Three parts today.
Mila Kunis tries to hide her head in shame because of the whole Ashton Kutcher thing.

Mark Wahlberg should eat a little slower. Less mess to clean on shirts.

Pete Wentz and his girlfriend shopping yesterday.

Rumer Willis tried out the singing thing again. Knew she was in trouble when her dad wanted to join in.

"But, mommy I know you got me a chocolate cupcake, but I think it would have been good to try the vanilla. You could have got it for yourself and just let me have a bite. Why do they call them cupcakes. Do they make them in cups? I like cake though. I like when there is lots of frosting. One day I got to lick the frosting out of the bowl. Did you ever lick frosting out of the bowl mommy?"

Stephanie Seymour forgot about that whole black skin tight dress thing would probably be see through with flashbulbs.

Sharon Stone gets caught taking this Argentinian model to her hotel room. Look at her. She is frozen.

"Maria. I know I have been drinking a little big, but I'm a big fan. In fact, I would say that I'm beaming up pretty good right now if you know what I mean."

"Come on baby. I will take you to warp speed."
ReplyDelete(I'm sorry, I always wanted to do that just one time)
I seriously don't get how people don't think Suri is the spitting image of Tom Cruise.
ReplyDeleteI think Rumer Willis would be very happy if she went to college out of state, got a degree, and went to work like a regular American in Insurance or something. She is trying to live up to her parents' spotlight. It will never happen, and it might make her very miserable when it fails. I feel for her, in a way.
ReplyDeleteI do not see Tom Cruise in Suri's face at all.
Maria, your bra straps don't match your top, and that is just tacky. With all your money and resources, you couldn't fix that?
Funny seaward, we posted at the same time. I don't see it, but maybe I need to get an older picture of Tom, when he was young for a better comparison.
ReplyDeleteI don't see Tom, but I do see William Mapother....
ReplyDeleteI do think Tom is her dad, but I wouldn't be shocked if I found out it was Mapother. Trammell - 20 years later everybody.
ReplyDeleteDamn, the Argentinian model is HOT! No shame in that Sharon. :)
ReplyDeleteThe thing I don't see in Suri is Katie. Sure, they have the same hair, but I don't see any facial features that match.
ReplyDeletePeople say this about my daughter and me...oh, you look exactly alike. Um, we have the same hair color. I think she looks more like her dad.
Oh, and Stephanie Seymor did not forget.
Lol rumer's face is so tragic and yeah suri is not tom's kid. I believe katie was artificially inseminated with ron l. Hubbard's sperm
ReplyDeleteThe bigger issue is that Suri is walking AND wearing a coat.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Suri walking??? Her precious little feet should NEVER touch the same pavement as commoners!!! I just had this mental image of 25 year old Suri being transported in an ancient Egyptian carrying chair by the Scientology slaves. Lol
ReplyDeleteDayum, but Mark Wahlberg could be the poster child of male mid-life crisis!
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting for the diamond or hoop earring to appear.
Cause so far the spray tan, hairplugs, and massive muscle increase are all right on schedule ;)
Also, go on Sharon Stone- with your bad self!
Okay. I redact my previous Tommy Davis capitulation and I am now firmly on the William Mapother bandwagon.
ReplyDeleteStephanie Seymour didn't forget. She just doesn't care. And if I look that good at her age, I wouldn't either.
Sharon, it ain't nothin' to be ashamed of, girl! You get that fine Argentine piece!
Two to beam up, Scottie.
ReplyDeleteRumer Willis is also unfortunate looking. "Waiting for dad to join in" I can't see Bruce Willis being a child molester, but it reminded me of yesterdays blind.
ReplyDeleteSure has her mom's cheekbones.
*Suri that is.
ReplyDeleteI could believe William Mapother due to logistics (as Cruise's cousin) but she REALLY looks like Tommy Davis.
ReplyDeleteShe's also not as cute as she used to be, I don't think she's going to get Katie's beautiful face. Used to think so, not anymore.
Suri walks all the time, Enty just doesn't post photos of it. I spent a half hour on Suri's burn book today, it's not as funny as people had said, but there are some good ones. Saw a photo of Suri & Katie's faces right next to each other and wow, you can tell she's Katie's daughter.
ReplyDeleteCaptain Kirk looks like he's about to vomit on that woman's shoulder!
The captions for Suri and The Sat are terrific, ha! I don't know wrote Suri's but that got a kid's inane chatter down pat!
ReplyDeleteWhy all this Mark? He just does't do it for me, I have to like a guy, but I've never really liked Mark. He has been good in some movies, I'll grant you that. He just seems so obnoxious!
I hate that bra strap look!
ReplyDeleteSharon found a fine looking guy.
When Mark gets off the juice he's going to deflate like a tired old balloon.
Rumer didn't pick the right dress either, it points directly to the tummy pooch.
Oh and Pete's new gf looks nice, I like how she is smiling at him, seems sincere.
ReplyDeletePatty, you are right she is wearing a coat. Do you think it is made from the skin of Scientology slaves?
ReplyDeleteProps to you, Sharon! That guy is HOT! Way to pull!
ReplyDeletePoor Rumor. Two formerly attractive parents, and she winds up with a face like a potato.
I'm not going to bag on Maria's bra showing. In this day and age, I'm just thrilled she's wearing a bra AND and shirt AND pants.
Re: kids looking like their parents ... my dad had very dark olive skin, black hair, and nearly black eyes, which always struck me as weird because he was Dutch. My brother and I both have very light skin, light green eyes, and light brown hair (I dye mine red). We look NOTHING like our father. If you saw photos of all of us together, you wouldn't even think we were distantly related to him. It happens.
Sharon Stone need to loosen her pony tail. She thinks that it is giving her face a lift, but it is really just showing how thin her hair is. But other than that, she looks good and kudos to her for that mighty fine young model! He is yummy!!
ReplyDeleteThose Shatner pictures are equal parts hilarious and icky. I feel sorry for that young woman though. He's all kinds of creepy old drunk guy.
Mila is going to need a bigger hand.
ReplyDeleteWow honestly I definitely see Tommy Davis in Suri Just loo at this photo and compare.
Wahlberg's on the juice. There's no way you can get the shoulder "pop" and that cut in that short of time. He's never been a stranger to roids.
ReplyDeleteGet it Sharon!!! That man is all hotness. No shame honey, work it!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't care who Suri's "real dad" is. She is adorable.
Also, lot of famous mothers carry their 'fully-capable-of-walking-on-their-own' children because the paparazzi are snapping pictures 4-feet from their childs face! I've seen those guys in action and they can be down-right scary! Smaller kids become easily distracted by all the yelling & attention, especially when the photographer intetnionally stand directly in your path. Which makes the kid walk slower, so ya... if I were a mother and was being hounded by those guys, I'd pick my kid up too! Think about it. The fact that we even see photos of Suri and other celebrity children within close-range (such as this photo) is pretty alarming.
I love seeing photos of them too, so I am guilty of contributing to the demand for new pictures, but... it really sucks for their parents.
Hope that's not real fur on Suri.
ReplyDeleteRuh Roh guys....Careful on the Suri comments lest the COSwits start to defend lil princess. Still stand by her looking like Katie.
ReplyDeletePoor TaterHead. She so wants to be in the business and it's a business that is built on connections,yes, built really looks first and foremost. THEN talent. Fact of life. Scout is the only one who has a passing chance and isn't she in an east coast college. Anyway she may have a career in voice-over.
I'd give anything if Shatner would get on Dancing with the Stars.
ReplyDeleteI'd give anything if Shatner would get on Dancing with the Stars.
ReplyDeleteI wish the Willis girls wld just realize they are NOT talented, and give it a rest. Not everything is genetic. Walberg continues to look terrible, esp his face. I am amazed ANYONE follows pete wentz around, hes like f-list, for chrissakes.
ReplyDeleteTexshan-- My BFF looks the way you describe your Dad, but neither of her parents have that coloring and her Dad's lineage is...Dutch!
ReplyDeleteSharon, does your friend have a brother?
ReplyDeleteI don't know too much, but I had a friend that went to the same private arts school with Rumor back in the day. My friend said she was a spoiled b and very hyper sexual. Most music/theater kids are, but she said Rumor went above and beyond, wearing see through shirts/no bra for peer performances and that she slept around a lot at a young age. My friend also said that Bruce always was the one to bring her/pick her up and that he always seemed like a pretty nice guy- offering other parents to help them move stuff into their kids rooms.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, my understanding is that teen girls who often behave that extreme usually have/had abuse in their lives.
Forgot about the drug part- supposedly, Rumor did a ton of drugs.
ReplyDeleteAnother WOOT WOOT! to Sharon. Show those etchings, girlfriend!
ReplyDeletePete Wentz and his new lady make a cute couple.
ReplyDeleteAin't no shame is beddin that Argentinian piece of mmmmm, Ms. Stone.
@Denise - the comment about the father joining in too reminded me of yesterday's blind as well. Especially coupled with the way she is um...handling that microphone. I've always thought Bruce Willis was a nice guy though, so could be totally off-base.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I may be remembering incorrectly, but wasn't there a blind a while ago about a famous teen daughter who kept having multiple abortions - and the popular guess was Rumer?
Seaward - looking at that photo, Suri looks absolutely NOTHING like Tom Cruise. She does, however, look a lot like Chris Klein.
ReplyDeletelittle suri! *melts*
ReplyDeletei die.
That pic of Sharon and her man is hilarious to me. I love it! Look at his shit eating smile and her look of horror. LMAO It's great!
ReplyDeleteI think Katie was pregnant when they got together, that explains why she got into the arrangement and possibly why she is always sad looking and alone. She has signed the contract so she is stuck for now.
ReplyDeleteWe all know Tom has wanted another kid for ages so if it's his cousin or that COS dudes kid, then why doesn't he just get some more sperm and have another??? Because it's not that easy if he wants them to match Suri that's why.
Stephanie Seymour had to suffer through life with Axl, and still has a great figure for her age. If she wants to go out topless, I'm not going to object.
ReplyDeleteWilliam shatner is so creepy in those photos! I feel sorry for Maria! Sharon Stone girl i aint mad at ya! Get him!
ReplyDeleteInteresting, Selena! I've long had a sneaking suspicion that one of my ancestors was Spanish, from when Spain invaded Holland back in the day. Maybe it's the same with your friend's family.
ReplyDeleteThe darkness seems to be hit-or-miss. Both of my dad's parents were pretty fair, but my dad and his brother were both dark. My dad's half-brother, from his dad's second marriage, is very fair. Weird!
That dress on Rumor is unfortunate!
ReplyDeleteGood Lord, Stephanie, your body is ridiculously delicious.
ReplyDeleteThe bra straps and racer back tank top sets me over the edge. Calvin Klein makes a great bra where it can be strapless or the straps can be adjusted in many ways. I'd die before wearing my one shouldered shirt with bra straps sticking out.
Suri is cute as hell and I couldn't care less for kids. And like MissJenny said, I can't fault them for carrying her, the amount of paps that follow them is astounding and she's just a little girl.
That Model Is Hottt, *a high five for Ms Sharon Stone* -_- Good Job Girl, Good Job!
ReplyDeleteSo I'm the only one who thinks Suri looks creepy as fuck in that picture?
ReplyDeleteNo, Mooshki, you're not. Suri always gives me a Children of the Corn sort of vibe.
ReplyDeleteI still can't get over that the email hacker claims he never saw any evidence of Mila getting it on w Justin. Maybe they just texted and never used email... Or maybe he's lying since he seems to have a soft spot for Mila (he said she has a great sense of humor which is evident in her emails.)
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ReplyDeleteHoly crap! I just checked out a photo of William Mapother. Suri DOES look exactly like the guy.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is wrong with Katie? If she agreed to this particular aspect of the whole, bizarre scam, then my sympathy for her is heading toward nil.
Found a picture of Tom Cruise as a kid.
Ewww!! Captain Kirk looks liquored up and wants to dry hump Maria.
ReplyDeleteHa! Sharon is creepin' but got caught.
I thought Suri's feet were not allowed to hit the ground until she's 30?