Monday, April 23, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Four parts today.

Al Pacino looking a little angry on the set of his new movie. They made him wait for his cigarette break.
Pamela Anderson showed up at the car show in Monaco. Prince Albert made his first appearance at the show in forever when he heard Pamela was there.
Pippa Middleton trying to remain hidden in London.
Rachel McAdams tells Michael Sheen a joke.
Reese Witherspoon might not be talking about her pregnancy, but she sure does seem to be happy.
Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Thomas doing some canoodling. Later he showed her his shweddy balls.
Sarah Jessica Parker wins the worst outfit of the day award.
The thing is, Jada Pinkett Smith was not even headed out to a motorcycle ride, she just likes this look.
Zac Efron shows off his new dog.


  1. Zac's new dog looks to be a Christmas present. LOL Notice the tree in the background.

  2. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Wow, there are about eleventy billion examples of fail in that one Jada and Willow photo. Blech.

  3. Lots of fail, but good point about the tree RenoBlondee!!

  4. Al Pacino. Cigarette break? Anyone remember the blind about the A+ lister paying women to be his ashtray?

    Just sayin. It's possible. The man smokes a lot of cigars.

  5. Jada used to be so pretty. Now she's just so butch.

  6. Al Pacino just looks bored.
    Is that SJP's evening coat? If so, it's nice.
    Soooo, Jada is the dude, not the dudette? Unfortunate look on both of them.
    Cute dog.

  7. Pamela Anderson has been reduced to being a car show model. How the mighty have fallen!

    Pippa Middleton is a bit of a butterface. Her face looks quite weathered.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. BTW everyone - quitting smoking today; NY ciggies cost me $400/mo, can't Zumba, smell like shit and I'm 35 & on birth control.

    Wish me luck!

    I've done it before (3 yrs!) so I know it's possible.

  10. Yeah JPS isn't a lesbian.
    And I'd give Reese the worst outfit of the day award. Some of her choices are SO unflattering

  11. I love a Collie, lucky Zac

  12. Hunter, $400/month??? Hot damn. Good luck!

  13. Hunter - good luck! My sister is using the nicorette pills and hasn't smoked in about 5 weeks - you can do it!! I live in Brooklyn, and I think her smokes were about $12 a pack, which is almost $200 / month (she only smokes about 3.5 packs per week). Still - saving close to $200 per month is huge...

  14. Sorry - meant to say Nicorette lozenges (I think - they come in a slim blue plastic container and as soon as she has a glass of wine, she starts popping them like crazy).

  15. Nice to see Al Pacino wearing something other than black.

    Good luck Hunter! Let us know how you're doing.

    Love Zac's dog!

  16. KLM - I tried those lozenges - they were revolting - too much nicotine all at once. Tried the gum too. And hypnosis - twice. I'll get there one of these days.

  17. @Hunter Best of luck to you! I shall send positve thoughts your way. I know you can do it if I could do it. I was in your situation when I quit 4 years ago with the BC pills age and prices starting to soar. Also I started getting weezy. I was an over 2 packs a day smoker for 20 years too.
    You can do it!

  18. Thanks guys! Trying to do Cold Turkey because you get all the nicotine out in three days. Did month & a half after New Year's but then was stupid on vacay. :'(

    Yup - ~14/pack in Manhattan at pack/day = $420

  19. How old is pippa? She looks to be in her 40s.

  20. Oh, it's Sarah Jessica Parker! I thought Severus Snape decided to go blonde.

  21. Is the Al Pacino pic a kind of sortof reveal about the A list actor who uses women to put cigarettes out?

  22. Good luck Hunter - and all of you who are trying to quit. I stopped last August using the nicotine patch after 37 years of smoking. The patch itched like crazy for a few minutes but then it stopped and I didn't feel like smoking. Do all the patch strengths like the recommend - some things can't be rushed.

    Being a non-smoker is very liberating.

  23. I predict a Willow Smith complete meltdown within a year.

  24. Awww... The fluffy doggy is beautiful, but it looks sad... :(

  25. Did Pam Anderson have work done because she's looking considerably younger lately and Im sure it's not rest.

  26. Pacino smokes cigars? I know for a fact that he quit cigarettes several years ago, so he's not waiting for a cigarette break. Do people take cigar breaks?

  27. I love Sarah Jessica Parker's dress and coat. Not the worst dressed at all. I think she looks gorgeous.

  28. I love SJP's outfit as well.

  29. I also like SJP's outfit, particularly the coat. Pamela Anderson's outfit and the visual horribleness that are the Smiths are all far, far worse than SJP's outfit.

  30. I love SJP's coat but it's a pet peeve of mine when the dress/skirt is longer than the coat.

  31. Is that an old pic of Zac from xmas? THere's an xmas tree in the background.

  32. Zac's puppy looks just like mine!!!

    Pammy is looking pretty good. Her clothes still expired in 1999, but she still looks better than SJP and Pippa.

  33. I can't even bring myself to comment on Jada & Willow. Ugh...

    Guess what, SJP - it's spring!

  34. Pippa looks like Jeremy Renner (is that his name? Avengers, gay bar fight scandal guy?)

    I've said this before: Reese W. bores me TO TEARS. Haven't cared since Freeway and Election.

    Awwww, Alec...

    SJP's coat is wonderful! Covet! Covet!

    Jada: try too hard, much?

  35. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Don't see how SJP can have the worst outfit of the day and then scroll down to see the Smiths.

    Pam Anderson is looking rather good. I was going to mock doing a car show but it's a car show in Monaco so I have to imagine that's a crazy fancy expensive car show extravaganza.

  36. Can't wait to see Zach and his new pal in photos taken by the paps, 'in focus'!

  37. Hang in there, Hunter!

    Pammy doesn't look bad.

    I like SJP's look, too.

  38. So enty are You suggesting the prince paid for a night of passion with Pam anderson? How else is she getting money these days?

  39. That picture of Zac is an older picture. He just recently adopted a pit. I can't seem to find the picture on my facebook page that stated this recently.

  40. Zac is a cutie! I still dont get all the hate on the Smith family.

  41. Willow's legs - they look like twigs!

    hunter - good luck! One of these days for me. 400/mo? Yikes

  42. Pam looks really good here. She left part of her shirt at home but otherwise looks rather young and well rested.

  43. It's been cold and rainy the past few days in NY so can understand SJP's coat, though it would have looked better with a shorter dress or pants.

    I envy people who have a talent for sewing. God knows how much that coat would cost retail. Fabulous piece.

  44. Quit with Chantix 4 years ago. It was a living nightmare and didnt get better for WEEKS. I just kept telling myself its like having surgery. It drags on forever but you just gotta get thru it.
    I know if I have one smoke it will be over, so I wont do it. I'm so glad Im not a slave to them anymore.

  45. Cant believe nobody commented how RIDICULOUS and gross that pic of Alec and his childgirlfriend is!!!

    When will men stop having these fucking mid-life crisis issues and date when their own age!

  46. Have been a mostly non-smoker for fifteen years (had a six month lapse in 06) after a 1-2pack a day habit. Took a class in PDX based on this book...

    Worked for me. I still read the book and use the techniques for other behavior modification.

    It was amazing when I got feeling back in my fingertips.

  47. Anonymous7:23 PM

    The Smith picture looks like its off of the People of Walmart site.
    I would lobe to see more out of Zac Efron. I really think he has a lot of promise and talent.

  48. Zac Efron and his doggie are adorable.

    @hunter - Good luck!! You can do it!

  49. Good Luck @Hunter! You are a non-smoker now!!!

    Your body will thank you. It's amazing how fast you bounce back. You can try acupuncture to calm the cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Think of all those awesome shoes you can buy with the money you save :)

  50. Haha I used to have a similar short like what pammys wearing back in like 1999! For the smoking thing if you can/need try the laser treatment! Works like a charm my step mom was a chain smoker and she tried many times to quit and couldn't. She did the laser thing and hasn't smoked since, been almost 10 years! First time poster too!

  51. Haha I used to have a similar short like what pammys wearing back in like 1999! For the smoking thing if you can/need try the laser treatment! Works like a charm my step mom was a chain smoker and she tried many times to quit and couldn't. She did the laser thing and hasn't smoked since, been almost 10 years! First time poster too!

  52. I have a niece about Willow's age, she is just as skinny, but eats normally. She'll be tall and slim, like her mom, she's just built that way. Maybe Willow's the same. Wondering how Willow will rebel in a few years? Chanel suit and pearls?

  53. Hey, Hunter -- Best of luck! Quit 21 yrs. ago cold turkey after smoking as much as 3+ packs a day [not often, though] for ten years.

    Be totally committed [before you start]: Know how much and why you hate smoking; know your triggers; research and 'know your enemy'.

    It was harder for me to quit smoking than it was to quit drinking.

    Again, best wishes; e/m if you want add'l suggestions.

    You can do it!

  54. Willow can be forgiven; she's a little girl. Jada? Not so much. And I normally like her look (and think she's goooorgeous) but dear lord are those underwear sticking out of the top of her scrappy jeans??

  55. I often wondered where that smith girl got her horrible fashion sense. Now I know, her lesbian mom. If only her self hating violent closeted father would help her out.



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