Monday, April 16, 2012

Taylor Armstrong Needs Rehab

According to Radar, Taylor Armstrong's friends have been trying to perform an intervention on Taylor Armstrong. Surprisingly the intervention does not involve any of her plastic surgery activities. It also does not involve her being a world record holder for attention seeking or to shut up about the death of her husband. It turns out Taylor is a big boozer. As in she drinks all the time and her friends think she needs to head off to rehab and can stay in the Kim Richards wing.

Taylor does not want to go to rehab because she will lose her vodka sponsorship deal and she needs the $100K it brings in. Lip fillers and outrageous birthday parties for her daughter are not cheap and she is having problems finding a guy who is not married who wants to date her.


  1. This is like saying the sun will shine. Why do people still continue to watch these Housewives shows?

  2. Hear, hear Moosefan! I have yet to watch any episodes of any of them.

    All I have to say is that her lips look RIDICULOUS! All I can think of is that her lips look like a fish mouth. She looks like Daisy Duck in that picture, and honey, that's an insult to Daisy.

    I try to stay positive with my comments, but with this woman, I've got nothin.

  3. She needs an intervention, just to sober up long enough so someone can remind her she's got a daughter who deserves better.

  4. Taylor Armstrong needs to get the fuck out of my face, and you need to stop making posts about her.


  5. I apologize in advance. I find her fascinating. She's such a long, tall train wreck.

  6. we all show up daily to read about trashy people. the housewives are surely no worse than other celebs people love to read about here. i don't get the distinction, quite frankly.

    having said that, taylor's a drunk. obviously.

  7. A company paid her for a sponsorship?! Really? Her endorsement would convince me to NOT use the product. And, I lurves me some vodka.

  8. Well if she is a paid vodka spokesperson she needs to use the product!
    Which vodka is it? I would not buy it b/c of her endorsement.

  9. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Uh, Taylor? Pouting is not a good idea with those lips.

  10. Boo fucking hoo. I'm done with this trick.

  11. Housewives reality shows were vaguely funny and disturbing in the beginning. Now just a collection of too old, too low cut, tasteless women acting like fools for a few bucks from Bravo. Go girls! Really, just go.

  12. I have finally heard the best sentence available: she is afraid to go to rehab because she does not want to lose her vodka sponsorship deal. It was funny when Lohan was the subject, and it's doubly funny with Taylor.

  13. Loathesome woman. I don't care what happens to her, I only want her to go away.

  14. This was much more interesting when I misread it as being about Taylor Swift.

  15. I watch some of the Real Housewives shows, NJ, BH's and NYC, although it seems like eons since NY's been on. I will also sometimes watch an ep of OC or Atlanta but not like I watch the other cities.

    That said, all those bitches drink. Wherever they go, whatever they do, they have a glass of something in their hands, usually wine (I guess because they think wine is "classy"). Makes me think they really must not eat at all because they're apparently getting most of their calories from their cocktails.

    Some of Taylor's more, um, interesting moments [translation: breakdowns], like at Brandi's Malibu party, were when she was drunk. That she's a big ol' lush comes as no surprise whatsoever.

  16. I get it, wishes a media whore, whatever. She's got a child to raise on her own and her husbands financial mess tied to her now. If you actually take 2 seconds you'll notice she's not put herself in the media, other people have. Leave her alone, who cares.

    Let's just focus on Coutrney Love and aamanda Bines.

  17. Au contraire whocaresnow12. Her book totally trashing Russell who is dead and unable to refute her claims or defend himself put her square and center in the media.

  18. wait, are you guys saying that this creature isn't pursing her lips? That this is how her face just looks all the time? o.0 woah.

    okay and someone needs to say what brand she endorses, for reals. Cuz I got a bottle in the freeze that I need to know if i have to throw it out. Someone please tell me!

  19. oh thank gawd i don't drink that shit. Thanks dementia!

  20. and who the fuck pays that trick to be their spokeswhore?

  21. If Rill ho's of Bev Hills doesn't work out for her, there's always bad girl's club las vegas 0_o

  22. When I think about Taylor sloppy drunk (like in the pic), I keep replaying her saying:
    "Tuna TAAAARTARRR" to Kyle.

  23. Some people thought Russell's pulling her out of parties early on the show was a sign of him being a controlling abuser, but in retrospect, it's clear that he was pulling her out as she started to get trashed because he knew she was going to make a scene if he didn't. She's a lush.
