Friday, April 13, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Liza Minelli gets the top spot because she is Liza. Plus, she has the headband thing going which is her tribute to Karate Kid 3. She wants no part of the first or second one.
Beyonce actually looks really good here.
So does Chris Evans.
And one more just for good measure. He is not a bad looking guy.
Dr. Who being filmed in New York. I think this is where Amy gets killed off.
Filming in London set to look like Paris is Les Mis. That is Eddie Redmayne.
Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield wear matching sunglasses on a cloudy day.
Maybe Emma Watson sold the sunglasses to them.


  1. I hate it when people are good looking without makeup on *L*. beyonce is always gorgeous but now I'm mad.

  2. Off topic:
    E Online is reporting a story from a jeweler who claims to have just made wedding bands for Brad and Angie. Blind Gossip just posted a "blind" item about a super couple getting married later this year. Hilarious.

  3. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I have a friend who would drool all over those Chris Evans pics!

    1. He does look particularly delicious!

  4. Us Weekly reported the Brange engagement, too. She was photographed wearing a huge emerald cut ring that he was reported to have designed with the jeweler Angie did her House of Jolie line with.
    I'm buying it this time. I think it's happening. They've been alluding to this all year.

  5. "Beyonce actually looks really good here" Right, because she normally looks like crap (??!?!)

    Why does Chris Evans' head look weirdly photoshopped onto his body in those pics?

  6. For a split second I thought Beyonce was wearing those wax candy lips.

  7. Ugh if they get married it's going to shoved in our faces so much. I hope they make it completely private.

  8. And hmmm, Garfield in the pics....shortly after the blind we thought was possibly him....

  9. Beyonce is absolutely beautiful to me. Gorgeous.

  10. Liza kind of looks like Ryu from Street Fighter here.

  11. The engagement has been confirmed.

  12. I think Beyonce is gorgeous, but I don't that pic is so hot.

  13. I think the headband is holding Liza's face together.

    Brad -- Angie -- don't do it, marriage is the kiss of death to a long-term happy co-habitational relationship. (just made that word up apparently)

    1. I don't care for Angelina, she will always be a home wrecker to me, you don't screw someone else's husband. But I disagree with you, we're celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary after two years living together and it just gets better and better, just depends in the couple.

    2. I don't care for Angelina, she will always be a home wrecker to me, you don't screw someone else's husband. But I disagree with you, we're celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary after two years living together and it just gets better and better, just depends in the couple.

  14. Cindy - nah, I got married after living together for 9 years, it was exactly the same except in a fight I could no longer think myself I'M LEAVING, lol, the word divorce is more intense. We got married for kids as well.

  15. ooo Chris Evans is fine. Never thought so before. I think its the darker hair.
    Emma Watson is adorable.

  16. LOL at Wax Candy Lips!

    Chris Evans looks like he spends innumerable hours at night carefully measuring the length of his chest hair and monitoring the hair crop circles on his chest and abdomen. He must have attended the Zac Efron classes on how to look carefully burly.

    That's not a real man to me, sorry.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Forgot to add the George Michael designer beard to the Chris Evans trying to look totally badass persona.
    Remind me again about how hetero Michael was....yeah.

  19. Chris Evans = drool
    I think Emma Watson's been looking really good on the set of her film too, her hair really suits her like that.

  20. You think Beyonce looks really good there? Seriously? I think she looks horrendous. I can't really place why, but I think that is a crazy unflattering picture of her.

    You could make all the pictures in all 3 photo posts be of Chris Evans and you will not see one complaint come from me. I love him. Love him love him. He used to be just another pretty face to me until he did that interview detailing his struggle with Captain America. It endeared him to me so much, he will most likely always be my favorite actor now.

  21. Yay, I guess this means gay marriage is going to be legal. Wonder how ol Brad and Angie got advance notice????

  22. I wonder what Judy Garland would say about Liza's face.

  23. @Jasmine: When I saw the "suprise" in his pants (and of course an old HO like me looks at these sort of things) all I could think was "International Male Catalogue".

  24. I think they're skin rolls

  25. Beyonce has really long hands....

  26. Emma Stone has been looking more and more sullen. She used to smile more.

  27. Sherry- rofl! Come on girl, you know we are both on constant peen-patrol on this site.
    If I had a nickle for every crass thing I've said regarding speculation on some celeb's bulge, I could probably afford one of those cool trips to the moon Virgin Airlines is doing.
    but I digress. Oh yeah, peen.
    Dont you miss FFF!?!?
    Enty sucks so hard for discontinuing that bad boy.
    Though the joke was on me because one glimpse of Snoop Dogg's peen had me and my little Jasmine runnning for the hills.Seriously holy fucking shit.

  28. Again, Emma Watson's shoes are to die for. Must. Have.

  29. AGarf has a great head of hair. He reminds me a little of Jakob Dylan.

  30. VERY nice man-hair on Chris E.

  31. Amy Pond noooo, don't go!

  32. Msgirl, there is NO WAY that wedding is going to be private no matter what they do. It will be the topic of so much speculation, there is not really anything they can do about it.

    Beyonce always looks great. I mean, she is just a beautiful woman.

    God, I wish I could understand the Dr Who hype. I FORCED myself to watch five or so episodes and it was horrible. What is the DEAL? What am I missing?

  33. @Jasmine: Not fam with FFF. I just couldn't help myself.

