellen Ellen. She's a monster!

  80. Ellen! I've heard she is definitely not as nice as she seems.

  81. I'm thinking this is a man. The blind says that the host doesn't want any hair products.

    What woman on TV doesn't use hair products?

  82. *Last question was rhetorical.

    I think its Jimmy Fallon.

  83. I love Kelly Ripa Consuelos, but I felt like this blind was her as I read through the clues. I have heard maybe one or two bad things about her and that is it. Regis left in November and STiLL no co-host? She works out like crazy and makes a point of mentioning a few names on the show, but I can see that as a cover. She talks about Botox - maybe - but if you look at her features since she was on AMC - there are subtle changes that is not just the loss of baby fat and someone w/very little fat on her body. She has never had a boob job, but maybe she thinks that slight nips and tucks will go un-noticed?!? I could be completely wrong, but this is my best guess for now.

  84. Jay Leno with his big smile or Jimmy Fallon.

  85. I agree with past posters, I too know a person who interned/paged? for Conan and he knew her name within a week and gave the interns (who were only there for 6 months) gifts, so unless he's has a recent personality tranplant its definitely not him.

    Not Letterman- he was very supportive of his crew, that doesn't fit

    Not Rosie- she was the Queen of Nice a very long time ago, everyone knows she is not like that IRL once she started blogging.

    Also don't think anyone would be shocked to hear this about Oprah or Rachel Ray.

    I think this is totally Ellen. She fits the you wouldn't believe it/alter ego/super nice bit to a tee. She clearly uses product in her hair. Her face does look like she could have had work done like facelift, look at the edges. And I think the "SO" term could mean married or long-term relationship it doesn't exclude married people "traditional" or otherwise IMO. Sadly I think Ellen FTW.

  86. Conan is one of the nicest guys in the whole entertainment industry. This is so not him.

  87. *transplant

    What woman wouldn't want you to say she needs hair product... maybe someone with short spiky hair??

  88. Dr. Phil for the win!

    1. Yes, he does seem like a huge dick.

  89. TThat is good to know about Conan, I have always liked him. I like the Ellen or Dr Phil guesses..

  90. Wretched Ray! There use to be a whole web site devoted to discussing want a witch she is. Shortly after her "talk show" debuted, she found a way to have the site shut down.

  91. What Rasta said. Cannot stand Piers!!! Why do we need a snooty englishman on an american tv show? Begone, unpleasant human!!

  92. Ellen.

    Letterman already has his problems out in the open. I don't think the "super nice & always smiling" thing fits him.

    Leno supposedly has some skeletons in his closet too. + he always comes across as a pervy old letch when he has attractive female actors on.

    I don't know that Rosie is considered "super nice & always smiling."

    I don't see Oprah being a drunk. People usually abuse one type of substance. Oprah's is food.

    I could see Ellen being an alchie.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Not Rachel Ray. She has had the same hairstylest for year.

  95. Come on, HAS to be Chelsea Handler. She's a big boozer and clearly a mean girl in many ways....

  96. I'ver never had any illusions about Ellen being "nice" or even remotely pleasant. One thing -- she's got that big cosmetics commercial deal going and looks great in it -- that might be the results of surgery or other procedures.

  97. I was thinking Ellen until I read about the booze. Don't think so.

  98. Letterman had the full Zip (quintuple). No way would he drink until he passes out. Afraid of D'eath

  99. I think it's Matt Lauer. As for the hair products, they could be hair LOSS products, and I could see how a suggestion that he use them would piss him off. It seems like someone who's already insecure about his hair loss.

  100. I read this as Hasselback until the very end when I understood it to be a night time person.

  101. I'll go with Wendy Williams. She probably doesn't want hair product for her natural hair because she wears wigs. I listened to her during her radio days as she is a completely different person on tv. Google "Wendy Williams husband"and you'll find all kinds of dirt. Shes not shy of plastic surgery either. She publicized her tummy tuck and boob job.

  102. About Oprah and Chelsea Handler, is Oprah really known for smiling all the time? and CH as super nice? Or Hasselbeck? Plus no way she drinks daily. I also believe Ellen used to be really nice, but I used to watch her talk show and I could swear she experienced something very difficult, she doesn't seem the same inside and I'm convinced she's had work done. She was apparently very particular about the lighting on Idol.

  103. One thing I know about Ellen is that she's had plastic surgery to correct a turkey neck. She had one and then it disappeared. Those things don't go away by themselves...

  104. forgot "experienced something difficult around 4 yrs ago."

  105. Wow, nobody's guessed Maury Povich? He totally seems like the type to me. There are lot of other good guesses on here, but Maury's just my gut feeling.

  106. There is no way this is Ellen.

  107. What about Oz? Anybody got any dirt on him? He gives me the heebie jeebies.

    1. U right, fru, he does give ya the heebie jeebies, lol

  108. Tara, there was Ellen's "iggygate" incident in 2007. The hairstylist was heavily involved in that, too....

  109. I would say Kathie Lee, except as someone pointed out, it appears to be an evening/late night host. I'm stumped.

  110. I'm going to go with pat sajak of wheel of fortune. He's always super happy and he did recently discuss how he used to host the show drunk back in the days.

  111. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I haven't a clue, but I don't want it to be Ellen or Kelly Ripa because I love them both.

  112. Re-reading this, I agree with many that this an evening/late night show. It isn't limited to network though, there are many cable talk shows. I still think Cohen is the best guess. He is perceived as friendly and nice. I hope it's not Ferguson.

  113. Well the plastic surgery sounds like Julie Chen-her nose is such an odd shape and is very tight-ouch. She can not keep a steady staff although the smiling, not so much.

    Ellen as we know from her American Idol days was a very known "not nice" diva with all of her demands and was having a fit about the lighting! She was not invited back

    I am going to go with Chelsea because I know for a fact while she is out working on the road that she is a nightmare to deal with. Always drunk, treats the staff as if beneath her. My friend told me the staff was fighting about who had to deal with her as they were ordered not to look her in the eye! Please! She needs to take all the hair advice she can. I havent watched her since!

  114. Chelsea Handler is my guess. There have been other BIs about her being mean. My other guess is Anderson since he got busted doing a few things in the park.. i think it was maybe 2 years ago. It was quickly forgotten.

  115. It says, "begins drinking shortly after the show tapes....' So this is not a live show.

  116. My first thought was Katie Couric, that freakin' smile. I saw Craig Ferguson at the comedy club last year and I thought, omg he's three sheets to the wind immeduately. Then he started talking about his sobriety and I couldn't reconcile it to his vibe..

  117. I know a lot about late night TV and there's no way it's any of the big hosts: Letterman, Conan, Leno, Fallon, Ferguson, Kimmel. Fallon the only one I don't know THAT much about but it really can't be him. Jay's a weird guy but completely nice and hates confrontation. Conan is nice too. Dave's always been miserable, beats up on himself, not approachable, and cranky but hasn't drunk in decades, isn't an idiot, is known as a cranky dude, and plastic surgery? What a joke.

    Rosie's talk show has ended.

  118. After reading so many of the responses, there's too many possibilities. What about Greta..I like Greta, so I'm hoping not her. But she has had plastic surgery.
    I still think Hoda is a good guess, and Rachael Ray. Not sure about Ellen. I hope not. I like Ellen.
    Hoda has a thing about her hair, and she did recently get into a tiff with a guest craft person. She wouldn't talk about it.
    After thinking about it, I can't see Kathie Lee being that drunk all the time, or that mean to people...but then again , who knows. Hope it's not anyone above.

  119. Oh, and when did Anderson, get caught in the park? What was said about it?

  120. Wow. I don't get the Ellen hate.

    There is no f***ing way this is Ellen. She would never fire an HIV+ hairdresser and she hasn't had numerous facelifts.

    It's kind of hard to find someone who fits exactly. Craig Ferguson has been on the wagon for quite a long time and he talks about it openly.

    Conan seems way too nice. Letterman only sneers, never smiles. Fallon seems nice.

    As I read it I thought of Bob Barker, but he's a game show host, not a talk show host.

    I don't really know him, so I'm going with Piers Morgan. I can see him as a bit of a lush.

  121. I like the Tyra guess. I've mentioned before that I've had two family members on the show (years apart) & they both said she was awful. Never even addressed the guests except while the camera was rolling & made everyone sign confidentiality agreements about how the show 'works'.

  122. I don't think Andy Cohen has a significant other.....the drinking fits, for sure--but he does it ON the show not before and after, lol

  123. Oh, good point about the hiv+/ellen. I was just 'lilking' those guesses baded on reputation fitting the blind.

    No way Tyra has a reputation for being friendly, I dont think she fits either.

  124. I vote Ellen - I've heard she's a nightmare to work for. I chalked it up to the mysterious ways of the highly successful. :}

  125. Not Letterman. He is fiercely loyal to his staff and most of them have been with him for years.

  126. @happygrl said...
    Not Rachel Ray. She has had the same hairstylest for year.
    That's not a very long time. Wretched Ray is always trying to promote herself as "nice."

    The Big O has had André, her hairstylist, for almost 30 years.

    Chelsea Handler has never tried to appear "nice." She openly talks about being drunk on her show and being mean.

    All signs point to Wretched Ray.

  127. I hope this is revealed on July 4th but it probably won't.

  128. It's out in the open Tyra is a pain.

    Ellen could be a possibility though. She does try to have a nice image. She tries to be the opposite of Rosie O'Donnel. Like saying, "see I'm the nice lesbian."

  129. What about Nancy Grace?

  130. Ellen seems so sincere - I would hate this to be her. And it better not be Hoda. Love her. I like most talk show hosts so this one is hard for me.

  131. First off, I just want to say how disgusting it is that this host fired a hairdresser for having HIV. Does he/she seriously think you can get HIV from an infected person styling your hair? I can't believe some people still think this way. It's 2012, not 1991.

    Secondly: Tyra seems like a big enough diva to fit this blind for sure! She's also very nutty (witness her antics on ANTM.) But I think her talk show is on the air anymore so I don't think it could be her. She does hosts "America's Next Top Model" but that is not a talk show. Otherwise she would be my guess.

    I am pissed at Ellen for that crap with Iggy (the dog) and also think it's gross that she gave Justin Bieber a new car (teenage multi-millionaires do not need brand new cars). Not sure about the plastic surgery thing though. She does not look sucked and tucked.

    Does anyone still think Rosie O'Donnell is a nice person?? This blind would have fit her perfectly in the 1990s, but I don't think many people believe the "Queen of Nice" thing anymore.

    I hope it's not Craig Ferguson! He's the only talk show host that makes me laugh.

  132. Sorry. Meant to say I DON'T think Tyra's talk show is on the air anymore. (And it shouldn't be, since it wasn't very good.)

  133. Anonymous3:07 PM

    first I thought this was Wendy Williams but this sounds more and more like Oprah. if you recall during the first week of the Rosie Show they showed a clip of Oprah and Rosie drinking shots backstage. Oprah was slurpin' down those drinks...

    and compare O's face from the mid '90s to now...

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. No idea who it is but good points raised were

    - drinking during the show and passed out when they're home points towards someone on late night tv

    - hair products : probably a guy because as if women aren't at least using hairspray and if you're using hot tools often then you should be using a heat protector.

  136. There was this ...after Rosie's show was cancelled.


  137. Hmmm.... I thought the carefully gender neutral was pointing more to a woman... I hate the thought of it being Ellen, so I will stay firmly in denial-land. Let's go with RayRay since her reputation is sort of well known

  138. Maybe Enty doesnt realize we all know Rosie is the queen of mean. I cant see her firing someone for the HIV thing but the bitch I totally get.
    Ellen and Conan really are nice. Leno is kinda strange but a real person, knows how important his staff is. Letterman is up front with his diva side and appreciates his staff as well.

  139. Ellen is super mean. i hope its him.

  140. This is sooooooooo Dinah Shore.

  141. Chelsea Handler does not have a reputation for being nice. Rachel Ray is pretty perky on screen and has had a few scandals. Recently she was named in the Chefs with Ghostwriters hoopla. And remember this little ditty, http://www.tmz.com/2007/01/24/racial-ray/#.T3uDPu33DR0. This made huge news in 2007! I did originally think the person was from "The Talk" because of the title.

  142. To the Letterman defenders - I love you! I've had a major crush on that man since my teen years, and we're talking a decades-long crush here.

    My first thought was Olbermann - I love him, but he is a well-known ass and difficult to work with. :( But he was just let go from Current, so it can't be him.

    My 2nd thought was Matt Lauer. He smiles alot and seems charming enough. His hairline is getting thinner and thinner, so I can see someone offering some unwanted advice as far as that goes.

    I, too, wish it were Leno, but alas, it probably isn't. That guy is a sneaky little snake - a goody-two-shoes who will never get caught.

    It isn't Conan! It's just not, okay?

  143. Ellen....wasn't there a blind about Portia and Ellen fighting and on the verge of a break up?? Portia would be happy to see her passed out if the nice act doesn't extend to home...hair products might her appear too girly.

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. Plus Ellen can afford the best surgeon so surgery is not noticeable. She looks pretty good for 54.

  146. Craig Ferguson is a recovering alcoholic and I doubt would be drinking himself to sleep everynight. Nor is he known for being "super nice and smiling all the time"

    So, not him.

  147. Its rather known that Ellen is a wretched person to work with or for. Oh, and this post is actually tame...

  148. Forgot about The Talk. What about Sharon Osbourne? She seems like she could be nasty to people. Don't know her well but she seems like she can come across as nice when she wants to.

  149. I don't think it's Sharon Osbourne because she's always been very open about her plastic surgery. This sounds like someone who wants to cover it up. Plus considering Ozzy's years of substance abuse I seriously doubt she would drink every night til she passes out -- and Ozzy relies on her for everything (based on the old "Osbournes" show anyway) so I can't see him being happy about her not being available.

    The "not vain" part definitely sounds like Rosie to me. She is often photographed with no makeup but she just turned 50 and apparently freaked out about it, so it wouldn't surprise me if she'd had some work done. Plus there was so much dirt going around after her show was canceled.

    Definitely NOT Letterman, Kimmel, Ferguson or Leno -- they are all known for having incredibly loyal staffs. A bunch of the people on Kimmel's show are either relatives or have literally known him for decades. Many of Letterman's staffers have been with him since the NBC days.

  150. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Rachel Ray. My friend was in the studio audience and said she was a total bi-yotch to staff when cameras were off. And she definitely comes off as super smiley and friendly on her morning show...I can't even watch it, she's so fake.

  151. Good guesses. Loved reading them too. I'm leaning towards ROSIE because of the articles recently about her being hell on wheels on the set.

  152. definitely not Ellen...a friend works for her show and has nothing but nice things to say....sweet, generous person.

  153. The thing is, for every celebrity, there are always stories about how they're sweet and lovely and horrible and vile.
    Often these rumours start with fans who get them on a good day when they have time for a chat or autographs ('X is SO sweet!), and when they catch celebrities who are trying to be with family or are in a hurry and are therefore brisque or rude (OMG X is a bitch! I just wanted a photo!) you hear that they're really nasty.

    It can be the same way with staffers, though generally their impressions are more accurate. I don't think it's Ellen. She's had a lot of different scandals and I sincerely doubt she'd fire someone for being pos. Also don't see any evidence of surgery.

  154. Notice the clue does not say "spouse" but significant other. So that excludes Letterman, Lauer, Leno, Philben and Conan, all of whom are married. What about Bill Maher, Bill O'Reilly?

  155. I kept thinking Oprah while reading this cuz of the wsy the letter "o"" kept jumping out af me from every paragraph....
    "Our host"
    were used a lot in this blind, so imanago with Oprah.

  156. Rachael Ray and her manufactured perkiness.

  157. the no hair product thing makes me think Jimmy Falon, his messy hair is his "thing"

  158. I don't think the use of "significant other" means the person in question isn't married. I think it's more to include everyone, so that we can't narrow it down that easily. I'm married and my husband is my significant other. Before we were married and were living together, he was my significant other then, too. The use of significant other excludes anyone who isn't living with anyone, I would think. Like, I don't think Maher is, so it wouldn't be him.

    As far as the use of the phrase "perceived reputation for being super nice and always smiling," I think that means that the person is perceived as being super nice and is always smiling. In other words, we don't see them NOT smiling and we don't hear about them NOT being super nice. So if a host has a reputation for not being nice, then this is not about them. Looking at it that way, Rosie, and I guess Rachel since every other poster has stories about how horrible she is, are not the subject of this blind as they are not perceived as nice and, very specifically, have reputations for NOT being nice.

    That's another reason to rule out Maher, and also Olbermann, Bill O'Reilly, David Letterman ("always smiling? LOL), every female host of the View - ever, etc. I think people like Julie Chen, Kelly Ripa, Andy Cohen, and so on, who are all chirpy and happy are who we're looking for, and probably an evening host from the sound of it.

  159. Not buying Oprah for this blind. While I hate her guts and think she's the epitome of everything that's wrong with American celebrity culture (she seriously needs a whopping great dose of "tall poppy syndrome"), I do not see her being abusive to her significant other(s) because, while it's rumored she's a mega bitch to those people who are lower than her on the totem pole, she wouldn't be anything but sweet as pie to people she's shacking up with because she wouldn't move anyone in whom she wouldn't want to be sweet as pie to/with. In other words, I'm sure she treats Steadman like gold.

    I seriously believe this is Kelly Ripa. I can buy her being a drunk who hates just about everyone. I think she's an anorexic who starves herself so much that it plays with her moods, so she's bitchy, mean, and moody to just about everyone who crosses her paths. She probably controls those impulses with the most important people in her life, but I'm sure the fangs come out behind those people's backs too. I can also buy her being so stuck on the same hair products she's used for years that she would bitch someone out for recommending something else, being vain enough to have multiple plastic surgeries (this is something else I can't see Oprah doing), and being abusive toward her partner Mark Consuelos. Plus, as was pointed out before, it's been ages since Regis Philbin announced his retirement and she still doesn't have a permanent co-host. While I know it took awhile for Regis to find a replacement when Kathie Lee left the show, it seems to be taking a lot longer to find a replacement for Regis. A lot longer than it should.

    (Oh, and I would love to hear about who passed up that gig. Neil Patrick Harris would earn so many thousands of brownie points with me if he was the one who did so.)

    (And Chelsea Handler? Seriously, does anyone even think she's capable of being sweet to anyone? I've been exposed to her on TV for all of two minutes and even I sensed that she was a toxic waste of planetary resources. And terribly unfunny to boot. Why on Earth is she even on national TV? She belongs in front of a mic on amateur night, being booed off the stage before returning to her day job in some low-wage retail slave job. She isn't even fit to lick the heels of authentically funny young female comedians such as Chelsea Peretti or Jamie Andrews.)

  160. "Notice the clue does not say "spouse" but significant other."

    That's just Enty's way of keeping it vague - "significant other" can refer to a spouse, a boyfriend/girlfriend, a fuckbuddy, or whatever. It's just the person who's in their life.

  161. I believe it is Matt Lauer.

    On today's Today show Sarah Palin was co-hosting and at one point she joked about going into Matt's dressing room and stealing his hair care products. He responded by saying "technically, I didn't give you permission to be in there."

    If it's not Matt this is the biggest coincidence I've seen in a long time. Plus, Matt doesn't have the best history when it comes to his personal life.

  162. barbara walters? she is always so snippy with everyone on the view.

  163. Katie Couric, but then it is not a secret that she is not nice.

  164. I think if you drink that much your going to gain weight .... Drinking adds up the calories...

    As for the comments on this being Rosie...I don't think Oprah/OWN gave her show a chance not at all. I have read some of those comments regarding the Rosie show and they were made from Oprah staffers who did not like that Rosie brought in new staff for her show... who wouldn't? Right?

    The author Kitty Kelley wrote an unauthorized book about Oprah and basically paints a picture that Oprah is not as she appears to be, some very surprising stuff is reveled in the book unauthorized or not...

    I think Rosie got a raw deal from Oprah and it would be my guess because Oprah was loyal to anything her old staffers said or did since
    many were working on the Rosie show and they did not like the changes so she canceled the Rosie show.
    It was a good show if you ever watched it. While Rosie might not be titled the "Queen of Nice" as some have said she sure did appear nice and genuinely so on her show. I know this blind is saying appearances can be deceiving but
    I don't think you can fake that forever...and Rosie was pretty out there on every subject and opened up a lot about her personal life.
    She is very approachable, she has said she loves to shop at "Target" and even mentioned "Payless Shoes" for affordable shoes...She loves children and her kids are normal not spoiled diva's etc.In fact if you watched her show then you would know she talked about turning 50yrs old almost everyday...She was not freaked out about it...

    I do not agree this is the Rosie show...

    On the other hand I thought anyone of the hosts on "The View" could fit this...None of them come off as being nice. After reading the
    articles regarding the unauthorized book about Oprah I would add Oprah to mix for not so nice too.

    I hope this is not Ellen I do like her show too and for those who are saying it is her I wish you would provide examples instead of random guesses because if this is Ellen I won't tape and watch her show anymore nor will I shop at JC Penney's either since she is a rep for them.

  165. It's Ellen for sure. I've worked with a lesbian standup comic who told me Ellen is the meanest bitch in the world. And that her and that chick she's with hate each other.

  166. It's Ellen for sure. I've worked with a lesbian standup comic who told me Ellen is the meanest bitch in the world. And that her and that chick she's with hate each other.

  167. Def can't be Jimmy Fallon... my husband's band was on the show and Jimmy came by the dressing room to say hi and introduce himself. And I saw him go into the next dressing room for another guest afterwards--he was very nice and personable and I can't see him being the subject of this blind.

    I keep thinking this is a man (somebody summed it up earlier in the comments - @Jessie) - and with The Voice gaining in popularity, plus his own late night show, PLUS his "I'm not vain" but obvs plastically enhanced face - Carson Daly is my best guess.

  168. Watched the Wendy Williams show yesterday...still think it her.

  169. Oprah has had the same hair person for nearly the entire 25 years she was on the air so this isn't her. And Tyra and Wendy both wear/wore wigs, have Black stylists that no what to put and not put in their wigs so it's not likely them.

    And do you guys really think Ellen would fire someone for being HIV+?

  170. To be clear I don't hate Ellen but I just DO think this is her. And I don't think because you are gay that means you wouldn't fire someone for being HIV+, it's possible to be gay and a bitch/jerk/diva/otherwise badly behaved. I also don't think it's a late night talk show host based on the wording it seems like this person is drinking not in a short timeframe-- a "taste" before a late night show wouldn't be a big deal, and there wouldn't be much time to get wasted after, but a "taste" before a show like Ellen or Kelly Ripa would be a big deal and would leave all day to get sh*tfaced. I would love to be convinced that it isn't her, but so far nothing here has made that compelling of a case for anyone else.

    To the person who guessed Bill Maher- seriously? He isn't exactly known for being nice and is pretty open about using more than just alcohol right before the show (often it seems with some of the guests who are very giggly/rubbing their noses).


  171. My heart would break if this was Anderson Cooper, because my sister's friend worked for CNN for a while and said he seemed to be a polite person, but then again...

  172. I don't think Jimmy Fallon has had more than one or even one face lift. Of course I also don't want this to be him, I just don't think it could be him. My very first thought yesterday was Kelly Ripa but after getting to the end I didn't think all the clues fit her.

    I think there are so many male hosts and just a few women ones it doesn't make sense to write this so ambiguous if it's a male.

  173. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I'm thinking Kelly Ripa.

  174. To insideman...Thank you

  175. This summer I was shopping in a little botique in colorado when the storeowner informed us rachel ray had just stopped in. They could not stress to us just how much of a bitch she was-she demanded they close the store down, would only addrss her handlers and was just generally a pain in the ass. Based upon my little botique sbirdie, I vote ray. Although I have heard unless you kiss julie chen's ass you are about as good as gone.

  176. This summer I was shopping in a little botique in colorado when the storeowner informed us rachel ray had just stopped in. They could not stress to us just how much of a bitch she was-she demanded they close the store down, would only addrss her handlers and was just generally a pain in the ass. Based upon my little botique sbirdie, I vote ray. Although I have heard unless you kiss julie chen's ass you are about as good as gone.

  177. This summer I was shopping in a little botique in colorado when the storeowner informed us rachel ray had just stopped in. They could not stress to us just how much of a bitch she was-she demanded they close the store down, would only addrss her handlers and was just generally a pain in the ass. Based upon my little botique sbirdie, I vote ray. Although I have heard unless you kiss julie chen's ass you are about as good as gone.

  178. It is obviously a night show host, which Ellen and Kelly Ripa are not.
    I've met Jimmy Fallon and he was a gem.
    I know friends of Andy Cohen and apparently he is great too.

  179. it's not andy cohen..

    Leno - Allegedly since coming back to NBC he takes that King of Latenight handle seriously. He is also, allegedly, very very very right wing conservative. Alledgedly.

  180. To unknown....what does right wing conservative have to do with it? Nothing....and no it's not Leno either....



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