Sunday, April 01, 2012

That Is A Huge Amount Of Slime

Last night at the Kid's Choice Awards, Justin Beiber got slimed with so much slime that I'm surprised he did not drown. I can't believe Will Smith managed to hold on to him throughout the entire episode.


  1. Why was WSmith bearhugging him from behind like that?

  2. I think the tabloids might be right :)

  3. Maybe he was hugging him so he couldn't run away. Really weird stuff, though. That kid is SUCH A TWAT. Seriously it's time for some parents OR SOMEBODY to start boycotting him. He's got the worst attitude ever and if I had kids I would forbid them to even look at him on TV for fear that they would start emulating his little fuckf@ce attitude. Since when did parenting turn into STRAIGHT PIMPING, rather than actually RAISING OR DISCIPLINING your kids. All manners and Etiquette have apparently left our planet (at least the US!) completely!

  4. i think justin seemed to enjoy that too much.

  5. story link on enty:


      Rupert Murdoch is to be trusted.

  6. Wills and probate? Really? So boring.

  7. Marg Helgenburger said he was a little brat.
    A hug from behind by Will Smith and slime, the mind boggles.

  8. Oh boy! Will got to grind on Justin on tv! That was Will's night right there. No, make it his week!

    I agree @BIRK, Justin is a twat.

  9. I thought this was AWESOME.

    Will Smith never seems to age and everyone looked like they had fun with it- which I like to see.

    Also, I didnt know the First Lady was there- COOL!

    I LOVE that she went to the Kid's Choice Awards!

    1. YEA! Mrs. Obama actually had two tickets. One for her and one for her huge ass. But I'm the one who needs the government to tell me what to eat.

  10. I'm no regular comment person but a long time reader. I felt it's time to express my opinion and return to my hiding spot>>. I think the best part of this site is the old posters, but I too am a tad miffed and betrayed. I at least felt the isnide scoops and blinds were legit, but now not so much. It makes me wonder about some of the regular posters? Are they Enty just shilling for himself? I think enty was himmmmmm too. Because he's the only one to benefit from the fame and traffic. I hate it for RDJ and the TG in VA too, especially after Jezebel and those others all attacked and accused. I hope all those CDAN peeps who gang-tackled the innocent ones who are not Himm have the courage to apologize to the innocent. As someone else said, the NYPOST reporter seemed honest and detailed in researching the Tamblyn thing too. I guess she got in contact with the real Him in order to varify that RDJ and TG were not Him. I still want to know how she got Enty on the phone?? I do hope this site does not shut down but I guess Enty will get sued and we'll find him out soon enough. But guess Coke Mom never existed at all. Screw it - why not just reveal every blind ever - especially the big ones? Do it now Enty? Because frankly I feel like a fool, an April Fool, for falling for this site from day uno. Guess I'm gullible.

    1. You are reading a celebrity gossip site and are getting mad because someone "might" have lied to you...get a life wtf. Ur an idiot.

  11. @kim called - I don't know, I believe a lot of it, and the sources are probably quite varied. I enjoy this site very much regardless.

    For the sliming, I think Will was holding him upright from the force (Bieber is tiny) and keeping him in place. Bieber did not know about sliming in advance (but Nickolodeon warns all presenters) though Will probably did.

    HOW does Will Smith still look 26? That man is fine.

  12. The Head = Himmm = Enty

  13. As regards the NYPost article...

    It's hard to know what to believe. The NYPost is owned by News International, including 21st Century Fox, including Rupert Murdoch -- the subject of some blinds.

    Murdoch has been know to get personally involved in some news stores, and to direct them. Fox obviously has vested interests in shutting down some of the rumors.

    Thus, I'm not inclined to believe anything I read there.

    I have an open mind on the stories reported here. Some do sound as though they could be true, but without evidence -- unlikely to be forthcoming -- it is hard to be certain. It remains entertaining, either way.

  14. I'm going to stand up for Beiber, he's 18 years old. I don't know of many 18 year old boys who aren't sometimes bratty or pretending to be 'gangster', it's called growing up. Leave him be.

    I do know that he spends a lot of time and effort into charity work. He visits sick children in hospital, he went to that elementary school in Nevada (after being introduced to it by Ellen Degenerus)and donated an additional $100 000 on top of what Target had promised. Do you guys remember the little girl who was sick with Cancer and she wanted to be Mrs. Beiber? He flew her up to New York and spend the afternoon with her.

    He's not perfect, but I think he makes up for it as well.

  15. Enty Lawyer on FB: "Great April Fools Day Pranks Part 3: ???"

  16. Anonymous3:36 PM

    "Nearly everything Enty says, in fact, doesn’t check out. That package Tamblyn sent? That receipt, dated December 2007, came from an LA-based recording studio called Michael Turner Productions; sole employee Michael Turner says Tamblyn has never been through there: “What does she do?” he asks."

    "It all indicates that Hollywood and the media have been punked — duped by a soft-spoken probate lawyer with delusions of grandeur."

    [Check out the manner in which the poster Himmmm wrote. Grandeur galore!]

    ‘Our jobs are hard enough without the fracturing caused by the Internet,” says one LA-based lawyer, who represents an Academy Award-winner. “With an anonymous gossip site, you have to find out who registered it” — Enty’s domain is hidden — and even then, the address could be hopping from computer to computer. Given that news lasts five minutes these days, sometimes the advice is: Don’t do anything.”

    Read more:

  17. Anonymous3:43 PM

    As someone who works in Film/TV for a little more than 15 years, a lot of this shit I had never heard. People love to gossip. It's one thing to gossip about the sex lives of adults, but some of the other stuff is so not cool. It's a little stomach turning.

    1. Dude that room 23 shit is real.

  18. ok, what I am implying and what is being presented on Enty's Facebook page is the whole NY Post story is an April Fools' Day joke.

  19. Hunter said: "Bieber did not know about sliming in advance"

    I find this really hard to believe. Did you notice that the slimees aren't nearly as dressed up us the others? Hilary Swank is jeans and a t-shirt - slimed. Taylor Swift and Katy Perry in designer clothes - not slimed.

  20. That slime shit is disgusting. When i saw Bieber covered in it i really wanted to make an inappropriate joke but i wont! Lol

  21. that slime looks like it's made from the Toxic waste they use in cartoons to give people superpowers.

  22. I will hold on to my belief that enty is Jeff Cohen for-ev-ah! The post article is a decoy.

  23. I think Will was just holding him to stop Bieber from running away and also from falling from the sheer force of all those blasters.

    As for the Himmmmm discussion. I'd like to think Himmmmm isn't someone famous, just an insider who'd friendly with a lot of celebrities and is using CDAN to express his/her opinion about the crazy world/Hollywood they live in. I don't think it's Enty, though Kim made me doubt it for a second there.

    As for the blinds, i'd like to think that most of them are true to a great extent but with some amount of truth smudged because the source was giving their perspective of the event that is the blind.

    However, i do think Enty has a lot of opinions on the status and way of life of a lot of these celebrities which affect how he describes them in blinds.

  24. Anonymous2:53 AM

    more importantly, the 1940 census is being released today and some of the older celebs are probably in fear because their real ages might be revealed for the first time!

    I'll post who's in the census later on today..

  25. Wonder if Will Smith would have preferred holding onto Taylor Lautner instead. Regardless, something tells me that Will had no problem holding the Biebs tightly while getting spooged on.

    But I will admit that Will Smith looks wonderful for his age- that man is really aging gracefully.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I'm with Hunter on the Will had to hold Justin so the slime didn't knock him over and across the floor LOL.

    I love CDAN, Enty, Himmm. It's entertainment and I am - daily.



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