Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
It looks like Lady GaGa is wearing a dress made of purple human hair.
Miley Cyrus after another Pilates class.
Well, Megan Fox looks bustier, but it's hard to tell if she is pregnant other than that.
Brian Austin Green looks just as angry as usual.
Matt LeBlanc in London.
Speaking of former Friends, Matthew Perry was at the Comedy Awards.
Russell Brand and his 4pm sex date.
Tony Romo and his brother in law, Chace Crawford.
Vanessa Hudgens on her way into church. Asking for forgiveness for High School Musical?

I am a total sucker for salt-and-pepper hair. Matt LeBlanc would have been so much more attractive to me during the Friends era if he was rocking that look.
ReplyDeleteRE Lady Gaga - maybe she bought the hair from that Brazilian girl last week that cut it off to buy her family a hut? Maybe??
ReplyDeleteLOL @Agen**It Good one!
ReplyDeleteI thought Matt Leblanc was the Dog Whisperer.
ReplyDeleteNot a churchgoer myself anymore, but is what Vanessa wearing suitable attire? While I don't expect people to be wearing white tie and tails for church, but why were something like that when there is a good chance of flashing your panties? That is if you are wearing them of course.
ReplyDeleteBasil, sadly I think that's a one piece shorty jumpsuit deal.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm trying not to judge, because I rocked a couple of those 20+ years ago, when I was her age.
LOL that was a pretty good one about the Brazilian hair!
ReplyDeleteAgree about Vanessa's "church" outfit.
Matt LeBlanc looks good, but why do I always think tool when I see him?
GaGa looks like cousin it.......
ReplyDeleteMiley is seriously close to being too skinny if she aint there already!
ReplyDelete@RedHeadMed, I agree. My husband doesn't believe me when I say I love his hair like that but I really do. I find it so masculine and appealing.
ReplyDeleteMatt LeBlanc is getting better looking as he gets older! No fair!! Lol
ReplyDeleteNo, Hudgins' outfit is not appropriate for church. If it's a skirt it's too short, and if it's a romper, shorts are not suitable for worship. It's one thing if someone poor comes to church in jeans, etc., because that may be all they have and that's fine, but this trick has a huge wardrobe. There's no excuse.
ReplyDeleteEvery time I see a celebrity pulling the "I'm hiding my face! Don't take a picture of me!" move (I'm looking at you, Megan), I want to punch them. If you don't want your picture taken, don't become famous. Simple.
I wish they hadn't cancelled Matthew Perry's show. It was pretty funny.
I just can't with Gaga. She makes me tired.
What is it with Brian Austin Green snagging all these breathtaking women? Megan Fox? Vanessa Marcil?
ReplyDeleteHe deals diet pills, don't he?
Matt looks great, He is aging well.
ReplyDelete@Texshan, GaGa's outfits are a tired schtick now, think how exhausting it must be for her to keep coming up with all that crap. Oh,and stick Ms. Minaj in the same lame group.
Ah, if only James Spader or William Shatner had aged as nicely as Matt LeBlanc. He's actually more attractive now.
ReplyDeleteAgree with the Matt LeBlanc love. He is definitely working the aging like a fine wine...
ReplyDeleteMatt LeBlanc looks FABulous there!! Wow, aging very well indeed.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, I just can't ever hate on any of the Friends cast members...they just brought me too much joy over the years. Same for the Seinfeld cast.
Blahgan Fehx looking bustier doesn't necessarily mean she's knocked up. My boobs get HUGE right before my lady days.
ReplyDeleteMatt LeBlanc does look good and much better than he did with the Liberace Black hair dye.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what "church" these famous people attend? Look at the crap Leann Rimes wears while supposedly on her way to church. They would get some serious stink eyes if they tried that around here.
It seems weird to me that Vanessa's God might judge how she dresses for church. The congregation clicks might but I can't see why a god would.
ReplyDeleteMs. Cool I want to join your fan club. :-)
ReplyDeleteI don't think that God judges you for what you wear to church, Ms. Cool. But there are appropriate and inappropriate things to wear in a house of worship. Wearing miniskirts or tops that show a lot of cleav or dirty clothes isn't very respectful.
ReplyDeleteGrowing up in church I would rock a tame but leopard print dress, or a Halter dress w/a daring cut-out that I could cover up during the service. That was my way of rebelling. I also refused the conservative hair and rocked long waves. I have since toned down the outfits, but while it would freak my conservative Southern Baptist roots to the core, Vanessa would be just fine in my church today. I have seen much shorter and tighter...
ReplyDelete@Texshan - Who is it disrespectful to?
ReplyDeleteLady Gaga would look high fashion if she lost all the accessories. She just looks like an idiot.
ReplyDeleteI would totally do Matt LeBlanc even if the tool vibes are probably correct. I tried to like his show but it just sucked so bad! I liked Mr Sunshine but Mr oops Im addicted again kinda blew that one. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteNo comments about how much happier Tony Romo looks with Chace than he typically does with his sister?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteRussell Brand looks like SUCH a tool here- the ensemble and the ho-of-the-week are such a let down. After reading his eulogy to lovely Amy Winehouse I WANT to like him so bad but he makes it oh so difficult ;)
ReplyDeleteAgreed that Matt LeBlanc is looking hotter with age. Too bad he's the gay one, right?
Also, while I'm not feeling Miley getting as thin as she's going, I DO feel like her arms are looking FABU. They look ripped and cut and this gives me hope she's not just starving herself on the HOllywood coke and eating dust diet.
Also, mean looking mug or not, I would ride David Silver like a pogo stick if given the chance ;0
ReplyDeleteTo paraphrase bible verse
ReplyDelete1 Samuel 16:7: For the LORD sees not as people see: we look on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.
I would rather have a sincere person in the "wrong" clothes than impeccably dressed people twisting the church's message for their own purposes.
@Mooshki, ha!
ReplyDeleteThe purple hair thingie bothers me. A lot.
I wonder about BAG, too. Vanessa M. is soooo pretty. Wish she was on TV more (is she on TV at all these days?)
Gaga's expression makes me think she knows how stupid she looks. She has a very forced smile. I've read that she's tired of dressing the way she does but is scared to start dressing in a more normal way, because it might hurt her career. Personally, I think it would help her, not hurt her, since so many people seem irritated with her at this point.
ReplyDeleteI dislike Vanessa's outfit but couldn't care less where she wears it. I dislike rich people who try to look like dirty, poor hippies/gypsies. Fake as hell. I feel the same way about Kate Hudson and the Olsen twins in their $1000 dollar maxi-dress "hippie" garb, ugh.
GaGa looks like a muppet. Or maybe an oompa-loompa?
ReplyDeleteHow do you pee in that?
WUWT, why do they have to be mutually exclusive? Why can't someone be both sincere in their faith AND dress appropriately? Church isn't supposed to be a fashion show. It's not where you go to show off your cute new outfit. It's God's house and is a place of learning and worship. To go to church dressed in revealing outfits and stripper shoes makes it all about you, rather than God.
ReplyDeleteAlso, since you like to throw out Bible verses, I'll do it, too: "You shall keep My Sabbaths and reverence My sanctuary. I am the Lord," Leviticus 19:30. To revere means to respect and show great devotion to. Wearing revealing or otherwise inappropriate clothing doesn't exactly show respect.
Ms. Cool, it's disrespectful to both God and to the other parishioners, who are there to learn and commune with God.
Now, is the Hud wearing the worst thing I've ever seen at church? No, unfortunately not. I've seen worse, I'm sad to say. And I am glad that she went to church in the first place. But I wish she had worn something more in keeping with the event.
Hi Texshan - I definitely respect your opinion on this matter but I do disagree with it. I don't think your biblical quote in clear cut and is open for interpretation. I can certainly see your viewpoint with that quote.
ReplyDeleteIf we are talking about the Christian God, I believe that God only cares about what is in our hearts and actions. I certainly don't care what other parishioners think and wouldn't dress for them. But then again, I left the church a long time ago because I found for me, that God and organized religion are mutually exclusive of what my desires for a relationship with God were. Adding a dress code doesn't help my feelings on the matter.
As a proud atheist, I love me a good Bible debate, but honestly, Texshan...if the quote you need to "win" comes from Leviticus... there goes your credibility, right out the window.
ReplyDeleteThe two scenarios I presented ("I would rather have a sincere person in the "wrong" clothes than impeccably dressed people twisting the church's message for their own purposes") are absolutely NOT the only two scenarios that exist, just two polarities. For instance, I go to church with a sincere heart AND reverent clothing. But I do not question what other people wear, because I do not know their heart or their circumstances. (Ok, I might give a side-eye to a t-shirt that has a vulgar or heretical phrase on it, because what are you THINKING? but for the most part I judge a person by what I know of their character and not what I see by their clothing.) There's one guy that comes to our church in holey jeans and holey stained t-shirt, but he comes from an overnight job and may not have time to change. At least he's there, and we welcome him. We had a woman show up one time half-way through the service wearing colorful hair extensions, smushed make-up and not much clothing. I know from my work that she is an "private dancer" who may do a bit more than dance (that part I can't know, only suspect). So guess what, I'm glad she's there. If the church has truth and hope to offer, as I believe it does, then I do not want ANYONE to feel they cannot come because of how they look or the clothes they wear. that's all.
ReplyDeleteRegarding Vanessa Hudgens:
ReplyDeleteWho decided what's "appropriate" for church and what isn't? Please give me a name because last I checked "appropriate" is subjective. One woman's stripper outfit is another woman's "modest is hottest" outfit. I mean, what's "appropriate" church wear in America and who decides that, really? And does that apply to all religions? What about the religions that don't follow or believe in the bible? Are they exempt?
A few decades ago women in some religions needed to over their hair with a veil, women couldn't show their ankles or bare arms or wear bright colors or even wear loose pants. This is America...are we about to revert back to Amish/Mennonite wear?
Wouldn't that be discrimination to those religions that aren't mono-theistic?
In case the wordiness of my last post causes a tl;dr from anyone, here's the summary:
ReplyDeleteI do not want ANYONE to feel they cannot come to worship because of how they look or the clothes they wear. That's all.
I think Gaga's outfit is neat. Purple Lorax. Love the innovation, as weird as it is.
ReplyDeleteI just saw Russell Brand in his Rover as I walked home from work. Weird.
I'm pagan, we get to run in the woods naked and dance under the full moon- don't have to worry about our clothes! ;D
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong with Leviticus?
ReplyDeleteAnybody ever seen what Miley and the Cyrus clan wear to church? They look like they're heading out to a keg party or something.
ReplyDelete@outshined how did he look in person?? Did he smoulder thru the glass or just look dirty. He seems like he would have a ton of charisma...
ReplyDelete@ Robert even though I like Miley I had good laugh imagining that
Love LeBlanc but Perry's much more charming!
ReplyDeleteAs a Christian, I believe Jesus would probably be more annoyed by me carefully applying my makeup (as I do), fixing my hair (as I do) and wearing the most attractive clothes I can afford (as I do) when going to church, since let's face it, these things are mostly to impress the other human beings who will be attending church with me.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure he would much rather that I spend that time and money helping others in need.
@BondGirl - "A few decades ago women in some religions needed to over their hair with a veil, women couldn't show their ankles or bare arms or wear bright colors or even wear loose pants."
This is still reality for many women in the world today, particularly those living in conservative Muslim or Orthodox Jewish communities!
@Astrogirl, he looked exactly like he always does. A Range Rover adds a lot to even the grossest dude. Skeevy though!
ReplyDeleteSeaward, then I guess it's a good thing I don't give a crap about your opinion of me, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteLutefisk, Seaward is probably objecting to Leviticus because it is the same book in the Old Testament that contains a much-maligned edict against homosexuality. I could have chosen passages from Timothy, Matthew, Revelation, Isaiah or several others, but since I picked Leviticus she feels justified in dismissing my opinion.
For Heaven's sake, people, I'm obviously not saying you have to put on diamonds and ceremonial robes to attend church. I'm saying that you should wear clothing that doesn't draw undue attention to yourself, when everyone's attention should be on God and the pastor/priest/rabbi/whatever. I feel the same way about black women who wear outlandish hats to church as I do about girls who wear revealing clothing -- they are going to church to show off, not to worship. They're equally inappropriate.
Put it like this: say you were invited to someone's house whom you really respected -- the Dalai Lama, the president, the Queen of England, whomever you wish. What would you wear to meet them? Well, churchgoing folks are going to God's house to be in His presence. Shouldn't they show Him at LEAST the same respect in their attire?
Hi Texshan - I totally get your point and I hope that I have shown that I respect your opinion. I just happen to disagree with it! I understand where the reverence and respect plays in but I still contend that God doesn't care. The Queen, president or some other dignitary might care (along with fellow worshipers) but God doesn't. But that is my interpretation swayed by my opinion and there is a chance I'm wrong. :-)
ReplyDeleteHey, Ms Cool, everyone is entitled to their opinions! That's what makes the world interesting! :-)
ReplyDeleteWell, I did not want to be disrespectful. Religion is a tough nut to discuss!
ReplyDeleteNo, you weren't being disrespectful. I hope I wasn't being so to you, either. I try to respect other people's opinions as long as they do mine. Respect is a two-way street, after all.
ReplyDeleteAnd actually, now that I think about it, my environment has probably done more to shape my opinions on this than anything else. I grew up Southern Baptist in Texas and attend a relatively wealthy megachurch that follows a more conservative, formal method of worship than, say, a Unitarian church in California. Suits, hosiery, etc., are considered normal Sunday morning attire.
I grew up in a church whose fire from the pulpit pastor used the same arguments when teenagers started coming to church in shorts and flip flops, or with their [best] bra strap showing a la Flashdance fashion: "If the president of the United States invited you to dinner, you would not wear that! And yet you COME TO THE TABLE OF THE LORD in this DISGRACEFUL ATTIRE!"
ReplyDeleteAbout the time I left that church, the pastor was preaching sermons bemoaning that the congregation had "grayed" and that it was a church of older people with few young people to keep it going. For that, he blamed the way kids were being raised these days (effectively placing the blame on the very people who still were his faithful followers). The truth of the matter is he HAD young people in the church and he drove them away.
I joined a church which preaches an "extravagant welcome" to all people, no matter where they are on their life or faith journey. We are not going to tell ANYONE who is seeking God that they do not belong/are not good enough/have to change first.
I still dress for the occasion, because it sets the day apart for me. It's only been a few years since I started feeling that wearing pants (and not a skirt) was acceptable for me in church, and no one there has seen my knees or my cleavage. My husband wears a tie EVERY SINGLE WEEK. So it's not that I've become "irreverent" in dress myself. It's just that I do not feel that God is nearly as concerned with what the people wear to church than people are, and I would rather be a part of a congregation that stays focussed on the fact that people have come to worship and seek God, and welcomes them in, rather than focussing on what they wear, or who they live with, or what their incomes are.
Many people's barriers to faith are barriers humans built, not God.