Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Christopher Walken and Al Pacino are making a movie together so they get the top spot.
Anna Chlumsky all grown up and looking amazing just like Julia Louis Dreyfus.
Ashley Judd and her flawless non puffy skin which was caused by steroids and not botox and we are all animals for thinking otherwise was on the red carpet with Nick Eversman.
Beyonce checks the wind direction with her hair.
Benji Madden and Samantha Ronson battle to see who can hang on to their career.
Samantha won.
Lots of Mark Wahlberg photos in the past week so how about Donnie Wahlberg with Amy Carlson.
Not sure what kind of ribbon/strait jacket dress Emily Blunt is wearing, but hey Ewan McGregor is in the picture too so it is all good.
Freida Pinto and the car that really wants to head to the garage.


  1. If Emily Blunt has anything but a scowl on her face, I just don't believe her.

  2. Why isn't the rest of Ashley Judd puffy? Why is it just her face? When my dad was on steroids, all of him got puffy.

    I could do without seeing another picture of scowling Samantha Ronson. Every picture is the same and I don't even know what it is she does for a living.

  3. Nice jab at Bitchley Judd, Enty.

    Also lol and/or gag on the Frieda Pinto line.

  4. Ashley expected a different reaction to the fillers in her cheeks. Maybe along the lines of, "Wow her face is still so full and youthful". Nice try with the steroids excuse - don't buy it for one second.

  5. Walken + Pacino = yes!

    When I see photos of Samantha Ronson (Ms Cool, the headphones are a clue) I want to grab a brush and undereye concealer. Always.

    Could do without that photo of Ewan. He looks funny.

  6. Hey Ashley, steroids don't give you wonky eye, bitch.

    Botox, however, does.

  7. Ewan looks like a cardboard cut out person.

  8. Ashley Judd picked her nose with a really DIRTY finger. That's why she needed prednisolone for a Month.

    She picks her nose not Botox. Really

  9. Hey, Em, the Walken-Pacino film is called Stand-Up Guys..."A pair of aging con men try to get the old gang back together for one last hurrah before one of the guys takes his last assignment -- to kill his comrade." :-)

    Heheheheh, "Bitchley Judd." That's gonna stick. We're going to MAKE it stick.

  10. I'm intrigued by pilly's allegations...

  11. @disenchanted - She has to do the way too big smile every now and again to get her money's worth on those veneers.

  12. Madden Brothers and Samantha Ronson remind me of bad mid 2000's celeb gossip.

  13. Bitchley's hair style and color makes me stabby too. It is AWFUL on her.

  14. how come SamRo is so cranky when she makes mad money just playing other people's music for a living? Heck, I do that every time I hit my iPod at the gym. I know, I know, it's not the same... I'm not a scowling McHipstor CrankyPants which makes it all edgy and kewl! Plus, you know all the drugs.

    Le sigh. I'll never be a cool cat. Just a fat cat snarkin' on internets.

    But then I never had to eat a Lindsay crotch sammich so hey, it's all good.

  15. @EmEyeKay - I think a firehose might be more helpful with Ronson. Some Miss Clairol and Emily Post might help, too.

    So she works construction and needs earmuffs? Kidding - I know she does some type of DJ thing.

  16. P.S. Bitchley Judd, hey you DO realize when you smile like that, that we can see the injection points for your chipmunk cheek fillers, right? And that steroids make your WHOLE body puffy and not just yer chipmunk cheeks? And that "steroidz" don't make your eyebrows suddenly raise up to your hairline like... I dunoo... Botox does?

    Methinks a Bitchley doth protest too much! Patriarchy my arse.

  17. Walken looks old.

    My Girl looks pretty, but she has the Tammy Lynne Micheals eyes going on here. It feels like no one should check her out, ever.

    Ashley Judd is so full of her own shit. I'd KILL to see what she's like behind closed doors

  18. Christopher Walken, he of the unruly hair. He's always been a tad off plumb, I like him.
    Samantha needs to look at some of her photos and practice a different pose face. This one is awful.

  19. Yeah would it kill SamRo to smile? Maybe she has meth teef too and doesn't want to show them.

    And loves me some Chris Walken (who can ever forget the monologue about the watch from Pulp Fiction?) but if he hikes them pants anymore he's gonna look like a Billy Crystal old man character.

    Ewan does not look good in that picture. Ugh, what happened baby?

  20. Anybody remember how insanely hot Ashley Judd looked in HEAT?

    Ah, good times.

  21. Christopher, Clint Eastwood called and he wants his pants back.

    Enty, you should have used AssJudd's picture with the hubby. Dario was looking pretty cute. I wonder how he tolerates all the cray cray? At least now he's got some guy to hold her back when he wins a car race.

  22. I always wonder how the doctors doing the procedures feel when patients like Bitchly Judd say over and over again how they AREN'T using fillers or Botox and they NEVER EVER would because it's just their superior genetics and blah, blah, blah...

    Of course, I imagine the piles and piles of cash they get really helps with that

  23. "Walken + Pacino = yes!"

    Remember Gigli?

  24. I had a bad reaction to steroids a year ago and my whole face was super puffy. I gained weight in other places too (15 pounds in 2 weeks!) but I think only my face really "showed" it.

    However, I still think Bitchley is full of shit :)

  25. Anna Chlumsky looks very pretty and glamorous but i don't know why, for a second I thought it was Kristen Johnston. And Ewan McGregor kind of looks like Ben Affleck in that pic, albeit a cardboard cut out! Funny!

  26. ^I thought the same thing abou Chlumsky. She has crazy eyes in that pic.

  27. Love that whole Prada race car collection.

  28. SamRo really needs to get a new pose. Every picture looks the same.

    But I will admit I'm in the minority on the Madden brothers. I think they are hot.

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  30. Did anyone see Samantha Ronson on Live with Kelly on Monday? It was painfully awkward how uncomfortable she is on camera. When they zoomed in on her doing her 'DJ' stuff, she leaned over her computers to hit a dial or something and did some weird thing with sticking her tongue out the side of her mought (Im sure that's been the first time that's been used in a sentence inreference to her). When Kelly tried to interact with her all she could do is cross her arms and grunt and move around uncomfortable, I almost felt bad for her! She did say enough though that I could recognize she had a British accent, which I didn't know. I think I was hoping for more from her. Something to say she had a bit more of a personality. She's supposed to be back on the show on May 1 to sing off her album, so that might be less akward????

  31. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Unknown, I actually did LOL at your SamRo comments. I totally agree. Bitch needs to stop being so obnoxious all the time and thank her lucky stars she leads the life she does.

    When did the super-cool Walken start wearing pawpaw pants?

    Anna C. reminds me of old-school Kathy Ireland in that pic, but with crazy eyes.

    Man, I can't stand Ashley.

  32. and by 'mought', I mean 'mouth'...oops.

  33. I saw a few other pictures of Anna Chlumsky on the red carpet, and she looks incredibly uncomfortable in every single one of them. Maybe she's just not used to it anymore? She's so pretty, but none of the pictures are good.

  34. Lord it makes me feel old to see Pacino and Walken--both were young hot guys when I was young. :)

    Walken has that old guy pants up in his armpits thing going on.

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  37. Ashley undoubtedly had help with her commentary but she made a point. She got our attention, now own it! Lying makes her laughable. Did she pay for a timeless face only to age 20 years overnight. She paid for these words just like she paid for medical advice. Who cooked up this Fail? Seriously, there are better ways to treat a sinus infection. My guess, it might be worse than a sinus infection or she paid twice for bad advice. If that's the case, let's pillory the help along with the money bags who make the rules and send some compassion her way.

    I'd rather see an aging beauty who is recognizable instead of another desperate pillow-face who looks like Madonna, who looks like Meg, who looks like Courtney who looks like Lil' Kim, who looks like a burn victim, all of them beautiful women erasing their beauty along with their brand. For what? To look like Real Housewives?

    If she used fillers, she had a choice. Set a trend instead of following the herd. Be Ashley at 40. If she's lying, she's humiliated herself twice over while screwing up another generation’s definition of feminism. Strong Women own their look. They listen to the best surgeons' opinion. They don’t listen to the first hack with a needle who says yes. Strong women set the standard instead of rolling the dice and landing on Bride o’ Frankenstein. They go up market instead of down market. They kick some ass on the way. Yes, I can dream.

  38. Chlumsky defs has crazy eyes but that's a "I don't want a weird blinking photo face. And I think she looks like Kristen Johnson too!

    I like Blunt's dress, I don't like McGregor's face there. Never pull that face again Ewan.

  39. The tween in me is screaming "Donnie!!!!!" He was my favorite New Kid on the Block. I wonder whatever happened to their bodyguard, Biscuit. Remember Biscuit???

  40. @Megerz and all: I totally agree..Afflect, Kristin J w/crazy eyes!

  41. THIS WINS!

    discoflux said...
    @disenchanted - She has to do the way too big smile every now and again to get her money's worth on those veneers.

    Seriously, her teeth are way too big for her mouth. And is it just me, or is she not ageing well?

  42. Steroids also screw up your skin with horrible breakouts. 2 rounds of prednisone later and my face has broken out and I'm 4 pounds heavier despite only consuming 1000 calories a day. Bitchly had fillers and Botox.

    Also, I see the age lines when I watched her show.....on my iPad! So, I'm not really sure what she's talking about when she proclaims she has no viable aging lines on the TV.

  43. @WenD - I really loved your rant. Right on!

  44. Amy Carlson! Ooh, I love Amy Carlson! Is she on another show now? Need to google....

    (She was on the short lived Law and Order, Trial by Jury, and she was great. When it was cancelled I kept waiting for her to reappear on another show, and years went by....)

  45. Does anyone remember the Academy Awards where Ashley wore a dress slit up to HERE with NO panties, then walked across the stage, exposing her vagina to the whole world? SCORE 1 FOR FEMINISM, ASHLEY!

    Now shut up, we don't want you for our strong woman spokesperson.

  46. @LMS&M: How could I ever forget that moment?!? To paraphrase something a FOAF (friend of a friend) said once in Georgia about a female singer for whom he once did sound, "I liked Ashley just fine until she showed me her beaver!" (It's even better in a very strong Middle Georgia me on this one. ;-)

  47. I remember Biscuit, chopchop! :)

    What is wrong with Samantha Ronson's face in pictures - why does she always have that stupid look?

  48. I really hope Christopher Walken is in costume. I can't imagine he leaves his house looking like that.

  49. Damn, they old! And so am I, since Walken and Pacino aren't too terribly much older than I am. Well, they're old enough to be my dads, anyway.

    Ashley Judd is insufferable, and that is so disappointing. She had so much promise.

  50. I don't know if I should feel slightly horrified or slightly jealous that Beyonce is able to take what I'm sure is a majorly rockin' vacay a couple months after having a baby. This is boggling my brain.

  51. Madden and Ronson are in a contest for who can make the douchiest face.

    Ashley Judd SUCKS.

  52. That Walken/Pacino photo is like an SNL skit come to life.

  53. Chris Walken in "mom jeans." Brutal.

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  55. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Guys -- leave Christopher Walken alone !! You're all not fit to put on his pants --even if they are up to his armpits ! He rocks.

    I think Freida Pinto is so, so gorgeous. Dumb outfit, but she's gorgeous.

  56. @WUWT -- She's on Blue Bloods (CBS, Friday). Plays Donnie's wife.
