Today's Blind Items - Keep Your Daughters Far Away
Not too long ago, this actor was an A list movie star. He was everywhere and seemingly every movie he ever touched turned to gold. He had an actress wife who was beautiful and everything seemed like it was never going to end. The actor, while not particularly skilled at acting was making ht movie after hit movie. The one day it all seemed to go away. You don't go from number one to the C list that quickly without a very good reason. That reason was that our actor got caught in another country with a 13 year old girl while making one of his movies. This was not the first time he had been caught, but this was the most serious because this girl was also hurt very badly. Our actor had been drunk and had beaten the girl really severely. In this particular country 13 was a legal age of consent so the police there did nothing to him, but the producers were scared out of their minds about this getting out because they had a lot of their own money invested in the movie. So, they covered it up. They paid a huge bribe to everyone they could and the movie made them their money back. They refused to work with the actor again though and told everyone why. Suddenly no one would touch the guy and no one would make movies with him. He tried to make some movies on his own but hired really bad people to work with him and was always more interested in booze and young girls then making movies. He kept making the movies in other countries with very loose laws about consent and now our actor is a struggling D lister who might trigger something in your mind from time to time. The thing is our actor seems so moralistic. He isn't though and now he has taken his ways back here to this country and is up to his old tricks. He doesn't want to go to jail so he tries to keep the girls he is with at least 16 which he figures is safe, especially if he is paying them enough. Well, their pimps anyway. Plus at this point no one recognizes the actor who used to be one of the biggest stars in the world.