Thursday, April 05, 2012

Today's Blind Items - A List Actor Covers For Son

What do you do if you are an A+ list actor with a very innocent public image and your son is accused of raping not one, but two women, well you cover them up and protect your name and fortune as much as possible. Our actor is A+ list and has been for some time. A few years ago, his son (might have more than one or might not) was at a party and got drunk. His son always though a lot of himself because he is the offspring of someone famous and is not unfamous himself. Is unfamous a word? Anyway, the son was drinking with this woman and pressing her to go home with him and she did. At some point during the evening she says that she said no. The son pressed on anyway and when he was finished said she needed to leave because he had some friends coming over. Well, instead of going to the police, the woman called her dad who called the son and threatened him which caused the son to call our actor who made a large financial payment to the family.

Fast forward a year and the son is at another party and is drinking again and this time he and a buddy get a girl drunk and take her back to the actor's house because they were trying to impress her. She passes out and finds both men having sex with her and she screams. The screams alert the security people who alert our actor and once again the actor has to come to the rescue of his son. Not only did he have to pay money this time, but he also got the woman roles in two of his movies.

These are the only two times that people discuss, but apparently there are a few more that stretch all the way back to middle school for the son.


danatestingsite said...

Tom Hanks?

pilly said...

Michael Douglas

Son in jail. Cameron

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

^That was my guess.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Er, that was at Dana. I was thinking Tom Hanks while I read that blind.

Suzanne said...

Micheal Douglas doesn't really have an innocent public image. I thought of Tom Hanks as well...

Patty said...

Smells like Hanks to me.

Who else is A+ with an innocent image and has an adult son?

juicy said...

Tom Hanks/Colin Hanks.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I am with Dana and Sue Ellen. But I wasn't think Colin for the son, I was thinking the real douchey son he had with Rita Wilson.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

(Dear god, I hope it's not Colin.)

Suzanne said...

Right -- not Colin, probably Chester "Chet" Hanks

heatherhug said...

Tom Hanks, with that ridiculous Chet Haze son. Colin being the other good son.

Anonymous said...

Tom Hanks and the wannabe Vanilla Ice son, Chet Haze.

spacecowboy78 said...

Gotta be Hanks and Chet Haze. Michael Douglas does not have an innocent public image.

Mamaroni said...

Ooo cosign hanks with that douches son who thinks he's a rapper

MontanaMarriott said...

I like the Hanks guess but I have to add what dad enables his son?!?! Fuck that, you are off to jail child or mine or not.

Mango said...

Tom Hanks and the rapper-wannabe son.

Lauren said...

Immediately thought of Tom Hanks and Chet Hanks.

Sadie said...

Tom Hanks came to mind. The question is...which son?

Sparkwee said...

I agree that it could be Chet Haze.

The only thing is that I don't see Tom Hanks with an "innocent public image"

The word "innocent" makes me think of Denzel Washington because he was the lead in The Hurricane... But that might be a stretch. He has a football player son though... Could be him?

kcqueen said...

Def tom Hanks. Fits perfectly

Beth said...

Tom Hanks and Chet Haze are the only people I could think of for this.

Fijigrrl said...

Tom Hanks -- his "rapper" son

StanleyRoper said...

You know the best way to get a sociopath to stop committing heinous acts his entire life? Me either, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't involve bailing the fucker out every time he goes psycho on spmebody. Lock this sick fuck up and haul the dad in for being an accomplice...a lifelong accomplice.

msgirl said...

I also immediately thought of Hanks. Disgusting. I've begun to think very differently of him. Yeah, he's really not so innocent.

Comma Chaser said...

Agreed with others. Definitely Tom and Chet Hanks.

cheesegrater15 said...

How old is Will Smith's other son?

parissucksliterally said...

The father is as big of an asshole as the son. This is wrong on so many levels. I agree with you all about Hanks.

crichmond1000 said...

I think I saw that on an episode of SVU.

Anonymous said...

@ Vicki: Will's oldest son is 19, maybe 20? He's definitely college age.

Danielle said...

Yea no way this could be Colin.. this blind reads like it's referring to a late teens/ MAYBE early 20's troublesome kid. I'll go with Chet.

JP said...

Nicolas Cage and Weston (?). Not sure that name is right.

surfer said...

I was going to suggest Connor Cruise, but I think he's too young.

Amber said...

As much as I'd LOVE to ironically consider Nic Cage an A++ actor, he isn't. He also doesn't have an ultra favorable public image.

But boy if his son Weston isn't a mess.

Jennifer H. said...

I wouldn't say Cage has an innocent image either. Hanks practically has Mickey Mouse ears. I think Hanks is the best guess so far, fits on all points, I think.

Unknown said...

Hanks and his rapper son.

auntliddy said...

Stanley is right. This kid is a socio path, getting bailed out isnt going to protect the public from this kid. Very bad move on father's part. Is Chet the son who has been in rehab since he's like 13
And I have always thought Hanks cld be huge pain in the ass to work with, but of course I enjoy his work.

carolinec said...

i'm going with Tom Hanks and Chet as well..

ms_goddess said...

I immediately thought Tom Hanks, but Enty's wording "might have more than one or might not" led me to start thinking maybe this actor has a transgender child. Then I started thinking of Warren Beatty -which would fit, but Beatty's not so innocent, is he? Could just take this to mean we're not being told exactly how many sons our actor has...

carolinec said...

how do these people live with themselves?

Del Riser said...

What a family, dad repeatedly covers for rapist son, and the mom is a major asshole to work with.

I guess all facades begin to crumble after a time.

Daveb said...

Tom Hanks is also a significant producer, presumably easier to cast someone in two movies.

barleye said...

It's gotta be an older kid out of the house as he took the girl back to the actors house to impress her...

FrenchGirl said...

i guess Michael Douglas'son

Cake said...

This is disgusting, even more so because it is happening in the actor's own house and is right in his face. I would bet the actor is only thinking about protecting himself by paying off these girls.

SusanB said...

Agree with the Tom Hanks/Chet solution. Although I have had a positive image of Tom Hanks, between that, the blind yesterday commonly agreed to be Rita Wilson and a few other things, I don't think he's the Mr. Nice Guy he portrays himself to be.

Shancor said...

I was thinking Connor Cruise too... I think he's eighteen, which isn't too young. Plus the middle school hint makes me think that the actor's son might still be young and need daddy's help.

Lizzie said...

Do these blinds affect anyone else when going to see a movie? All I see anymore, is Womanizing drug addicted rapest, and whoring black mailing actors and actresses. It saddens me. Anyone else.

makeupbynumbers said...

This says this happened a few years ago putting Chet Hanks in his middle teens. He's a scrawny little thing now. Hmmm. I don't know. Seems off to me.

Poisonfawn said...

how disgusting, these woman get raped but its ok if they get payed a large amount of money or get roles in movies? yeah what a great message! what is wrong with people?

Pogue Mahone said...

How about Ryan O'Neill and his troubled son Griffin?

Borg Queen said...

How bout Brody Jenner and Bruce Jenner.

skimpymist said...

I'm going to go with connor cruise. He obviously thinks so much of himself

KaySea said...

Tom Hanks is in the Daily Photos ... just sayin' :)

jp said...

Referencing back to a comment upthread -- don't forget that Tom Hanks was a popular guess on this site for the blind about an A+ actor with anger management issues who was beating his actress wife.

AKM said...

With all due respect, who on the planet thinks of Ryan O'Neal as having a "very innocent public image"?!

Michael and Cameron Douglas would fit as well, except for the "very innocent public image" part, too.

I thought Tom Hanks, too, with the son being Chet, not Colin.

figgy said...

Never heard of Chet Haze till this, so I googled him. Euw. He positively oozes douchbaggery.

feziq said...

What about the part that says that the son is not unfamous

Thea said...

Totally agree this is Tom Hanks and son Chet. Tom is well known for "Forrest Gump", which was a very innocent role. He seems to have parlayed that into his "Aw shucks..."-good guy-underdog public image.

This definitely makes me not want to watch Tom's movies. I wonder where his son learned to disrespect and violate women this way. The fruit usually doesn't fall far from the tree.

MadLyb said...

Tom Hanks and the "DJ" son - not Colin.

RJ said...

If it is Hanks, the part about the son being "not unfamous himself" leads me to think that it is Colin and not Chet, although Chet certainly looks the part. Colin has starred in his own (now canceled) sitcom and was a guest star as himself on "Happy Endings" this season. I never heard of Chet until a few weeks ago when I read about his rap "career". This is horrible behavior, but I'm puzzled as to why not a single one of these girls/women throughout the years haven't gone to the police. Why are they and there families so willing to accept the payouts? How much money are we talking about? A million? I can't imagine being quiet for less. Although thinking about it, I guess going through a trial is horrible. Hanks could afford the best attorneys who'd probably get the little shit off scott-free, then you'd have gone through the whole thing for nothing. Many rape victims find themselves having to defend their everything about their lives during a trial, from their clothing to their dating history.
The Hollywood judicial system has made it pretty clear over the years that there are two sets of justice. One for the famous and one for everyone else.

CJ said...

Sad to say I agree that this could be Tom Hanks. I love him. :(

If it was Chet, which seems totally plausible, how about Amanda Seyfried for the actress who got two roles - she was in Mamma Mia in 2008 and Big Love from 2006-2011, both of which were produced by Tom Hanks' production company.

Kind of farfetched, though, I'm not sure if I even like that guess. Just throwing it out there.

Thea said...

@ feziq - I think Enty means that the son is publicly known by some other name or in some other way, but probably more famous as being the offspring of his actor dad. This would match the rapper-wannabe Chet Haze more than Colin. Colin is known as an actor in his own right and he is credited as Colin Hanks so people already know he's Tom's son. Whereas if Chet is operating as Chet Haze, people probably don't believe he's Tom's son until he brings them over to Tom's house.

RJ said...

Sorry about the typos above and at least one there/their error. I hate those!! Guess I need to slow down and proofread.

Thea said...

@ CJ - Yes, that would totally explain how Amanda Seyfried landed a lead role with Meryl Streep, Colin Firth and Pierce Brosnan when she was relatively unknown as an actress and not for singing either.

It would also explain why she seemed to be pumped as the next "It" girl for a little bit (maybe due to Tom's connections?) but I've never thought her acting ability that great and she doesn't seem particularly bright (see Ryan Phillippe).

Erin B said...

If we go with it being Tom Hanks (I have no other guesses), I don't think it's Colin because he's married with a kid, & I feel like it would say somewhere that his wife knows or doesn't know about his behavior. Plus I feel like he has a little career going of his own. He was on "Dexter" all season. I think he's more than just "not unfamous."

Patty said...

Not Tom Cruise's son. I don't think any of the his kids have attended regular school, unless you consider COS training sessions regular school. So, I don't think the middle school reference fits Connor.

izz said...

My first thought when reading was Tom Hanks and his, not Colin, son.

Given the type of blinds we've been having lately the next reveals day is likely going to be very light. One thing to say people are cheating, another to say they are rapists etc. Also it would be hard to reveal many of the attacks without also identifying many of the victims and personally I would rather see no reveals than to see further distress caused to the victims of these heinous crimes.

The blinds lately are starting to bring me down

DueDiligence said...

Hanks definitely. Don't think it couldn't be Colin either. He has sort of a smug arrogance that totally makes be believe he could do this.

story said...

I'm going with Colin Hanks/Tom Hanks. Did anyone see Colin on Dexter? He played that role a little too well, if you ask me.

beth said...

Could definitely be Tom Hanks and Chet. Chet is not "unfamous" (a relatively recent but doing bretty well music career and a few bit parts in movies), but not particuarly famous either. He's also 22, which seems like he would have been exactly the right age "a few years ago" to either bring back someone to his own apartment or to his parents' house, depending on what he felt like.

No way this is Tom Hanks and Colin. Colin is 34 years old and married with a kid. He is also more than "unfamous" given his roles in Mad Men and Dexter and fronting his own TV series (The Good Guys) for a year. This blind does not describe him in the least.

Also no way this is Connor Cruise. Connor may be an ass (I have no idea), but he's only 17 now and he still lives at home. This doesn't describe him at all either. I just don't possibly believe that "a few years ago" took someone back to "his" place and raped her.

Megley said...

All this mention of Colin Hanks and no love for Orange County (the movie)?

Unknown said...

@Lizzie I don't really go to the movies any more, but when I did recently to see Hunger Games, it was all I could think of; no way in hell that 24 teens who are selected to compete to the death and go thru a 'celebrity-making' process DON'T get molested/raped/exploited sexually by all the bourgeois handlers. Even the outlandish outfits and hairstyles in the movie were screaming that these people have a lot to hide - Katniss gets stripped and legs waxed but no one rapes her. The guy who thinks he's as good as dead from her same district is overtly flirted with by the TV host. But not molested or raped or even solicited. Yeah, these BIs changed how I see some things. But I couldn't have been that far off, because I don't go to the movies any more and haven't for many years - unless my wife wants to go. FTR, I didn't read the books. Also, long time lurker, first time poster. Hello!

Lizzie said...

Unknown, I can't go to the Hunger Games movie, because of that blind. I just can't. It really sickened me. The more I read here, the more, I just can't go.

allthesun said...

I do like the Hanks guess, as something different what about James Caan and one of his many sons, hopefully not Scott Caan...

Sherry said...

Welcome Unknown although I think there is another Unknown that's a little "trollish" if that's a word..You should pick some purdy name for yourself.

kyliegirl1234 said...

No clue who it is but like most of these blinds, it is just plain gross & disturbing.

Anonymous said...

This is not Tom Hanks. He is actually a very solid dude. His son Chet may be a douche, but he isn't violent.

disenchanted said...

If this were my kid, I'd take the hit and let him take his medicine. I guess I can say that since I'm not famous, but no way would I let my kid get away with being a rapist.

bunnymother said...

I grew up with Colin, he's a total gentleman.

Centaurea said...

I'm going to go with my standard guess: all of them.

Jessie said...

Colin seems like a guy who wants to be successful in his own right and who happens to have Hanks as a father. He also seems charming enough that he wouldn't have to force himself on women.

Chet...seems douchey. But I don't feel comfortable about white guys who rap so that's my own prejudice clouding judgement.

Unknown said...

If Tom Hanks is the father, Amanda Seyfried could be the actress who got two parts in his work as compensation. She was in Mama Mia and Big Love, both of which he produced.

Anonymous said...

ANOTHER rape? Enty, who was behind JFK's assassination? I love the fun of reading a good blind, but this is getting crazy. J. Edgar didn't have this much dirt on people.
I'm starting to view it as fan fiction. The Kirk Douglas BI would have been better if I hadn't seen "In Harm's Way" ,the movie that inspired it, so many times.

CaliGirlinVA said...

Hey izz, I agree. These A-list blinds have been depressing lately. But, I think the point, if one is trying to be made, is that these rich and famous we envy are actually more fucked up than we and are undeserving of our adoration. Screw all of 'em.

Farm Girl Pink... said...

Okay when I think of innocent public image...

I think of Ron Howard.

And he does have a son that was born in 1987.

I am not buying into this being Tom Hanks. But he has two sons with Rita Wilson. Chet and Truman.

And I would find it hard to believe this is Colin Hanks.

He most likely has not lived with his Father, since he was a child.

Plus Colin most likely owns his own impressive home. No need to mooch off Dad to impress the drunk girls.

I also suspect his wife and their new baby... would not be pleased with that kind of behavior either. :)

plot said...

Colin didn't buy a home until he got married and it's not impressive at all. He also went to college rather than enjoy the clubbing scene as a player when he was young.

Chet is too young for this BI. He isn't recognizable by a long shot and only been working on his own thing a few months now.

It's someone else. No, wait, it's no one. All these A-List, rapey, incesty, blinds are bullshit - just here to increase traffic.

Always Forever said...

Whomever it is, it's very sad. & regardless of who it is they should be strung up by their penis & flogged public

c17 said...

Ugh - prolly "Chet Haze" aka Tom Hank's son.

c17 said...

Seriously, HOW do you people not know this stuff?

mooshki said...

Dayum, c17! I don't know why I didn't know that stuff, but man, is he a fuckweasel!!!

KLM said...

Tom Hanks, random photos. Done.

Anna said...

The main thing I've learned from reading the comments is that Tom Hanks is the only A-list male actor in Hollywood with a good reputation.

dia papaya said...

I wanted this to be Connor Cruise because I can't stand him and hope Tommy had to shell out A LOT. I could still see him doing something like this though. That ego is already way to big!

I had a 12 hr day yesterday and apparently missed some good stuff. I'll be back.

PS said...

Oh wait- please, by all means, protect this young man's identity, so that he may go on to rape again in the future with total impunity and sadistic, psychopathic abandon. Definitely, DEFINiTELY do NOT, whatever ou do, forwarn any unsuspecting females they may be in danger. Let's just enjoy our gossip and let these things play out as they may for our entertainment.

plot said...

PS, it's all bull. Enty is just getting rapey so more people will read the blog. Could he be selling?

Snipsnapper said...

Didn't Tom Hank's ex wife say that he verbally abused and humiliated her. She died in 2002. We only know the parts he plays not the real person.

AugustinaMcCrae said...

I really hope it's not Viggo.


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