Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Shifty Shellshock's Condition Gets Worse

Shifty Shellshock, the former singer of Crazy Town and a former participant on Celebrity Rehab has been in a coma for the past week in a LA hospital but has apparently suffered a further decline in his condition. Shifty was supposed to be in court this week after an arrest in February for drug possession and it is assumed that he is in the coma because of a drug related issue. If Shifty passed, it would mark the second member of the group to die of drugs. Many people don't realize that DJ AM was in the original lineup of the band too.


  1. I had no idea he was in such a bad state.. Feels really sad. For some reason you kinda become invested in som of the people you see on Celebrity Rehab and for me he was onw of them. Hurts me to think about his kids.

    Also, the former patients who since Celebrity Rehab have relapsed and died are starting to pile up. Not a good success rate Dr. Drew..

  2. Basing cocaine really fucks you up. I'm lucky to be alive myself because of it. I could see the look in his eyes on Celeb Rehab.

  3. for real, I had no idea DJ AM was in Crazytown.

  4. For a second there I thought this was a Ted C blind

  5. I know this is wrong, but I can't stop laughing at that video...*L*

  6. LMAO @ commandeered it totally does sound like a Ted C Blind Vice star!

  7. Commandeered, you beat me to it -- I think I must officially be old now, because I totally thought that was Official Casablancas Gibberish (thank you, Blazing Saddles). :)

  8. The success rate of ANY rehab is incredibly low. It's not just Dr. Drew.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I agree with rocketqueen, and dr drew says as much himself. He said "we put our patients in the griund all the time". At least he/ they are trying ti get well. I feel for addicts, I really do.

  11. Rehab is a tough deal, you are in there with no outside influences. When you get home nothing on the outside has changed. My personal opinion is 30 days is not enough unless you go on to a sober living house for at least three months, if not longer.

  12. Anonymous12:32 PM

    TMZ is reporting he is out of the coma and off breathing tubes....

  13. This really makes me sad. Rock Candy needs an album. Ironic, the guy in the DARE shirt.

  14. I knew he wasn't going to make it. You could just tell. Damn. I wish I was wrong.

  15. butterfly, the theme for hollywood...

  16. Sad that one of the guys is wearing a DARE shirt.

  17. I am hoping that he pulls out of it. He was one of my favorites and I always rooted for him. And Butterfly is one of my favorite songs.

    Staying clean is very hard. Statistics show only 5% make it. But that statistic is for people who stop and never relapse. Most people relapse multiple times before making it.

  18. Sad -- he sings on one of my favorite Paul Oakenfold songs, "Starry-Eyed Surprise." I was never a Crazy Town fan, but apparently my 18-month-old thinks this song is the bomb. She just came running over when she heard this song and started dancing.

  19. Totally thought it was going to be a Teddy C blind too.

  20. I like Starry-Eyed too.

    It sounds like he will make a full recovery from what I read.

  21. I remember over a decade ago when they set their tour bus on fire allegedly smoking crack.

  22. Shifty Shellshock DOES sound like a Casablanca moniker!

    This song reminds me of college and the movie Orange County.

  23. Rust Epique, the bass player, also died back in 2004.

  24. wow...I forgot how lame that video was. My sister used to LOOOOVe that song
