Friday, April 20, 2012

Sofia Vergara Lets Her Mom's House Go Into Foreclosure

Whenever you hear about well paid celebrities letting their parents' homes or their sibling's homes go up for auction or be foreclosed, you always wonder what the whole story is. Sofia's mom owed $13K to the bank and did not pay so the bank foreclosed. Does Sofia have that much money? She makes that in about two days on her show and easily that for every appearance. Do you owe something to your parents to keep them in a home? Do they have another home and maybe this is a second home? I guess because my parents let me live with them, that I owe it to them to help them out if I ever could.


  1. Yeah, but what is her relationship with her mother like?

    If her mother is an abusive sponge, giving her money might not be the best move.

  2. her family was well-off when she was growing up. if they squandered the money foolishly I could see her (or anybody for that matter) saying no, because it probably would happen again.

  3. I guess it depends on your relationship with them. Also, maybe she tried and they wouldn't let her for pride? Who knows.

  4. Maybe I'm off base - but would a bank forclose for $13,000? It's a small monthly payment. The story is stange.

  5. I believe her mother lives in Colombia. Perhaps the criteria are different there.

  6. How many times has she bailed her out in the past?

    This may be a case of "tough love" and not throwing good money after bad.

  7. I agree with DueDiligence. Sometimes you have to be the bad guy and let them know that you wont put up with the bad behavior.

    I love my parents but if I was constantly giving them money and they were squandering it away there would be a point where I would have to put my foot down and say enough is enough.

  8. It depends on the realtionships. Some parents do not deserve respect. Like my wife's mom wasn't there for her as a child( her grandmother basically raised her), but ever time we buy something nice her mom guilts her about not giving her the money. Some people just don't deserve things.

  9. I don't care what the problem is you only have one mother...

  10. I'd do it for my mom in a heartbeat if I had the means, but who knows what kind of relationship Sofia has with her mom?

  11. Mikey, a loan goes into default after 3 months and the bank can start the foreclosure process. After another three months it's foreclosed on so that makes it 6 months worth of payments. That is roughly a $2000/month mortgage payment. I think the foreclosure laws very by state, the time frame may be different in different states.

  12. most of her immediate family live in the miami area, w/ the exception of the son who is at uni in boston. the mother lives in aventura, which is just wee north of miami, right behind aventura mall beside the yacht club/marina area...condo is in really nice area. gated communities, yada, yada.

    supposedly there's more to the story b/c while it's true they're fairly upper middle class both by us and colombia standards, i've heard stories of her being tired of supporting the entire barranquilla, medellĂ­n and miami sides of the family which she's apparently been very generous w/ thru-out the yrs. she's been a-list for many yrs, not just since crossing over into us general market, so i can imagine it must also be a source of frustration for her...who wouldn't get tired of that?

  13. There is pretty much nothing I wouldn't do for my parents if I could (though the reality is that they are still helping ME with money so definitely not the other way around!) BUT I have amazing parents.

    Really impossible to judge either side without knowing if there is more to the story.

    I'm curious how this reached the media though, did someone in her family tip someone off to try to use the media to pressure Sofia to step up? Interesting anyway.

  14. I agree that it's hard to make a judgement without all the facts.

  15. I feel like I can't judge because there's most likely so much more to the story.

    Personally, I would help my parents in a heartbeat. When I reflect on all the money they forked over for me - cars, education, wedding, etc., I would help them out in a heartbeat. But knowing my Mom and Dad, they would put up a fight and not want my dollas.

    Tough times hit everyone, so who knows what happened with her mom.

  16. I refuse to judge people when it comes to their money and their families, and damn sure won't judge when the two are combined. There is no way anyone other than the people involved can know the whole story. I love celebrity gossip as much as the next person, but this is really none of our business.

  17. i wouldn't piss on my father if he was on fire, but i would give my last dime to my mom if she needed it.

    *shrugs* some parents are dicks, cant' choose your DNA donors.

  18. There has to be more to the story. Isn't that girl who was on American Horror Story Sofia's sister? Where is she living?

  19. That's a tough one not knowing the situation. If you are throwing good money after bad then no. Depends on the parents. Mine I would do anything I had to do and they will be living with me and not in a nursing home when the time comes. But every situation is different and should could have a damn good reason. I wouldn't make any judgment calls on this one.

  20. This story is like, half the story.

    My parents saved my sister from foreclosure I believe twice, then saved her car from being repoed. (She married Mr Money Grows On Trees and became Mrs MGOT) Then they saved her car from being repoed. Then it got repoed anyways. Then they just gave her money to get new clothes for her new job bc she gained so much weight she has nothing that fits anymore. And they bought her kids stuff they needed. It's never ending. So if that's Sophia's deal I totally understand putting her foot down. I don't think people who are responsible at managing their finances and purchasing within their means get foreclosed on. So even without the whole story I'm thinking that she's tired of bailing out her parents. They have to learn somehow.

  21. I used to want to be rich just to give my mother the life she deserved. But i will not hate on Sofia cause i dont know the whole details.

  22. Having just narrowly avoided the foreclosure process I feel sorry for the mother but frankly, just owing 13K on a house isn't much at all. I think there must be a lot more to the story. Perhaps mom just moved out and sent the keys to the bank.

  23. We don't know the full background of this story. I am sure there is much more to this.

  24. Sometime people have parents and sometimes people have sperm and egg donors.

    And just because one person makes a lot of money does NOT give the rest of the family permission to use her as a bank.

  25. @Pookie, do you live in S. Fla.?

  26. @Basil. I think the American Horror Story girl is Vera Farmiga's little sister.

  27. Not everyone has amazing parents. Some have parents that act like children and have no idea what the concept of money is because they just want what they want and don't want to live within their means. They then expect their offspring to help bail them out and when they finally put their foot down, the parent then makes them feel guilty. Its then a repeated cycle because you don't want to be the asshole child, however you also don't want to continue to enable the situation and in the end all that really happens is nothing changes and You curse the parent for being such a damn idiot!!! - So thank your lucky stars to those that have responsible parents! Sorry, I'm bitter this week. : )

  28. I'm sure she had a good reason. I have to admit, I'm always a little glad when I hear stories like this because I know I'm not the only one with bad blood between myself and my mother.
    My mom and her husband are hooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible alcoholics, to the point where Mel Gibson news just reminds me of them. I stopped allowing them around my son when he was a year old, and have since received numerous threatening text messages from them. When they realized they didn't have a shot in hell of getting grandparents' rights (my state doesn't even have that, ffs), they "went to rehab." This entailed taping a note to my front door saying they were getting clean, written on the rehab's brochure. Then mom's husband detoxed for 3 days and left, mom never even bothered to go.
    Anyway. That was somewhat cathartic.

  29. Is $13K the total of what she owes or is $13K just the payments that are late?

    If $13K is just what is late, this house could be way underwater, which is common in Florida. Her mother may just be in way over her head with this house.

  30. Anonymous12:37 PM

    It's not unusual for people with money or relatives with money who would gladly help pay off a debt to let a house go into foreclosure if the amount owed is greater than the house is worth. Of course this is $13k so there's probably another reason she's not helping out and it's really none of our business. I would bend over backwards to help my mom but as far as other relatives and friends go, just b/c you make a certain amount of money doesn't give anyone else in your life the right to think that they should have access to it in the form of a loan, straight up cash or expensive gifts.

  31. We all hv that relative or friend who constantly needs money yesterday. Adter 10 ir more times of this, you get smart, and just say i dont hv it. Itherwise it never ends.

  32. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I'm sorry for your experience with your mom and stepfather, seaward. And I think it's very much within your rights to not allow toxic and potentially dangerous people like them around your son. If they loved him enough, they would do anything to get to see him -- including really trying to get sober. The ball is in their court. You've set the conditions, whether or not they meet them is totally up to them. Stay strong!

  33. Family relationships are complicated and it's hard to understand certain dynamics until you are in them. Take Madonna's homeless brother. I hate Madonna but totally understand her not giving him a dime.

    Maybe the mother has some issues.
    Or maybe Sofia is buying her a new house.
    Or maybe the mother is loving but has someone in her life who is a user and Sofia needs to cut her mother off to cut the user off.

  34. @seaward

    You are definitely not alone. I too have a toxic parent. Not a dime will be given nor will any contact be encouraged.

  35. I'm with Seaward.. My mother cares only about herself and how it benefits her. She finally realizzed she f'd up when my now abusive Ex has cut her off from seeing his kids, when I cut her off cause she was seeing his kids. Karma

  36. Even though my mom is a horrible alcohlic I would help mainly cuz my sister takes care of her and it would benefit said saintly sister.

  37. The house probably wasn't worth saving. They might have bought high and the market plummeted. Miami was hit hard.

  38. I'm very lucky. I love both of my parents and would do anything for them. They're my best friends...I even travel with them.

    I do, however, have 2 out of 3 incredibly toxic siblings, and a toxic sister-in-law who have tried their hardest to make my life hell. I've cut them all off completely and wouldn't give them a single dime if they were starving on a street corner. If I won the lottery...I'd give it to every family member, except these 2. I want to give my niece and nephew money, but I don't trust my brother and his horrid wife from stealing and using it towards something else.

  39. Hang on, $13,000 is a small monthly payment??? In what universe?

    And Crila, I sympathise. Completely. Totally.

  40. I would bet there is more to this. With some banks you have to be in arrears a certain amount before they will even talk to you about your mortgage.

  41. Regardless of the situation, she'll probably get bad press. Here, we're throwing out different scenarios. Many other people will assume she's an ungrateful money-hungry actress (which, who knows, could be the case) and talk s#!t about her.

    Wish I knew the whole story!

  42. As others said, it seems most likely that the house is upside down and it made financial sense to go into foreclosure.

  43. The only way I would put money into paying off money owed on the house I grew up in (where my mother still lives) would be if after paying whatever off I could torch that horror. The end.

  44. loan her the money and make her work it off cleaning your house for the next ten years. "missed a spot mom".

  45. If the house is in Florida, it's quite possible that mom is WAY underwater and it wasn't worth saving...

    They foreclose the place, hurts mom's credit, but Sofia could probably turn around and buy her a better one for half the money.
