Ryan Seacrest Working For NBC During Olympics
For the past several days, NBC has been hyping what they called a major announcement about Ryan Seacrest. Many people assumed it would be something big like he was replacing Matt Lauer or that Ryan was changing his hair color or that Ryan and Simon Cowell were going to move in together in a reality version of The Odd Couple. Turns out none of that happened, but instead that Ryan is going to host some Olympic coverage for NBC at the Olympics. Yep, that is a three day announcement waiting to happen. NBC acts like Seacrest is the biggest star on the planet. The man is an incredibly hard worker and very good at what he does, but I'm not going to watch the Olympics more just because he is a part of it. Would anyone? Did someone see the news and go running around yelling, "OMG, OMG, Ryyyyyyan is hosting the Olympics on NBC." Then they realized it was Ryan Seacrest and not Ryan Gosling and said, "Oh. Meh."