Monday, April 09, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Andrea Bocelli shows off his baby for the first time.
Anne Hathaway didn't hear the director when he said she could have a wig and didn't need to cut her hair for the part in Les Mis.
Ashley Tisdale shows off her bags for an overnight trip.
Bobby Brown out at the mall with one of his sons.
Beyonce shows off some baby feet for once.
Billy Zane showed off more of his daughter than her feet as he took her to see the Easter Bunny.
Rachel Weisz makes a smoothie run for herself and
Daniel Craig.
Maria Menounos and Derek Hough play fireman and victim.


  1. If I were Rachel Weisz, I'd make smoothies at home if you know what I mean.

  2. Awww, Bobb-ay's baby boy is cute as a button, bless his little heart.

  3. Billy Zane's little one is his mini me. Cuteness!

  4. Do they have Whole Foods in the UK? Daniel Craig is in a right hand drive vehicle.

    Wow, is that ever a staged photo of Billy Zane. Looks like a pretentious ass. Cute child.

  5. I'm glad to see Anne cut her hair. I find wigs in movies to be so distracting.

  6. @amazonblue if the pic isn't flipped then it is an audi A6 most likely or an S6 if flipped.

  7. What on earth do you mean, Ms. Cool? LOL.

    Kinda scary to think about Bobby wrangling such a small child in a public place.

  8. @califblondy - I'm not too sure myself but it seemed a bit sassy so I went with it.

  9. i think Anne can pull off short hair.

    I also LOVE Ashley Tisdale's boots!!!

  10. I adore short hair on women and I hope Anne H keeps her short for a while. She has strong enough features to pull it off.

  11. Billy Zane still looks hot and his little girl is sooo beautiful.

    Rachel Weisz looking gorgeous as usual.

  12. Who is Andrea Bocelli?? Cute baby :D

    Anne H. I guess was wearing a short wig for one of her movies. She looked very nice with short hair.

    Eeewww @ Bobby B.

    Can't stand Beyonce and Jay-Z..

    Billy Zane's baby is cute.

  13. I think Anne could possibly pull off shorter hair, but that cut looks like a boy. But, she'll have hair extensions soon after anyway.

  14. Anne looks beautiful with the short hair. I think the long hair didn't match her features nearly as much as the short hair.

    Andrea Bocelli is the blind opera singer.

  15. very cute kids and babies today. that little bocelli baby is really teeny!

  16. Hathaway looks fantastic with a bob, just needs something to cover her ears.

  17. I hate Derek Hough's jeans. Why bootcut jeans?

  18. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I guess I'm in the minority -- I HATE super-short haircuts on women, and IMHO Anne H. looks like Andrew Garfield now.

  19. ^ I think it's hideous too.

  20. I think Anne looks very cute like that, and I can imagine that having to stuff all the hair she used to have under a wig cap every day would get old fast, not to mention that sometimes one's hair just gets beaten up enough over time that getting the chop is really for the best (says one who did that last year, albeit not such a short cut).

    Billy's daughter is definitely Daddy's little girl there--she looks JUST like him!

  21. I feel so sorry for any and all of Bobby Brown's kids.

  22. Anne Hathaway is throwin off some serious shades of Liza with that do.

    Billy Zane and his daughter share the same hairline!

  23. I think Blue Ivy looks like Jay Z and Bey isn't ready for public opinion. Not all babies are cute.

  24. I read somewhere else that Anne did a one take, cut it for real, shot for Les Mis. The book doesn't even make it sound that short, just makes it sound like Fantine sold her ponytail. If they screw up this movie I will haunt Universal forever.

  25. that has got to be THE most hideous look ever on anne h. i hope she's bought a bottle (or 6807549324810875) of biotin.

    woah, rachel w...mega-déja vú...she walks out of the tribeca whole foods looking exactly like that all the time too.

  26. Omg! Anne H, noooooo! Like someone said earlier, she looks like Andrew Garfield. With those ears she can do Les Mis and the next Keebler commercial. Isn't she about to get married?
