Today's Blind Items - The Porn Star Turned Actress
This actress is getting really close to A list. She is definitely in the high B range. She only does movies and has not been around that long. Her rise to stardom has been fairly quick and remarkable actually. It could have been so much worse if more people knew about her secret. See, this wholesome actress who always tries to play the good girl role on her 18th birthday made a porn. It was one of those audition type porn movies and it was something she had always wanted to do and they offered her a lot of money especially considering she just turned 18 that day. Well, fast forward a little bit and she has suddenly become a better known actress and the director of the porn comes out and says that he is going to release her porno. He had not before because of some issue with the tape stopping a quarter of the way through and then not getting started again until almost at the end. What seemed like a great idea at the time was now coming back to haunt her. She pays the guy a monthly amount of money to keep quiet. The thing is though he didn't keep completely quiet. Our actress started suddenly dating this guy who was way below her league. Way way below. As in you are wondering what he has over our actress. Turns out that the director of the porn told the guy and this guy told the actress and they made a deal where they had to date for three months. And by date I mean dating and sex and anything else he could think of. Well, that guy told someone what he was doing and the next thing you know, our actress is dating another guy. At some point the actress meets an actor who is A list but they break up when he can't figure out why these other guys keep calling his significant other. Well, this gets way better. Turns out the director is good friends with this A+ list movie actor. The director supplies the actor with talent and could not resist telling him all about this other actress. The next thing you know, this A+ list movie actor is dating this actress and no one can figure out how they even met to start dating. Unlike the rest of the guys though, this actor got bored very quickly with the actress and now she is back with the first loser.