Thursday, April 05, 2012

The Situation & Tila Tequila Are Out Of Rehab

Besides having outsized personalities, Tila Tequila and The Situation both share something else in common. No, not a communicable disease. They both got out of rehab. Let the partying begin. Oh, wait, they don't do that anymore. Tell me again how The Situation is going to make a living without doing any drinking at all. His job consists of being filmed drinking and going to events at nightclubs and bars. Last time I checked AA meetings were not looking to boost attendance by paying celebrities to show up. As for Tila Tequila, I don't know what she is going to do. I don't even know how she even makes a living. Except for this rehab scare I just assumed she was in her house somewhere making videos and spending all day on a webcam for money. I would love to see the two of them together. What you do is you mount a bunch of cameras in a studio apartment. Tiny apartment. Nice though. You then lock them in for 30 days. Bring them food or whatever, but they can't leave. Give them tasks to do like Big Brother, but it would be interesting to see what happened.


  1. Wow, I was so worried....NOT!

  2. That's a frightening headline and an even more frightening idea.

    I see them blundering around, thinking they've been abandoned on a desert island, and eventually one of them will eat the other. Tila FTW.

  3. It would not be interesting. Feel free to lock them up for thirty days though.

  4. Tila Tequila - poster child for San Diego's douchebag/sorostitute side. Can't stand this woman. If you lived in downtown San Diego (like I currently do), then you have seen a Tila or two stumbling out of a bar, having clearly binged above her weight class, and in desperate need of a cab ride home/away from her rapey pick-up.

    I am only slightly more sympathetic to The Situation because, even though he is a total skank, the guy did try on his season of DWTS, and in a weird way, he seems a little nice. I could see him hosting something like a revamped Love Connection and/or Blind Date (two of my guilty pleasures). Maybe.

  5. She likes girls and he likes boys, so it would be less fun than people think!

  6. Maybe the Situation can come out of the closet now..

  7. well, thank G-D. I was praying for them both each and every night before I went to bed. My concern was tearing apart my insides.

  8. i would watch that show.

  9. Well that was a quick stint for The Situation.

  10. OMG...I *smell* a SITCOM!11!1

  11. @c17: Make that a "Sitch-com!"
