Monday, April 09, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Singer

This singer, and I guess I will call him a singer even though he has been in a movie(s), is very well known. A list well known. A list name recognition and the entire world knows him. You would think that with that kind of name recognition and face recognition that it would be tough for our singer to get away with cheating on his celebrity girlfriend as much as he does. But he has it all worked out, or at least he thinks he does. Our singer has been dating this celebrity for awhile. They have had at least two or three splits although not all of them were that obvious in public. The reason has always been the same. Cheating. Our singer is a big cheater. The first breakup came when our singer was with this friend of his who is also a singer(Big Guy). Not as big of a singer list wise, but still has had some top 5 songs. Our singer would go over to Big Guy's house and Big Guy would have several women over to his house and they would enjoy them all day and night while our singer's girlfriend thought our singer was recording. One day though that all came crashing down when our singer's girlfriend saw a video on the phone of Big Guy. There in the background was our singer getting a lap dance from a naked woman. Since then our singer has not been allowed to be seen with Big Guy despite their very close relationship. Big Guy has got into his own troubles lately and the fact he sometimes sleeps with this other A list male singer would probably cause a way bigger scandal than how many women our singer sleeps with a week. He actually does not have sex with that many women a week. He is down to just one other than his girlfriend of course. This one used to be an A list tweener and was our singer's favorite actress. This is his crush come to life in front of him whenever he wants. She pretends to be friends with the singer's girlfriend and meanwhile she is getting down and dirty with our singer every second his girlfriend is on another side of town or the other side of the country. The funny thing is all three of them hang out together and our singer's girlfriend has no idea what is going on sometimes even in front of her.


  1. Justin Timberlake for singer, Ashton Kutcher for Big, Rihanna for A lister with Big. I don't know the singer's other girl.

  2. It's gotta be Justin for the singer.

  3. I was thinking JT as well ... but the last part doesn't make sense. Who's the third chick involved? I've never seen JT and Biel hanging around another actress.

  4. You guys are goooood.....

  5. Timberlake and Biel. No idea about Big Guy or the former tweener, maybe Mila Kunis? She was very young when That 70s Show started, right?

  6. Big Guy is a singer. It can't be Ashton.

    I was thinking this was Timberlake, but this sounds almost Biebery.

    I would guess Usher for the Big Guy.

  7. Did Ted C write this?

  8. No, it says Big Guy is also a singer, Kutcher isn't a singer. John Mayer for Big Guy?

  9. Timbaland for Big Guy?

  10. If we're going with Timberlake for the guess, maybe Timbaland (who works out and is pretty ripped) for Big Guy? He's worked on both of Justin's records and toured with him.

  11. At first I thought Justin, but why refer to Jessica Biel as a celebrity and not an actress? That makes it seem off.

  12. First off, how many total people are we talking about here, 5? 6? A list singer/actor, celeb gf, "Big Guy", other A list singer, A list former tweener, and Big Guy's regular gf?

    And if the singer/actor is Timberlake, wouldn't Biel be called an actress or B- actress or something and not a celeb?

  13. I don't think its Timberlake only because Enty is known for calling folks per their job, if this were Biel he would not have said celebrity gf but b list actress.

  14. I thought it was the Beiber.

  15. Justin Timberlake but whose the third girl? Does Jessica Biel have friends?

  16. Also, would he have called Biel his fiancee? Or is that too obvious?

  17. Also, if this is Bieber, it makes sense that Big Guy would be Usher. There have been loads of rumors that he's gay or bi.

  18. Even if it was Bieber selena gomez isnt just a "celebrity gf" maybe sayin B list actress wouldve made it too easy.

  19. The only problem I have with Timberlake is, would Jessica really care? If the rumours of him bearding for her are true, of course.

  20. If it's bieber then "big guy" could be sean kingston???

  21. There are five people here...

    1. A list singer/actor who cheats
    2. A list singer/actor's girlfriend
    3. A list singer's friend/also a singer we're calling "Big Guy"
    4. Big Guy's girlfriend
    5. A list tweener/friend of Big Guy's girlfriend who Big Guy is also sleeping with

    This part is confusing me:

    "Big Guy has got into his own troubles lately and the fact he sometimes sleeps with this other A list male singer would probably cause a way bigger scandal than how many women our singer sleeps with a week."

    Is Big Guy sleeping with the A list singer/actor in this blind, or is this ANOTHER A list male singer Big Guy is sleeping with?

  22. What about Bieber and the other "big" singer being Sean Kingston. Girlfriend if course is Selena. Cheating with???? Demi Levato????

    Just a newbie's guess;)

  23. Bieber hasn't been in a movie (per IMDB). So he can't be "The Singer".

  24. My first thought was JT and Jessica as well. Timbaland for the buddy and Mila as the friend? I don't think Mila and Jessica hung out though did they?

  25. @Michael Unless you count "Never Say Never"

  26. @ Jolene I read it as another A list singer Big Guy is sleeping with, not the singer/actor, making the total 6, although Big Guy's girlfriend seems to not be famous, since she's just called the girlfriend, so for our purposes, I get 5 people. Singer actor, singer/actor's gf, Big Guy, other A list singer, and former A list tweener.

  27. Bieber has guest starred here and there (e.g. CSI).

  28. Just to be different: Jaime Foxx.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Wasn't there a BI a while back about Rihanna/Justin and Biel looking the other way? Or was it about Mila Kunis?

  31. Ok...really. I thought Justin too, but Jessica is gay, so I can't see how it would be a problem for her, except that she wants to keep up the "in love" front with Justin and doesn't want him embarassing her.

    Don't know who the former tweener is. There are so many.

    Just to throw a name in the pot...Eminem.

  32. @Beth - it says movie(s).

  33. Jessica biel isn't a blist actress maybe c-list if that despite getting a few movie roles here and there she's really only known as being the future mrs timberlake. I don't think the blind is about them because who would be the third girl the only actress I can think of is Scarlett Johanson she's friends with both Justin and Jessica and has been linked with Justin on several occasion.

  34. Never Say Never

    Enty never refers to the subject as an actor. It just says he's been in movies... or "a movie(s)."

  35. The key to this would be the former A list tweener, I would think. How many former A list tweener actresses are hanging out with a celebrity girlfriend of an A list singer/actor?

    I think the former tweener actress would have to be in the same age group or older than the A list singer/actor if she used to be his fave actress and he had a crush on her. For instance, I can't imagine Justin feeling that way about Miley or any other recent tweener. If this is Justin, the former tweener hasn't "tweened" in a long time!

  36. Bieb, usher, Selena and...

  37. Justin Bieber and Usher?

  38. Beth, you make a good point, that Enty never refers to the singer as an actor. Justin is definitely both. That makes me think the movie acting was only once or twice and this guy isn't really known for acting at all. Or, he appeared as himself in a movie or documentary. Sounds more like Biebs now, huh?

  39. Bieber was in that documentary film about his own life--so he's been in a movie.

  40. Maybe the Big Guy who has been in trouble of late is Chris Brown? Who else has been in hot water lately?

  41. Is Usher still having a custody dispute with his ex-wife?

    If his homosexuality came to light, I am sure she would make a big stink about it.

  42. Bieber
    Usher &
    The Tis?
    I thought JT at first, but the last part didnt fit.

  43. The way the BI is worded, A list singer is a singer mainly but been in a movie or two. With JT, he is legitimately trying to be an actor, not just 'being in a movie.' Plus he never says they are an actor too. This points to someone like Beiber he was in a movie, but it wasn't acting, it was a doc... sort of.

    That being said, it seems like there have been a few splits that have been known to the public. I don't remember Beiber and Gomez having a publicized split.

  44. Justin and Selena did not have 2 or 3 splits. Referring to Biel as a B list or C list actress or his fiancee would have given it right away.

  45. I thought this was JT at first, but I'm starting to like the Bieber guesses. The only thing is, I'm pretty sure Big Guy can't be Usher. Usher has had WAY more hits than Bieber, so the "Not as big of a singer list wise, but still has had some top 5 songs" part just wouldn't fit. I'm not familiar with Biebs' relationship with Sean Kingston, but the nickname sure seems to fit.

  46. I like your guess yodelay, Selena and the Tis are friends.

    1. Biebs & Tis are in pics today too. The Big guy mite be Sean Kingston, not too sure on that one.

  47. Justin bieber doesn't make sense he hasn't been in movies and his concert movie doesn't count. The way the blind is worded makes it seem like at least one of the times the couple broke up it was announced publicly like a statement was released.

  48. Eminem was in a movie - 8 Mile.

  49. I think if you start with Chris Brown as the "Big Guy who has had trouble of his own", and you get Rhi Rhi as Big Guy's gf, then maybe Amanda Bynes could fit as the former tweener. I don't think that Bieber or Timberlake fit for the actual topic of the blind. Maybe someone else that would be considered A list in the hip hop world that I simply know very little about.

  50. Starglitter, why wouldn't the concert movie count for Bieber? Bieber fits the clues very well. Does Demi Lovato still pretend to be friends with Selena Gomez?

    1. Well it could be him but I just think its someone who has been in an actual movie and part about the breakups a throw me off because it makes it seem like it was public knowledge that they had broken up at one point and I dont think selena and bieber broke up at any point. Plus the fact that he would have been underage at the time most of this occurred that probably doesn't mean anything but still it just doesnt really fit to.

  51. Totally offtopic but has Enty responded at all to BG's claims that he's a fake?

  52. usher
    selena gomez

  53. Timberlake and Timberland(sp)! They use to be close, but you never see them together anymore.

  54. I thought Selena quit Bieber briefly during that paternity suit thing and went back....but I may be mis-remembering.

  55. Anonymous11:38 AM


    Blind Gossip? Could you post that link? Thanks.

  56. Nope there were pictures of them all over Europe around that time.

  57. I think it's only 4 people...

    1) Singer/actor who cheats
    2) Cheating singer/actor's celebrity girlfriend
    3) Big Guy
    4) Tween crush of cheating singer/actor who is friends w/ celebrity girlfriend

    and you could add 5) the male singer that Big Guy sleeps with.

    "Big Guy has got into his own troubles lately and the fact he sometimes sleeps with this other A list male singer (end of Big Guy section) would probably cause a way bigger scandal than how many women our (Cheating) singer sleeps with a week."

  58. Am I the only one who read the BI as the former tween is sleeping with the Singer/Actor? NOT Big Guy

    I took it as Big Guy is sleeping with this other A-list Singer and that THAT scandal would be bigger then how often the Singer/Actor is cheating.

    So I'm seeing this BI as working out this way:


    Singer/Actor's GF

    Singer/Actor's former tween on the side and friends with Singer/Actor's GF

    Big Guy

    A-list Singer Big Guy is sleeping with.

  59. Where are ppl seeing a reference to "Big Guy"'s girlfriend in the blind? i don't see that...

    i don't think bieber fits the description of "i guess i will call him a singer even though he's been in a movie(s)..."--what else would you call bieber other than a singer? having been in one documentary about being a singer still doesn't make you anything other than a singer.

  60. JT on the other hand I can see being divided about whether to call him a singer or an actor, but going with singer because i think he's still more known for/was more successful as a singer.

  61. Usher has sold 65 million records, so I think he's probably still up there in recognition/list-status/etc. I think Big Guy is probably someone a little more obscure. I'm thinking if not Timbaland than someone with a similar status level.

  62. The way I read it is the guy has been in several movies lately and has not been making music. However, he has achieved his A list fame and name recognition as a singer. And that is how I would describe Justin. No matter how successful He has been as an actor, basically he is a singer

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. I've read this (and the comments) three times and I still can't make sense of it, was hoping one of you would have by now :)

    The part that I think is a clue and I'm not getting is "will call him a singer even though he has been in a movie(s)." So, is he a singer that acted horribly in one or more movies? Or is he someone who fancies themselves an actor? (That's why ya'll jumped on JT, right?)

    Enty says "very well known", "A list well known", and "the entire world knows him". Doesn't that narrow it down a bit? Has to be a huge star.

  65. If its Timberlake is the main person in this blind perhaps the big guy is Timbaland who is a singer/producer with many hits and who was really close with Justin and who also just physically is a 'big guy'

  66. The most remarkable thing about this blind is the appalling syntax.

  67. Oops should have read all the comments see I'm not the only one who thinks that

  68. I am going with
    singer - justin bieber
    celeb girlfriend - selena gomez
    big guy - sean kingston
    a list singer - trey songz
    tweener - ashley tisdale

  69. Ok, so if it is a celebrity gf...

    Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kornikova because they have been off and on for years. Maybe Pitbull as big guy.... Maybe they have been going on together too long. I don't

    If it's JT I would think the crush may be older than him because she is a former tween and his favorite actress.

  70. Man, I am old. The first person I thought of was Mick Jagger for the A list singer the whole world knows, cheating on L'Wren Scott, who could be called a celebrity. It all fell apart for me after that.

  71. Lady Chatterly - they seem to have removed it from their site now. It was posted on April 1st so maybe it was a joke :)

  72. It Is Justin timberlake. According to Wikipedia, Timbaland had 5 top ten hits. That's what enty is referring to. I also looked up what A list singer timbaland has worked with and I noticed Chris brown alot. Haven't there been rumours also ?? I also read an article on which Olivia munn claims she got texts from Timberlake tellin her his relationship is over. Can she be called a former tweener?

  73. I don't think it's Timbaland.

    Timbaland somewhat recently got married, and I didn't recognize the wife's name. IIRC, it was someone who he has been with for a long time.

  74. Anonymous1:33 PM

    How about
    Justin Bieber
    Selena Gomez
    Sean Kingston
    Vanessa Hudgens

  75. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I Think This Blind Is Easy; I Could Be Wrong But My Guesses Are:

    The Singer- Justin Timberlake

    Celebrity Girlfriend- Jessica Biel

    The Big Guy- Timbaland (I Think He Was Outed As Gay By Scott Storch??)

    The A-List Singer- Chris Brown

    Former A-List Tweener- Alyssa Milano (I Was A Bit Stuck On This One Until I Remembered A Youtube Video Of Justin Mentioning Alyssa Milano As His Childhood Crush ((Didn't He Have A Fling With Her??)). Also I Googled Alyssa Milano And Jessica Biel, In The Images There Is A Picture Of Them Kissing, Also Found Out They Were In The Same Movie And They Have Done Charity Together.

  76. Timberlake for the A-list singer/actor. Beil for the gf (they are always on/off). How about Alyssa Milano for the former tweener/crush. I believe they got together for an instant and he had previously had a crush on her. No idea about Big Guy.

  77. NM...Alyssa Milano is still marriedd with a baby...and no news about her being seperated.

  78. Anonymous2:06 PM

    What Eminem for the singer and 50 Cent for the big guy? Also Lenny Kravitz came to mind for the singer, but is he A-List?

  79. Were Justin and Jessica even together the last time he had a record out? Does Justin even record music anymore?

  80. Anyone else think the T for Tom Wheel of Fortune video pertains to this blind?

    They say T twice. (Timberlake and Timbaland)

    But both contestants are wrong...

  81. I'm leaning more towards the Justin Bieber argument of this, with Jonel's guesses hitting closest to the mark. I thought Usher would be the Big Guy, but Sean Kingston and Trey Songz seems to fit that part better. The teen crush would totally be Ashley Tisdale.

  82. Justin Timberlake/Jessica Biel

    "friend" he can't see anymore that sleeps with guys: Drake

    Former tweener: Miley

  83. Maybe work backwards on this one...
    "Big Guy has got into his own troubles lately." Who can that be?
    Does Usher or Timbaland fit that?

  84. Anonymous2:40 PM

    @Wahoo There Is A Rumour That Timbaland Maybe Getting Divorce

  85. Anonymous2:41 PM

    *Getting A Divorce

  86. I see it as Justin Bieber, Selena, maybe Usher and whoever the heck Selena hangs out with.

  87. I really think its
    Sean Kingston (big guy)

    as usher is not a fairly avg/short guy.

    And "Not as big of a singer list wise, but still has had some top 5 songs" fits kingston. I would feel that with Usher they would have referenced him being A list before and not so much now.

    also the trouble fits Kingston.

  88. So a friend of a friend worked on Beibs tour for 6 weeks said he's a total slut. Hooked up every single night. I now think it is him and not JT.

  89. Has nobody thought of 50 for the singer? He's been in movies, all Curtiss Jackson'ed up. Just throwing it out there...

  90. @Crila16 just curious how do you know Jessica B is gay?

    I'm asking because a friend of mine dated her for the ~2 yrs she was on/off @ Tufts... he's a guy BTW (who looks much like JT actually except cuter in a conventional way) and she was all over that... and that was after her becoming famous on that Christian show and doing the sexy pics. She was clingy as hell with him BTW, he ended up breaking it off with her. Regardless it just strikes me as odd- has she recently become gay or was she just closeted and a better actress IRL than she has ever been on screen with him?

  91. @valentri yes i think big guy is 50cent too, singer justin

  92. A List Singer: Justin Bieber
    His GF: Selena Gomez
    Big Guy: Sean Kingston
    Other A-List Singer: Usher
    Side Piece: Ashley Tisdale

    Justin and Ashley are both in Random Photos today

  93. For a different perspective on how the world might view JT, I am familiar with a few of his songs, but I knew him as an actor first, Probably 90 percent actor/10 percent singer is how I know Justin. My husband would know him as 100 percent actor. (Unless you count the song "Dick In A Box.")

  94. @crila

    In what universe could this be Eminem? lol I'm certain there's some dirt on him, but this doesn't fit him. He's not a singer and he doesn't have a celeb gf that he's repeatedly and publicly broken up with. Also, no troubles lately that I'm aware of. You don't hear much about him at all, which has always been odd to me.

    Torn between the Biebs and JT on this one, although alissa's post has me leaning towards JT. Man, I wish I was better at blinds or had kept up more of my industry connects. Meh.

  95. am wondering if the phrasing of "and I guess I would call him a singer" means rapper?

  96. Alyssa Milano as the A-list Tweener that Timberlake was infatuated with. He was very vocal about this in the past.

  97. I seem to recall a blind where the popular guess of Timberlake and Biel was for a couple who originally bearded for each other, but then eventually started to genuinely like each other (hence the engagement).

    If that were the case, then this blind couldn't be JT and JB, unless the other blind wasn't about JT and JB.

  98. I was thinking Enrique Iglesias for the Singer....

  99. Is JT still BFFs with P Diddy?

  100. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez with Miley Cyrus as the friend with benefits.

    I've heard that he was hooking up with her before he started dating Selena, and I could imagine her doing this behind her boyfriend's back for fun.

    Of course that leaves Usher as the Big Guy. I've heard he is DL anyway. I'll say Chris Brown or Trey Songs for the A list singer.

    I doubt Trey is A list, but there's speculation about him. I've never heard rumors about Chris, but his anger issues could be deep seated shit about his sexuality, and he's photographed often enough with Usher. That would make headlines!

  101. 1. A list singer/actor who cheats -- Justin Timberlake

    2. A list singer/actor's girlfriend - Jessica Biel

    3. A list singer's friend/also a singer we're calling "Big Guy" – P Diddy. Big Guy is a reference to Notorious B.I.G. Recent trouble – rumor that he showed up drunk to an American Idol mentoring session last month.

    4. A list singer that Big Guy has slept with – Kanye?

    5. Big Guy's girlfriend – Cassie

    6. A list tweener/friend of Big Guy's girlfriend who Big Guy is also sleeping with – Ashley Tisdale. She is in the photos today with the caption: “Ashley Tisdale shows off her bags for an overnight trip”

  102. JT
    Side piece - Rachel Bilson

    Mr big - P Diddy
    a list he's sleeping with - Usher

  103. Anonymous9:30 PM

    The interesting part of this to me is who is Big's occasional male 'buddy' and for this my mind immediately went to Kanye for either scenario (no matter whether the singer is JB or JT).

    I think the mystery hinges on the former tweener who is Singer's side piece, but I like both the JT+MK and JB+AT theories on that.

  104. Sweet Buttery Jesus on Toast - do ANY of you *ever* think "outside the box"?

    Andy Samberg is Big Guy. The Lonely Island has at least 5 (if not more) hit songs.


    1. Anonymous3:58 AM

      Wow I was thinkingthe same thing. Samberg doesn't strike me as "a gay" though.

  105. For what it's worth, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and Ashley Tisdale shot a homemade music video together with some other friends for a friends song. I think it's called
    "Call Me Maybe". They clearly hang out, and I always got the backstabbing slutty vibe from Tisdale. Wouldn't be surprised at all.

  106. Anonymous4:09 AM

    What' the girlfriend doing looking at big guys phone? Hmmmmm.....

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. I think JT is too much of an actor to be the A list singer. The worldwide recognition certainly lends itself more towards JB.

    Where I live at least there have been numerous stories on TV and on magazine covers about public Bieber/Selena splits.


    1. A List Singer: Justin B
    2. Celebrity girlfriend: Selena G
    3. Big Guy: Timbaland or Usher
    4. BG's girlfriend: No idea.
    5. Cheating friend: Demi or Ashley

    I can't believe a guy JB's age who has girls everywhere literally throwing themselves at him is faithful to his girlfriend. I could buy Usher experimenting with guys or being bisexual.

  109. Who is more recognized worldwide justin timberlake or p diddy?

    Depending on when this all took place justin bieber just punk'd sean kingston.. but then again that punk'd filming could of taken place 6 months ago.

    How is it that howard stern or other mainstream media never pick up these blind items?

  110. Who is more recognized worldwide justin timberlake or p diddy?

    Depending on when this all took place justin bieber just punk'd sean kingston.. but then again that punk'd filming could of taken place 6 months ago.

    How is it that howard stern or other mainstream media never pick up these blind items?

  111. I definitely agree with this being JT..

    And I agree with this:
    uberbaldy said...
    Am I the only one who read the BI as the former tween is sleeping with the Singer/Actor? NOT Big Guy

    However, for the side chick, my guess is Amanda Siefried...

  112. If its beiber, could the cheating friend be Taylor Swift? Shes been dabbling in acting... Remember CSI? I thought she was ok...

  113. BTW the Punk'd Filming was filmed around Christmas time, and Biber did punk both Sean Kingston and Taylor Swift... I'll even throw in the guess of Miley...

  114. I dont get how anybody could think Andy Samberg fits into this, but ok

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Timberlake has recorded songs with samberg. Samberg songS have garnered hundreds of millions of hits on yotube. based on the fact he could be considered big guy . Gay reference aside the rest of the post applies to timberlake. It's a possibility like all the rest.

  115. Kanye West and Big Sean

  116. Is Big Guy P. Diddy? Well he's partying all the time, isn't he?

  117. If it's Justin Bieber/Selena Gomez...

    The side piece would almost have to be Ashley Tisdale. (Selena's only other female friend is Taylor Swift who doesn't seem like the type).

    I'd peg "Big Guy" as Akon. Akon used to be a rising star in rap but has switched over to production. I believe he's the primary producer for Bieber and Akon's physically a big dude, very tall.
