Amber Rose wins the worst outfit of the month award.

Beyonce wants us to know she is humble. She says she cuts her own hair. Of course she has 7 assistants each handing her a pair of scissors for each snip.

Cameron Diaz does the hold the same pose and smile for 1 full minute look.

Carmen Electra tries to do a Courtney Stodden.

Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan being watched by a man with crazy eyes.

Demi Moore, her best friend, and a rabbit. Whose idea was the rabbit?

Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas are still dating.

So are Guy Ritchie and his girlfriend.

Jessica Alba and family continue theirAsian adventure and are now in Korea.

Also in Asia is Victoria Beckham.
ReplyDeleteMaybe :/
So today there was Rumer, Demi, and a mention of Bruce. I wonder if that means something or is just coincidence.
Why? There's nothing in Korea. Japan and Taiwan are much more tourist-friendly.
ReplyDeleteGinnifer (ugh, spellcheck your own damn name!!!) the answer to the porno blind?
Ginnifer is in Once Upon A Time...that's a TV show.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I was the first to guess Kanye, so if it's right...BAM!
DeleteIronic that Carmen Electra's shirt says something about being unique- considering she's promoting her very thin body in a purely sexual way.
ReplyDeleteIt would make her more unique if she put the gams away, put down the ice cream cone (wtf) and did something more positive to promote females.
That pic of Demi and the bunny is giving me Glenn Close in Basic Instinct fevah! Demi, gurl. You still have cray cray eyes. Do not mix in a bunny because it's a guaranteed hot mess in the making.
Vicki, Gennifer was on Mad Men. It couldn't be her.
ReplyDeletePosh looks so miserable with life that even looking at a picture of her makes me feel like I need a Lexapro prescription.
*dammit. Meant to say Fatal Attraction!
ReplyDeleteWhen was she on Mad Men? I'm really just throwing names out there at this point. I got nothin on that blind.
ReplyDeleteAmber Rose, my god, Enty PLEASE stop posting photos of that thing!
ReplyDeleteI want to hold the wittle wabbit! Squee!
I liked the Snow White/Prince Charming romance until I read the thing on Celebitchy today. Sad :( I think Ginnifer is awesome, loved her crazy character on Big Love. Made so much sense when we found out she was a teenager.
I like Victoria's shoes, probably couldn't walk in them for long.
A whaaaa? Sorry, I missed the last couple of seasons after never missing an episode. She was a teenager on the show?!?
DeleteDerp. She was on Big Love. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteAlso, to my ladies that were reminiscing on Michael Damian with me the other day... He turned fifty today.
ReplyDeleteLe sigh...
Cuts her own hair and then puts on a wig?
ReplyDeleteBtw, Michael Damien is coming back to ¥&R!
Sure...Beyonce probably cuts her own hair, but who cuts her wig/extensions?
ReplyDeleteAmber Rose looks like Aunt Jemima fucked an Eskimo Chollo.
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ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who noticed "unique" is misspelled?
ReplyDeleteSaw Demi in her Range Rover on Laurel Canyon the other day. Looked sad, depleted.
ReplyDeleteBeyonce cuts her hair as often as she births her own babies...when it is so obvious that you wear lace front wigs all the time on top of getting extensions, why lie?!? I might not believe all the conspiracies out there, but baby bumps do NOT collapse and then poof back out!!!
ReplyDeleteI have a friend who spells her name Gennifer also...
ReplyDeleteExactly what does Jessica Alba see in that free loader...?
I noticed it, Sunshine... I just choose not to give that chick any attention.
ReplyDeleteWhy do Victoria Beckham's eyes always look like hurting, soulless dark holes?
ReplyDeleteIs she just unhappy all the time?
Is she in pain from her stomach eating itself?
Thinks it's not fashionable enough to crack a smile every now and then?
I think that's the look of one whose body has been forced to digest itself
Deletewhere are the bunnys ears?
ReplyDeleteSnow White and Prince Charming are datign in real life? Sweet.
ReplyDeleteOMG Eskimo chollo? That is hilarious.
ReplyDeleteI'm loving Victoria's dresses. At least I guess that's one from her line.
Oh Demi please just stop with the pictures. The rabbit can stay, but you need to go.
A) It's Ginnifer, not Gennifer though--still weird.
ReplyDeleteB) @Sunshine you are not the only one who noticed Carmen is "uniqe" rather than actually unique.
I get the feeling that Victoria is super insecure...that could be why she doesn't smile in front of the camera. Could also be that she's sooo damn hungry! It can't help that your husband is mega HAWT and almost all women want to touch him in appropriate places (as long as he doesn't talk).
ReplyDeleteI get the feeling that Victoria is super insecure...that could be why she doesn't smile in front of the camera. Could also be that she's sooo damn hungry! It can't help that your husband is mega HAWT and almost all women want to touch him in appropriate places (as long as he doesn't talk).
ReplyDeleteVictoria doesn't like the way she smiles and that's okay. But she used to always have a smoldering, sexy unsmiling look. Now it's a sad and depressed unsmiling. I hope things are going to get better for her.
ReplyDeleteIf you can afford a top stylist then cutting your own hair is not humble, it's a control thing.
ReplyDeleteBeyonce is so far removed from reality, that I think she's forgotten what the word humble means. I thinks she tries to hard to pretends she's a normal gal. Hello you're rich and famous and married to a rich and famous person....I wish these people would let go of the fake and just be.
ReplyDeleteI hope Posh gets it together - Poser or not, David and her are great with their kids and seem to be real hands-on. At least, they did. Anyone notice there's not so many pics of her with the kids around anymore?
ReplyDeleteI love that Jessica Alba is in Korea!
ReplyDeleteNot promoting anything but for a vacation!
Love it cause most people go to China and Japan.
i just can't w/ this amber douche person.
ReplyDeleteeep, for a split second i thought beyonce was mariah. #mustgeteyeschecked
it looks like cameron is growing out her hair...i hope so, i love her look when it's longer.
i'm going to forgive carmen electra's ridiculous pose b/c her bosy looks slammin'. her definition is super femme and toned, w/o muscle cut overload. i want her trainer's number!
channing t. is growing on me...i had him pegged as this big goofy lug, and he's actually very sweet and well-spoken. *like*
has posh grown out her hair and i've just missed it? i like that side braid, but i could've sworn her hair was shorter.
Must remember to get new pair of stilettos to wear with my bikini.
ReplyDeletePookie, she's been growing it out for a while. But, with extensions these days who knows?
how old is carmen electra to still be prancing around like a barely legal sex slave? im sorry that was rude...but seriously?
ReplyDeleteI think carmen looks good especially at her age. She was always a good hoe. I love me some channing or whatever his name is cause it dont matter! Beyonce is prob confused maybe she means she tells people to cut her hair.
ReplyDeleteis it a clue that posh and becks are splitsville? the three pictures before her have captions indicating the couples are still together. Although it could be interpreted that it is just about asia.
ReplyDeleteWell I guess I'm in the minority today, but I think VB looks amazing in that picture. Love the shoes, the cardigan, and especially the loose side braid.
ReplyDeleteYes. Jessica Alba schlepping the fam to Asia amazes me because taking my one kid to the grocery store or the library or Wal-Mart is like a major ordeal for me. LOL. And she always looks so fabulous.
ReplyDeleteBeyonce cuts her own hair. BWAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Bitch, please.
Was reading a new article on Ontd about that guy who hacked into everyone's emails and went to prison. He talks a bit about closeted Actors, Scarjo and Ryans relationship, Mila Kunis, Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried. It's a really interesting read.
ReplyDeleteI really hope Enty does a post about it, I would love to hear his take on it all, i personally feel like the guy needs some kind of therapy, and i really hope he does a tell all book ;P
Heres the article:
My post was so random lol But whatever is still good gossip
ReplyDeleteI love you guys.
ReplyDeleteAlissa - that was the juiciest thing on here I've read all day. Dayum. Thanks for sharing. That guy is cray cray. It's so creepy how easy it was for him to hack into so many accounts.
ReplyDeleteAlissa- that was a good read. Mother Hubbard Drive. I laughed out loud reading it, thanks.
ReplyDeleteAfter all the mean things I've said about Demi Moore, I want to say how good she looks in this photo. Is she getting in touch with some realness, some health, some sanity? Is she sober? She looks age-appropriate, nourished, balanced and alive. If this keeps up, I'm going to stop saying mean things about her.