Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Forbidden

It was one of those television shows that everyone seemed to love. OK, maybe love is too strong of a word. It was watchable and made better background noise than most shows. Plus, it was on the air for quite some time so it became comfortable, like that pair of shoes you never stop wearing despite all the ones in your closet that are probably better.

Anyway, the show featured several men and they were always competing to see who could have sex with the most people each week the show taped. At first that was fun, but they realized they were fast running out of people to have sex with and decided to take things up a notch. The actors all still work although only on continues to be really successful while the other is middle of the road C+ list and one of the others is way down at the bottom of the D list, but h is famous for a whole different kind of reason.

Anyway, in order to keep things interesting on a set which provided not much adult companionship, the actors would come up with different ways to get points based on who you had sex with or where. One actress who was on the show for some time thought she was entering into a serious relationship with one of the actors until she finally realized h was just having sex with her in the strangest places to win the contest for that month. She is also a solid C+ lister to this day and still gorgeous.

This went on for a few years and whether the actors were in a relationship or not, it didn't matter, they kept at it. The one thing thy always wanted to do was forbidden to them, but they did manage to kind of do what they wanted to do at the time, but in a more adult way. They each picked their crush and the writers made it happen.

Later, after the show went off the air, the points system was still in place and they pooled together their money and offered $100K to the first person to have sex with the forbidden. All of them No points for not getting them all. The fist forbidden was tough because she was involved with someone. At some point they all eliminated her from the contest, although one of the actors says he did make out with her. The second was easy and they all had her. Kind of disgusting if you think about it. The third? Only one of the actors was able to pull it off and only by spending a lot of money on drugs. In fact, the other actors gave up the chase because they grew up and moved on, but this actor never lost sight of what he wanted and he got it. Burned a very big bridge but he got it all in one night. The last stage of the forbidden.


  1. Getting a Full House vibe - working on the details.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Why do I think this is Full House?

  4. Saved by the Bell? Thinking Screech for the infamous D-lister... ?

  5. I was thinking maybe Seinfeld, with Jerry still being really successful, Jason Alexander as middle-of-the-road C+ and Michael Richards as the D-lister famous for a whole different reason (his racist rant).

  6. Full House was my first thought.

  7. Nevermind, just noticed the part about the set not providing much adult companionship.

  8. Melrose Place or the Brady Bunch.

  9. No idea why but I was thinking Cheers.

  10. Anybody notice that a bunch of words are missing the letter "e"? Clue or careless typo?

  11. Fullhouse

    Working actor = John Stamos
    C+ Actor = Bob Saget
    D actor = Dave Coullier, famous for Alanis Morrissette song.

    C+ gorgeous actress = Lori Loughlin

    The three actress at the end not sure about but the forbidden is either Mary kate or Ashley Olsen?

    The bridge burned was David Couiler's relationship with Alanis?

  12. I also got the Full House vibe.

  13. Full House was the first thing I thought of too, nut something in the details put me off. I think about the solid C list actress. Who from Full House would that be?

    I've got to think on this and wait for some other guesses.

  14. Full House fits except for the descriptions of the guys. And Lori Laughlin was dating John Stamos for a while, so she fits also. Would "the forbiddden" be the girls? Candace Cameron would be the eliminated one, Jodie Sweetin fits for the drugs, but I think three would really be the Olsen twins, since that one isn't referred to as a singular girl.

  15. Full House:

    Stamos - still successful on TV
    Saget- C lister
    Coulier- D lister famous for the Morrisette song

  16. Full House

    Bob Saget, John Stamos, and the guy who is famous for the Alanis Morrisette song.

    Lori Loughlin, still gorgeous.

    I was thinking Friends at first, until they mentioned the lack of adults on set. Full House had 3 males, and lots of little kids.

    There's a bill in the Ca Legislature designed to protect child actors. It passed its first committee today.

  17. Mary Kate might be the third forbidden. Maybe Candace Cameron is the first and the other sister is the easy 2nd.

    1. I think both Olsen twins is the forbidden.

  18. Full House:

    Stamos - still successful on TV
    Saget- C lister
    Coulier- D lister famous for the Morrisette song

  19. Full House was what I was thinking too. Candace is the one they gave up on maybe? Man, I feel nauseous now. Blech!

    1. Candace is the hard one, maybe very Christian like Kirk, Jodi the easy one cuz of the meth, tje twins, with lots of coke.

  20. Anonymous10:21 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. @Cathy I was thinking Seinfeld too - especially since Julia Louis Dreyfus was written about yesterday and we all thought she was still super gorgeous.

    But Full House definitely fits better - I'd call John Stamos pretty successful (stints on ER, Glee, etc), Bob Saget the C+ and Dave Coulier D list (but famous because of the Alanis song).

    For the girls, I'd say the unattainable was Candace (since she's been with Valerie for so long), they all had Jodi and Dave had one (or both) of the Olsen twins. He would have burned a bridge doing that (and that's why we haven't seen/heard from him in awhile).

  22. But she played just one girl on the show. Its enty's little distraction. I would imagine getting either twin counted as "Michele"

  23. ConqueringKing, an "r" is missing as well. Prolly just bad typing. Wouldn't be the first time.

  24. I also agree with Full House. It was the 2nd show that came to mind and I have no clue who the Forbiddens are in this one. Can't figure out what bridges got burned. Stamos was in trouble in 2010 for having sex (allegedly) with a 17 year old. That's all I can figure.

  25. But she played just one girl on the show. Its enty's little distraction. I would imagine getting either twin counted as "Michele"

  26. See, the forbidden thing and the "in a more adult way" make me think that the forbidden was underage at the time, but they would try to make it happen after she was legal...but I just am at a loss. I was thinking Friends, but the Full House thing might work. Dave Coulier, besides being unfunny, was photographed hanging out with Jodie Sweetin recently. She was kinda hanging in the shadows. I hope this is a Saturday reveal one day.

  27. I was getting the 70's show vibe with Wilmer being the D list actor now known for something else( Handy Manny and being a slime ball).

  28. That 70's show was my first thought

  29. I was also thinking Seinfeld at first, but Full House fits so much better. Would be interested in knowing which of the actors "pulled it off."

  30. That 70's show was my first thought

  31. Full House makes sense because of the part about "lack of adult companionship." ER, That 70's Show, Friends, etc all had nothing but adult companionship. Candace Cameron would be the 1st forbidden that they eliminated. Depending your interpretation either Jodie Sweetin or the Olsen's could be interchangeable at 2&3. Either could be considered disgusting with such older actors, and on the drugs part, Jodie Sweetin had notable drug issues in the past, and the Olsen's are widely rumored to be drug dealers.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ahh you're right. I'm not really familiar with Full House, I don't think it aired here in the UK.

  32. Totally on board with the Full House guess.

  33. Definitely thought of Full House right away.

  34. I think Grey nailed it, folks.

  35. I thought ER through the first paragraph...but it eventually reads like this has something to do with young people so I don't think its ER.

  36. Its written to make us all think of Full House. The trollsens weren't 18 until waaaaay after the show ended, so someone is a pedo. Coulier??

  37. Think the last dude (Dave C.) had both Olsen twins in one night - think that's what the last line of the BI means.

  38. "Only 1 of the actors was able to pull it off" is worded very carefully to make it appear as if it is something more than just sleeping with an actress... i'm thinkibg it was a 3 way with stamos and the olsen twins.

  39. I really want to go with the full house guess but this line would not apply "They each picked their crush and the writers made it happen."

  40. I figured out what enty meant by them being able to kind of do what they wanted, but in a more adult way. There was an episode where it was a dream of what the girls would be like when they were older. The actress who played "Adult Michelle" was Dave Coulier's wife, so I'm guessing they got to each pick an actress to play one of the girls.

  41. If this Full House, it is more than creepy to be thinking about the very young girls you are working with in such a way that basically turns them into nothing more than meat. Disgusting. And if Candace was the first forbidden, good thing she probably had her brother and family around to make sure nothing happened.

    BTW who works with girls as young as toddlers and waits years and years till their are old enough? That is just reprehensible and I am ashamed for John Stamos for being a part of this, if this is indeed them.

  42. Put me on board of the Full House train. The show was about an all male house raising little girls (on a set which provided not much adult companionship.) The only forbidden would have to be one of the little girls, that is so ewwwww I don't care if she is legal before you try to bang her. It's disgusting. Sadly it is probably Jodie S. who has a sad history and would be fair game to a shameless douchbag trying to win a juvenile contest.

  43. But how could they each pick their crush and the writers made it happen?

  44. Ahhhh. Full House... There's a part in Jodie Sweetin's book where she talks about getting wasted with John Stamos & MK Olsen... Weeeeird...

  45. Here is the imdb page for the episode with the adult versions of each of the girls:

  46. i was thinking full house too, but it says "they each picked their crush and the writers made it happen". i thought this meant their characters hooked up on the show. no?

  47. You guys are good - and that whole story is disgusting. Whatta bunch of creeps!

  48. there is no way that it is seinfeld for several reasons:

    julia louise dreyfus is not a C+ list actress, she is television royalty, and her father is a billionaire, making her one of the richest women in hollywood.

    Also, seinfeld is definitely a show that was "loved" as it is almost always regarded as the best television show on tv. i think that enty would have made a bigger deal of the tv show had it been seinfeld.

    Also that 70s show had 4 male leads, and the entire cast was primarily adults, with about half and half male and female actors...ruling that out as well.

    full house, on the other hand, fits for several reasons:
    the three male (and enty specified three) leads fit. John Stamos and Bob Saget could compete for the successful and C+ roles; i am actually thinking Bob Saget might be the more successful, as he is the voice on how i met your mother, but John Stamos continues to work as well. Either way, they are both B or C list with steady work.

    The three female forbiddens definitely fit as the three daughters. i would say the burning bridges occurred by sleeping with both the olsen twins in the same night--even if not at the same time.

  49. I'm shocked- I thought everyone was going to say 70's Show and that this was the easiest blind ever. The descriptions of the actors fit it perfectly and a bunch of them were underage when they began it, non?

  50. Full house and the one with Kirk Cameron fits but how about the Love Boat? I know, I know but one of them being famous... didnt Gopher get into politics and the Captain poker? They had guest stars every week.

  51. I, too, believe this is Full House, although I was such a huge fan and do not want to believe it. I think #2 is Jodie Sweetin and #3 are the Olsens (or one of them anyway).
    I read Jodie Sweetin's book and there was a part in there talking about how much she was sleeping around all the time, which leads me to believe she's #2.
    There was also a part about she and at least one of the Olsens (maybe both, I can't remember) staying the night at John Stamos' house and they had been drinking. It struck me as odd and kind of creepy at the time I read it, but I brushed it off thinking it was probably more of a family relationship. Now I'm not so sure.

  52. Jody sweetin wrote a book an talked about crazy full house parties after they were all legal and Ashley
    Olsen woke up in John stamos bed

  53. I definitely thought of Full House, but figured Bob Saget for the guy who slept w/the Olsons...wasn't there a ton of controversy about him saying he thought they were hot? Plus he used to go clubbing all the time with the WB set and other kids, so I could see him spending money on drugs.

  54. Time to get a new proofreader, Enty. Dayum.

  55. Here's my full guess:

    Still successful actor: Stamos
    Middle-of-the-road C+: Bob Saget
    D-lister famous for something else: Dave Coulier

    Still-gorgeous C+ actress: Lori Loughlin

    More adult version of forbidden: Actresses from episode titled, "Those Better Not Be the Days"

    Forbidden 1: Candace Cameron
    Forbidden 2: Jodie Sweetin
    Forbidden 3: MK & Ashley

    Actor who got them both: Dave Coulier

  56. I was just going to post what Marisa did. I seem to recall that Saget got criticized for being skeevily close to the Olsens.

  57. *heads explodes*

    The olsens drug dealers?!

    Dave and the song?!

    I have never heard those things

    Okay if this is about Full House, who hasn't been seen in all the random reunion pics that come out at least once a year?

  58. I think the missing letters are a clue - letters e and r are both missing. ER. E is missing too many times for it to be accidental.

  59. Full House was my first thought, and based one everyone else's guesses, I think it's correct.

  60. No one thinks this is 90210? Tiffany Thiesen is the still gorgeous c+ lister working on White Collar.

    1. That was my first guess, but Full House so fits!!

  61. Wow. "Full House" wasn't even on my radar. I thought "70's Show" FTW.

  62. ughh and to think I used to love full house when I was a little kid. I'm officialy creeped out! just knowing that those guys knew the girls when they were so so young.. gross! new commenter btw. i was finally confident enough in my guess to post! but I've been checking out the site (and of course the comments!) for a while. u guys crack me up! :D

  63. Everything fits Full House except for the third forbidden being the Olsen Twins. They were infants when that show started and still actually children, not teens or preteens, when the show ended. I don't want to believe that those guys were drooling over infants, then toddlers, etc., waiting to get at them someday. And how did the writers help these "crushes" happen? I assume that means each actor picked a crush and were either paired with them as a couple in the story or for a dream episode or something. Who would have been paired with an Olsen? Maybe they each got a guest star?

    I just really don't want it to be Full House, even though it seems like it could be. Yuck!

    The Brady Bunch? My Three Sons? Holmes & Yo-Yo? Fraggle Rock?!?!??

    I'm tryin'! (I've got to go scrub my brain.)

  64. My first thought was That 70's Show, but after reading it again and realizing there are 3 male, main characters who dated around on the show, I'm leaning towards Saved By the Bell. Slater has any tv gig he wants, MPG is doing ok on tv, Skreech did yucky nerd porn and Tiffany is still hot, I think enty posted her pic a few days ago.
    The 'forbidden' and 3some with the Olsen twins make sense but I'd rather not believe that not just one but three grown men fantasized about little girls they watched grow up. I don't know how that would apply to Saved By the Bell but I do like the guess better bc of the 3 regular guys (who I took to be underage or borderline from the blind) who dated many different girls on the show. I just hope it's not a disappointing reveal like, Benson or Mork and Mindy lol

  65. Oh no! Cathy came up with the crush episode.

    I surrender. This is probably Full House. Now we know what it was full of.

  66. It's not ER, there was plenty of adult supervision on ER.

    It's full House. the blind fits perfectly with a few interchangeable parts

  67. John Stamos is a creepy fucker, too. I heard him tell a story where he lead a girl into a darkened room and crept out, leaving the girl with his friend who fucked her. The girl had no idea. Is that some kind of rape by proxy?

  68. Full House or Friends

  69. Well, I wouldn't say this means he's into kids at all but John Stamos is very experimental. I can't remember if it was him or Rebecca Romijn on Howard Stern a decade ago but they spoke about 3somes in their marriage and it sounded like they'd try anything.

  70. I can't believe that my first guess of Full House was almost everyone elses. I usually suck at these.

  71. That 70's show?

    Most successful - Ashton
    C+ - Topher Grace
    D list and fmaous for a whole different kind of reason: Wilmer Valderama
    First Forbidden: Mila Kunis in a long term relationship with Macaulley
    Second that everyone had: Lisa Robin Kelly
    Third who was with one actor: Laura Prepon
    The actor who burned the bridge: Wilmer

  72. So I guesst this puts to rest all the "John Stamos Is Gay" rumours

  73. I was sure it was "News Radio" until I got to the part about it being "a set which provided not much adult companionship". "News Radio" was all adults. I thought Dave Foley for the still-successful actor, Joe Rogan, Jon Lovitz, or Stephen Root all fit for C+ listers; and Andy Dick for the D lister who is famous for a whole different reason. Maura Tierney could fit as the C+ lister who is still gorgeous. However, none of the rest of it fits with "News Radio". I'll go with those guessing "Full House". It fits all the clues.

  74. What about Kimmie Gibler????

  75. Candace Cameron for #1
    Kimmie Gibler for #2
    Jodie Sweetin for #3

  76. Yes, i just looked at the imdb and see that i spelled the character name incorrectly.

  77. Found one more interesting bit of trivia - Dave's son was born nine months after the episode with the girls as adults, to the actress who played "Adult Michelle"


    Hop Sing was the Forbidden.

  79. DueDiligence - Hahahahahaha

  80. But, if this is Full House I don't understand this part of the blind:

    "This went on for a few years and whether the actors were in a relationship or not, it didn't matter, they kept at it. The one thing thy always wanted to do was forbidden to them, but they did manage to kind of do what they wanted to do at the time, but in a more adult way. They each picked their crush and the writers made it happen."

    So - the writers would help them get with the kids? I don't remember any kind of plot lines like that....

  81. i don't see how that 70s show fits at all. this is clearly a blind about adult male actors going after much younger, probably illegal at the time of the show, women (otherwise how were they "forbidden?"). the kids on that 70s show were all about the same age, so why would any of those guys getting with any of those girls seem "forbidden?" it would just be teens having sex, sounds pretty standard to me.

    ok just looked it up, that 70s show ran from 1998-06. here are the ages of the girls when it started:

    mila kunis: 15
    laura prepon: 18
    lisa robin kelley: 28

    so only mila would have been "forbidden" (topher and ashton were both 20 in 98 and wilmer was 18).

  82. I agree with the "Full House" guess, but I think John Stamos is the one who won the sick contest, not Dave. He has quite the reputation.

  83. @Suzanne - see my above comments about the episode where the guys imagine the girls as adults.

  84. There was chatter a while back about Stamos and one of the Olson twins. Full House FTW. Wasn't there a drug connection with Ashley and Heath Ledger?

  85. Haven't read the comments yet but my immediate thought is Seinfeld...Kramer being known for a whole different reason? And the gorgeous C+ lister as T. Hatcher? Off to read the other responses, I'm prob way off :)

  86. For everyone wondering about the missing letters, go back and read other things on the site. I think they got someone new to start blogging because they keep missing letters in a lot of the entries, not just blinds. It's irritating.

  87. Could be burned bridge be Demi?

  88. MAYBE the missing Es and Rs are a clue (Stamos was on ER), but it's looking like Enty is making typos all over today.
    I am totally on board with it being Full House. I don't think the guys were planning on banging the twins when they were babies, though. It seems to me that they became the forbidden after the show had ended. Remember how there were countdowns to their 18th birthday? Those didn't start till the girls started to develop (grosses me out just typing that), so maybe it was the same with the guys wanting to get with them. The girls started to grow up into pretty ladies, and suddenly they realized "hmm let's do this."
    Still disgusting, though. I'd think after working with them since they were babies, you would come to think of them as daughters, but I guess Hollywood is different :/

  89. I tip my hat to Cathy for digging up that episode. Full House it is.

    I remember an interview awhile back w/ Stamos, in which they asked him about FH, and specifically how they chose which Olsen twin to work which scene. He said (I think) Mary-Kate had a 'crush on him' more so than Ashley. So they used MK for close work between Michelle & Uncle Jessie.
    I know that little girls get 'crushes' on grown men, but it was the way Stamos said it that made me immediately think they had something later. A twinkle.

    Why do the majority think it's Dave Coulier that got the twins? Unless they always had a crush on him (doubt it), why would they give it up to the D-lister? They were snobby even as teens.

  90. I really like the 90210 guess. Tori Spelling being the third forbidden. I could see ticking her daddy off would be a HUGE bridge to burn.

  91. Thanks, libby! The only reason I think Coulier over Stamos is because Stamos still seems to keep in contact with most of them. I might be wrong, but Coulier seems like he might be slightly estranged, which the burned bridge could indicate. But it could be Stamos.

  92. Then again, libby, now that I think about it, Stamos and his ex-wife got divorced not too long after the Olsen twins became legal...

  93. I thought Full House when I read this. I was confused about the D-lister clue....I had no idea Dave Coullier dated Alanis Morrisette or that he thought the song was about him!

  94. I was under the impression the song WAS about him,lol.

  95. I'm not good at these things cuz I was thinking "Friends"

  96. I think this is Full House too, only I think it's possible that Saget had the twins. With enough drugs and humour, it could happen. And I think he has the kind of cash to afford the amount of drugs needed.

    If you've seen Saget in the Aristocrats, you might get where I'm coming from on this. Youtube it.

  97. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Hi, Not very long time reader, first time poster here. Concerning the missing letters, they are probably just typos but I was playing with this idea. The three people in the last part of the blind R Dave Coul E ier, Mar E Kate Olson and Ashl E Olson. Hope that made sense. Phonetically they all three have the E sounds in the names. Just a funny thought.

    1. Jessie,danny,and joey all do the same thing as well.. interesting.

  98. Great, now the random photos of the day have me trying to fit this with Dawson's Creek....

  99. I think Crila has it right.

  100. just googled "coulier and olson twins" and this came up:

    Dave Coulier

    I dont think "Do you still talk to the Olsen twins" is a legitimate security question at LAX.
    13 Apr 12

  101. @Libby (12:04 PM) -
    I'll never look at "Michelle's Smiling" the same way again! Actually there was a good chance I would never see it again anyway.

  102. To be different: Party of Five

    Mathew Fox
    Scott Wolf
    Jeremy London
    Scott Grimes

    Neve Campbell
    J Love
    Lacey Chabert
    Paula Devicq

    Plus a boatload of guest starring woman over the yrs, thanks IMDB

    Tamara Taylor (now on bones)
    Rhona Mitra
    Megan Ward

    Not much adult supervision - that was the whole premise of the show, parents died, blah blah.

    They all grew up and moved on - the men on Full House were already old grown men even if immature and skeevy, whereas some of the male actors on PO5 started young/youngish so the growing up and moving on fits them more.

    Yes it probably is Full House but just wanted to throw out another option

  103. I know someone who worked with the Olsen twins on their fashion line and they used to smoke pot at 8:00 am.

  104. Anonymous12:54 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I can't help but think that the "pair of shoes" reference means something too. Pair = twins, Shoes = Fashion

    1. Again,I think you are right w this and the E thing being clues.
      Kimmie and Beckie too also fit as does Stephanie.

  106. Anonymous1:04 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. Full House
    What everyone else said.

    It says AFTER the show was over they kept the bet going as to who could bed all 3 of the kids.

    No one could get DJ-she got married really young

    They call got Jodie Sweeten

    Only one got the Olsens-and he got it all in one night, so I am thinking he got both.

    I remember an interview with them when they were little and when asked who their favorite was they both looked at each other, giggled really cute and said "Uncle Jesse!!!"

    If this is true, he is truly one sick dude.

    Oh, and the bridge her burned was likely Rebecca, who could have probably accepted anything but that, especially if they were minors at the time.

  108. It seems every man in Hollywood should be in jail.

  109. I was thinking Entourage. I'm surprised no one said that yet.

  110. @CarolMR - Amen girly!

  111. The Olsen twins' 18th birthday does coincide with Stamos's 2005 divorce....

  112. oh, never mind. I see the "lack of adults" thing now.

  113. Yes, Full House fits almost perfect. Good job guys!

  114. I remember the interview with the twins..when they were little, and they both said how John Stamos was their favorite.
    I'm really sickened by this!!

  115. I thought Stamos' marriage broke up due to him bagging Carmen Electra in the closet at an MTV party...

    that was a reveal on here (forget if it was 7/4 or 1/1) but it did state that it broke up the marriage.

  116. If this turns out NOT to be Full House we have just run those fuckers through the ringer and linked them all to some crazy shit that might not have happened...I love it!

  117. I don't understand how this can't be revealed. I really don't. This is disturbing the charts ..disturbing!!

  118. I dont think it is full house. Everyone is forgetting one very important line in the BI: "they picked thier crushes and the writers made it happen"

    that doesnt denote kids with adults

    thats young actors and young accresses together. I am thinking BH 90210, think about it

    "the show featured several men"

    Jason Priestly
    Luke Perry
    Ian Ziering
    Brian Austin Green

    "it was on the air for quite some time"

    bh 90210 was 91-2000

    " The actors all still work although only on continues to be really successful while the other is middle of the road C+ list and one of the others is way down at the bottom of the D"

    Continues to work: Brian Austin Green or Luke Perry

    C+ could be perry or priestly

    D: Ian Ziering or priestly

    "solid C+ lister to this day and still gorgeous."

    There was a lot of dating on that set. All of the females are still working, all c listers, and all still gorgeous. Tiffany Amber Thiessen really fits for this part, since she was very serious with BAG for a couple years.

    "They each picked their crush and the writers made it happen."

    the characters all cross dated at one time or another.

    The forbiddens? remember, the BI says it happened AFTER the show went off the air, Thats after 2000 for 90210:
    eliminated? Jenny Garth, wasnt she married soon after the show ended?

    Easy One? Tori Spelling

    Druggie Sex?

    not sure, but it could be.....

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. I dont think this is Cheers but an old friend of mine worked on the Cheers set 25 or so years ago (god, can it be that long!) and told me that set was one big frat house and pretty lewd. Very much a boys club. Nothing too seedy or questionable but very testostorone driven and extras on set were regularly taken home. Shelley Long and Bebe Neuwirth both got out purely because they couldn't deal with it anymore.

  121. Sorry, I only mentioned that Cheers story as I saw someone had mentioned it earlier! ;)

  122. Don't apologize, PlatinumBlonde!! you are entitled to your guess.

  123. Anonymous3:27 PM

    It's totally Full House and although it's messed up, I don't think it's creepy because I don't think any of this happened when the kids were underage. I also believe that when they "picked their crushes and the writers made it happen" refers to guest stars on the show. If they wanted a chance at an actress they had a crush on, the talked the writers into coming up with a role for her so that she'd guest star and they could hook up with her. It was a pretty big show at the time. I think Stamos is the winner because MK and A also went thru a phase as sisters when they were both doing different things, and not so BFF. Perhaps it was over Uncle Jesse!

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Also, MK&A got their star on the Hollywood walk of fame in 2004 and we all saw the cast photo, They also released New York Minute in 2004 and had their photo taken with Candace Cameron and Jodie Sweetin, who later revealed she was high in that photo. That was also they same year MK battled "anorexia" and went to rehab, so there's reason to suspect where the drugs would come into play within the blind item if it is indeed Full House. That on top of Jodies story in 'Unsweetined' about the party at Stamos' house leads me to believe that he could've conquered all 3 tanner girls and won the bet. I remember Coulier on the Surreal Life (I also believe in 2004) getting really defensive when someone said something about MK&A because he was really protective of them so I think he was one of the actors that grew up and moved past the bet.

  124. I heard a disturbing story about the Full House set years ago. Since the twins were so young, the amount of time they could be onset was severely limited, and a lot of scenes were practiced with a stand-in doll (since as a baby "Michelle" didn't have much for lines). Bob Saget, the story goes, used to simulate sex with the doll (hump it against him), to the amusement of the others on the set. Why would you do that to an inanimate object that represents a child and your pretend daughter? Gross.

  125. @Buffalo Alice, I have to disagree and say that it is very creepy. Even if the girls in question were of legal age (and it appears that they were), they were playing these actors very young children since a very young age. They grew up with these guys, who in a way, they probably very well did view as family. This isn't the same as seeing some friends daughter after a 10 year absence and hooking up. This is someone they WATCHED grow up every single day, and apparantly counting down the days till they could do something about it. That is just a bad thing to do. Escpecially since no doubt these guys had access to any woman they wanted, and usually got them.

    I really hope this story is not true because it appears alot of people were invovled in this and turned a blind eye.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      I completely respect your point! Well said

  126. Cathy's episode sleuthing blows my mind and seals the deal for me... Full House, for sure!

    I would never have guessed it on my own (I switched from guessing Friends to Saved by the Bell while I read it), but you guys have definitely proven it to me.

    The 'in a more adult way' part of the blind sounded bizarre and jumbled until Cathy's find, which makes it read perfectly clear now!

  127. Throwing out a new guess, just for fun. Seventh Heaven? Lots of kids...

  128. Wow, I was off on a WHOLE different tangent. I was thinking of male-dominated shows and thought of "The Sopranos" cos James Gandolfini was/is a womanizer? Not sure about the rest but Joe Pantoliano, Steve Buscemi as interesting starters?

  129. Saved by bell fits with screech burning his brideges

  130. Saved by bell fits with screech burning his brideges

  131. if its full house pretty gross i watched this show growing up and they were supposed to be father figures and bob saget is always talking about getting young girls its just pathetic and gross..ugh hollywoood

  132. not to mention i think the olsen twins are mk'd she even has that as her initials. look it up. project monarch...sickos

  133. @Buffalo Alice, I like that theory on the whole "they picked their crush and the writers made it happen" thing.

    Were there many female guest stars on Full House? I wasn't allowed to watch it when I was a kid (yeah...weird) so I don't know much about the story lines. If there was a string of decent looking women on the show, I would definitely say that is what that line means.

  134. i'm liking the "entourage" edge, comfortable - ONLY when NOTHING else was on.

    all men

    lots of women write ins.

    pivens the perv.

    seriously, who the fuck watched full house? really? never seen a single episode...

  135. dione herself..Don't judge. But I never watched it either. I missed a LOT of TV shows, like A Team, shit just name a bunch and I missed them all. Too busy reading I think.

  136. @Buffalo Alice cruisin responses to see who else rembered the Dave C attitude when Jordan mentioned the twins. "but he got it all in one night" sounds like a three-some without question.

  137. Definitely Full House! John Stamos had a crush on Kristian Alfonso from Days of Our Lives and she guest starred the first season. Chelsea Noble was on too. In the first couple of seasons, Stamos had a string of beautiful girlfriends. He did date his show wife Becky in real life, so she would seem like the one who figured out she was just a conquest.

    The "forbidden" part does not make sense to me though. Saget was always the freakiest of the trio, who are all still good friends. Saget was also the one who use to joke in his stand-up act about a bet the three guys had to get the twins at 18. A LOT of people did not find that bit funny.

    Here is the problem I have with the blind. I went to the 100th episode taping back in 1991 and the after party. I use to date Stamos'cousin, and there was never any freaky vibe going.

    The worse cast member was Candace Cameron. She was a stuck-up b*tch. She posed for pics and left. Stamos brought his mom to the party and a few family members.

    The guys joked around, but it was Coulier and Saget who were the closest. They were always making fun of Stamos in kind of a mean way. Saget made a comment, "at least he has looks." Stamos laughed it off, but I could tell it bothered him.

    Also, the girls from the show only say positive stuff about Stamos, but are mum on the other two.

  138. I agree with crila16, That 70's Show. The blind says that one is successful, one is C+, and "one of the others" is D; "one of the others" would imply those three plus at least one other male. I didn't watch the show, so I have no idea which forbiddens were which, but it did seem to me like they kept pairing off the characters, as if the writers were hooking up the females according to the males' wishes.

  139. This comment has been removed by the author.

  140. "Saved by the Bell" seems to fit as well. I just find the whole "Full House" thing too creepy.

    "one of the others is way down at the bottom of the D list, but he is famous for a whole different kind of reason." Is Dustin Diamond of the sex tape fame.

    Lark Voorhees was engaged at the time of the show to Martin Lawrence - maybe she was the forbidden? Plus, she was "in a relationship" with Zack (John Paul Gosselear)after Martin ended their engagement.

    The only thing that doesn't fit - is...which one is successful? Mario Lopez has hosted a bunch of TV shows, I would say he is a C, and Tiffani Thiessen is presently in a series...Leah Remini and Tori Spelling were guest stars on the show, that would also fit, as would the lack of "adult" supervision.

  141. Don't think it is Full House. There had to be adult supervision for the kids. Teachers, parents, nannies. Someone had to be there watching the young kids at all times. Sounds more like older teens. My first thought was Mila Kunis as the forbidden since she was underage when the 70's Show started.

  142. It's not Saved by the Bell... During the whole time they were filming, everyone slept with everyone, so no one would be "forbidden.". To anyone who thinks that it fits, I suggest you google Dustin Diamond's tell-all.

    This if Full House, for sure - every last detail fits, from the doing what was forbidden in a more adult way (sleeping with the actresses who played adult versions of the girls) to the fact that forbidden #3 doesn't specify that it's just one person (because it's both twins).

  143. @lutefisk - they didn't sleep with the girls while the show was filming, only years later once they became later, so I don't see how your point about adult supervision on set applies.

  144. *once they became legal. Damn iPad.

  145. Cathy, "Anyway, in order to keep things interesting on a set which provided not much adult companionship..." It was Enty's point. There had to be adults watching the kids, and there were plenty of adults for the rest of the cast. Bob Saget and John Stamos were always dating, there were teachers, band people, talk show people, neighbors...I saw lots of other adults on the show.

  146. lutefisk, "Anyway, in order to keep things interesting on a set which provided not much adult companionship, the actors would come up with different ways to get points based on who you had sex with or where."

    So there obviously were SOME adults that they were having sex with, but I think Enty's point was that their primary interactions while filming were not with adults.

  147. Cathy, I am interpreting that statement as meaning the show had a bunch of teens with not many adults.
    I am not sure of your point. Full House had plenty of adults on the show and on the set.

  148. regarding the typos - I've always assumed the typos were because Enty (or whomever) is posting from his phone. I make all kinds of typos when I'm texting.

  149. Don't understand why adult supervision would make this not Full House. So what if their were adult handlers there? They were not interacting with the adult stars.

    There were more than just the dream episode of the twins growing up for the guys to get women on the show. There were many episodes of beautiful women coming through.

    Saget was married throughout the run of the show. Stamos did not get married until 1998. He even saw Becky Romain Lettuce at a Victoria Secret fashion show and basically picked her out of a catalogue. They did not start really dating until 1994 when the show was over.

    All the clues point to Full House.

    My biggest question is who got the twins in bed? Coulier seems the biggest possibility.

  150. A handful of people are talking about "adult supervision" being mentioned in Enty's text, however he never mentions anything about supervision. He is talking about companionship (he says "Anyway, in order to keep things interesting on a set which provided not much adult companionship").

    This reads to me a cast like "Full House", where the men didn't have many other adults to interact with on set, so they found themselves bored. Unlike a show like "Friends" where the 3 guys on that show had the other 3 women to interact with and help pass the downtime on set.

  151. I rewrote the blind, but filled in the appropriate Full House people in the spots where Enty leaves it vague (in caps). It all fits. For anyone who is still trying to make one of the other shows work for this, see if you can fill everything in:

    FULL HOUSE was one of those television shows that everyone seemed to love. OK, maybe love is too strong of a word. It was watchable and made better background noise than most shows. Plus, FULL HOUSE was on the air for quite some time so it became comfortable, like that pair of shoes you never stop wearing despite all the ones in your closet that are probably better (OR LIKE YOUR OLD FAMILIAR FRIEND, WAITING JUST AROUND THE BEND).

    Anyway, FULL HOUSE featured several men and they were always competing to see who could have sex with the most people each week the show taped. At first that was fun, but they realized they were fast running out of people to have sex with and decided to take things up a notch. The actors all still work although only JOHN STAMOS continues to be really successful while BOB SAGET is middle of the road C+ list and DAVE COULIER is way down at the bottom of the D list, but he is famous for THE SONG ALANIS WROTE ABOUT HIM.

    Anyway, in order to keep things interesting on a set which provided not much adult companionship, the actors would come up with different ways to get points based on who you had sex with or where. LORI LOUGHLIN thought she was entering into a serious relationship with JOHN STAMOS until she finally realized he was just having sex with her in the strangest places to win the contest for that month. She is also a solid C+ lister to this day and still gorgeous.

    This went on for a few years and whether the actors were in a relationship or not, it didn't matter, they kept at it. The one thing thy always wanted to do was HAVE SEX WITH THE DAUGHTERS, but they did manage to kind of do what they wanted to do at the time, but in a more adult way WHEN THERE WAS AN EPISODE WITH THE GIRLS PLAYED BY ADULTS. They each picked their crush and the writers made it happen. DAVE COULIER WENT ON TO MARRY THE ACTRESS WHO PLAYED ADULT MICHELLE.

    Later, after the show went off the air, the points system was still in place and they pooled together their money and offered $100K to the first person to have sex with the DAUGHTERS. All of them No points for not getting them all. CANDACE CAMERON was tough because she was involved with someone. At some point they all eliminated her from the contest, although one of the actors says he did make out with her.JODI SWEETIN was easy and they all had her. Kind of disgusting if you think about it. The OLSEN TWINS? Only one of the actors was able to pull it off and only by spending a lot of money on drugs. In fact, the other actors gave up the chase because they grew up and moved on, but this actor never lost sight of what he wanted and he got it. Burned a very big bridge but he got it all (BOTH TWINS) in one night. The last stage of the forbidden.

  152. BRAVO Cathy! That's perfect!

  153. Bravo Cathy indeed- that is perfect. Forbidden would only be b/c of age and playing fathers/uncles/children... so that to me eliminates Dawsons, SBTB, Niner, or any TV show that is primarily adult (Seinfeld, ER, etc).

    I bet it was both Olsens and I not sure the earlier poster got their drug of choice right but still. I just have to wonder which of the 3 guys screwed them. They can do a lot better than Dave C regardless of how much drugs they take, he is gross. But he is the least busy so you would think most likely to still be focused on this. I would have assumed John Stamos but I don't know of any bridges he's burned... so process of elimination/upthread comment on his standup I'm going to say its Bob Saget who got his wish.

    I have to say its not necessarily gross because these things happenned after the show and presumably once people were legal, but that fact that anyone suggested the Olsens as part of this pool at the time is really beyond repulsive, they were toddlers. Maybe it started out as a joke? God I hope so.

  154. Thanks, kuckles and Izaheart!

    I'm pretty sure the drug of choice for the Olsen's would have been coke. I know someone who saw them doing coke at a party when they would have been juniors in high school.

    Now I'm leaning more toward John Stamos as the one who got them all. I know that Enty posted in a blind about him hooking up with Carmen Elektra (I think) in a closet, causing their divorce, but the Olsen twins would have turned 18 while they were separated, but before the divorce was finalized. So maybe that's the bridge that was burned?

    Also, each of the girls are listed in age order, so it would make sense for the youngest to be the "last stage of the forbidden."

  155. Crushes=writers made happen...

    Suzanne Somers and Vanna White both guest starred on the show.

  156. Anonymous4:24 PM

    MOST Of Thes Comments Don't Make ANY Sense, Where The Hell Does Mary-Kate And Ashley Fit In With This Blind???

    The Blind Is About Several Guys On A TV Show ((3 Guys??)), First There Is The C+ Actress((Not Forbidden)) Who Thinks She Is Getting In A Serious Relationship With One Of The Actors Until She Finds Out He Is Just Having Sex With Her In The Strangest Places To Win Bets Or Whatever.

    The Only Thing That Was Forbidden To Them Where The Co-Stars ((Reason Not Stated, No Mention Of Age)) So In A Smart Adult Way The Actors Made The Writers Pair Them Up With Their Forbidden Crushes, ((Can't Be Ashley & MK, They Weren't Paired Up With Anyone)) So That Way They Got To Make Out ((And Proberly Grope)) The Forbidden Co-Stars For The Cameras.

    After The TV Show Stopped Airing The Bet/Contest Was Still On, 100k For The Actor Who Slept With The Forbidden; ALL OF THEM, No Points For Not Getting Them All. The FIRST Forbidden Was Tough, Over Some Time She Was Eliminated Because She Was In A Serious Relationship And Was Not Going To Give Out, Although One Of Actors Said He Made Out With Her. The SECOND Forbidden Was Easy They All Had Her.

    The Actors Began To Grow Up And Suddenly Gave Up The Chase And Moved On Except One Who Was Still Adament To Conquest The THIRD Forbidden Which He Did Only By Spending Alot Of Money And Tempting Her With Drugs, Which Ended Up Burning Some Bridges.

    You Have To Guess

    The TV Show

    Actor 1

    Actor 2

    Actor 3

    C+ Actress ((Got Played))

    Forbidden Actrees 1 ((In Serious Relationship No One Conquered))

    Forbidden Actress 2 ((They All Had Her))

    Forbidden Actress 3 ((Druggie, Only Conquered By One Of The Actors))

    My Guess Is That The Blind Points To 'That 70's Shows' The Fact That The Reunion Is Airing Soon Plus The Whole Ashton And Mila Hook Up In The News.

    Ashton Kutcher As The Actor Doing Well, Topher Grace As The C+ Lister, Wilmer Valderrama As The D Lister Who Famous For Other Things; Bedding Women. I Will Throw In Danny Masterson As Well Because Him And Ashton Are Best Friends So That Says Alot About Him, Sorry.

    C+ Actress Who Got Played; No Idea ((Too Lazy To Imdb)).

    The Gorgeous Mila As The Forbidden Actress 1 Who Was In A Serious Relationship With Mac, Who Was Smart And Kept Her Knickers On.

    I'm Not Sure As To Who The Forbidden Actress 2 Is, ((Lazy)).

    I'm Guessing Laura Prepon As The Forbidden 3 Who Slept With One Of The Actors For Drugs, Who Was Probably Wilmer Valdawhathisface; ((Isn't Their A Blind About Him Given Demi Lovato Drugs?))

    I Could Be Totally Wrong But That's How I Read The Blind :)

  157. Alissa, many of us read it the same way that you did. The Full House guess makes no sense. A bunch of grown men in their 30's wouldn't be sitting around planning on having sex with toddlers way into the future.

  158. @Alissa - you should have re-read the blind and the comments before condescendingly saying that "most of the comments don't make ANY sense." I'm not going to repeat my reasoning for the hundredth time (you're welcome to go back and read it though), but this is DEFINITELY full house and not that 70's show.

  159. This comment has been removed by the author.

  160. This comment has been removed by the author.


  162. I don't know how you guys can read Cathy's comments and not be sold. There are plenty of guys who watch women grow up and then have sex/relationships with them (Woody Allen, Morgan Freeman, and plenty of not-at-all-famous guys all around the world). A lot of men are perfectly able to separate thinking about the little baby they once held and the hot, legal girl they can now have sex with. It's taboo, but not unheard of.

  163. Full House 100%

  164. This comment has been removed by the author.

  165. Ps- that's how he came to call it 'forbidden'. What would be forbidden about an adult costar? That happens all of the time, it's far from forbidden! Forbidden = taboo

  166. Anonymous4:53 PM

    @lutefisk My Point Exactly!! Full House Dosen't Not Fit With This Blind

    @Cathy Sorry, Didn't Mean To Sound Rude. I Just Dont Think The Olsen Twins Fit With This Blind, There Were 3 Forbiddens, They Got Paired Up With The Actors On The Show. BTW I Think Your Comments Are True That Some Point John Stamos Did Bed The Twins, But This Blind Has Nothing To Do With Them. Sorry Again.

  167. Anonymous4:53 PM


  168. Yuck. I was never a big fan of Full House to begin with, but if this blind is really about that show, then I probably won't even be able to catch a random episode without feeling sick to my stomach. How can 3 grown men fantasize about having sex with the kids and toddlers who are playing their on-screen children? They are all sickos with pedophile tendencies.

  169. Damn, that capitalization is annoying, Alissa.

    It sounds like the guys started out with more "normal" sex games, then escalated. They could've added the twins to "the Forbidden" later in the run of the show, when they were prepubescent.

  170. Anonymous6:13 PM

    @Mooshki Ha! Sowwy, It's a habit

  171. 90210

    I agree that Tori would be "The Forbidden One" and that ticking off Aaron Spelling would be a very huge bridge to burn. A career killer, possibly. "Famous in another way" would be Brian Austin Green as Megan Fox's husband.

  172. word @mooshki :) that's what I'm hoping, that the twins weren't in this pool until later on in the show. Either way its creepy as f*ck but honestly as others have pointed out sadly not unusual in Hwood or IRL.

    Not Niner- everyone on that set slept with everyone else, Tori even officially dated BAG for a while early in the show, so if he had burned a bridge with her dad I doubt he would have stayed on the show for its entire run and married her character at the end. Plus who would the two other "forbiddens" be?

    I hear the points from others but I don't think intracast shenanigans would be "forbidden" if it wasn't for a massive age discrepancy/playing parents or relatives of kids. So any show without young kids as principals or a teen/adult or primarily adult cast doesn't make sense to me. I'm sure on That Seventies Show and Dawsons and Niner and ER etc there were lots of hookups.

    And I don't see any other compelling guess that fits in every way here but FH. I also think the way the last "forbidden" is written hints that it might not be one person. And I will never watch a FH rerun again (not that I planned to but still).

  173. Looks like Full House is the winner, scroll down to #128 here:

  174. I think the missing letters are a clue for Full House because ER was one one the recent work John Stamos has done.

  175. @Blind Item Diva - Wow! I'm famous! They used the exact wording of my guess!

  176. I found this Howard Stern interview that John Stamos did a few years ago. At the 3 minute mark he says he doesn't think it would be weird to have sex with the Olson twins.

    I will never be able to watch this show the same again.

  177. This comment has been removed by the author.

  178. Full House was too big to be considered mere "background noise."

    A better guess is Full House's TGIF companion, Step by Step. The descriptions fit its later seasons.

    - Patrick Duffy is still successful
    - Bronson Pinchot is c-list
    - The dude playing JT is a nobody, and he's famous for another reason: he was shot while getting gas. Granted, maybe "famous" is pushing it, but still, something major happened to him outside of the realm of the show.

    - Christine Lakin is the still-beautiful c-lister.

    - Suzanne Somers fits as forbidden #1
    - The girl who played Karen has been called the "easiest to get along with" by a few cast members. It's not too farfetched to think every guy on the show got her.
    - The girl who played Dana looked AWFUL in the years following the show's ending. While there has never been any indication that she had a drug problem, it's not impossible.



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