Saturday, April 21, 2012

Oh Lindsay

Lindsay Lohan is telling people that she is banning herself from ever going to The Standard Hotel again. Apparently she thinks it is a jinx to her. Umm, It's not a jinx. Unfortunately, Lindsay can't control herself when she is around booze and is a very angry person and has anger issues and should ban herself from all clubs not just this particular one. If you are a club owner, do you want Lindsay to patronize your club? Yes, you will get some good publicity if she is arrested or has some kind of drama, but she will also be a lot of trouble and could end up costing you money if she hurts someone and they sue you. I think you can get just as much publicity for barring her at the door and not allowing her in. She is incredibly lucky she wasn't arrested at all the past two weeks and probably the only thing saving her from more serious trouble this past week was that she was with her father. He managed to stop ranting about Kate Major long enough to get Lindsay out of there.


  1. This is just beyond ridiculous. Isn't she supposed to be in Canada filiming Liz & Dick. Oh right, Lifetime still hasn't announced she has the role. I wonder if that project will even happen.

  2. This crackhead is beyond whack. A jinx??? Is she serious? Her delusions are epic.

    I really hope that she doesn't die at 27. She is so not worthy of joining the list of names in that club.

  3. Beyond ridiculous is right! I don't know LL but jeeeesus h. christ, she makes me really mad! She's been given several chances to get her head out of you-know-where and she just keeps up with the crap.

    I always had her pegged for a narcissistic drunk, but now I'm starting to wonder if she's truly messed up in the head. Who makes decisions like hers? WTH? STAY HOME.

    /end rant

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I see those court-mandated therapy sessions made a big difference.

  6. i was surpried at how many people thought she had been set-up at the standard, when that girl said lindsey pushed her. at this point, i don't believe anything she says.

  7. It boggles the mind to see that a person who seemed to have such a great future founded on genuine talent has turned into a boozing, snorting, whoring, thieving, lying,fighting,delusional character only fit for the twisted slapstick comedy that has become her life.

  8. The Standard is not the jinx. All Lindsay's problems go back to Lindsay. She is the common point in ALL her issues.

  9. Yep. And the lattes I get from the Starbucks I go to everyday are making me a little overweight. I'll go to a different Starbucks and then I won't get fat. That'll work for sure.

    This is the thinking of Lindsay Lohan.


  10. And the train wreck just keeps on rolling. Pass the popcorn please.

  11. I dont think Lindsay will ever go away. Whatever she does good or bad the media will always keep her around to torture us.

  12. She was banned, not the other way around.

  13. Yeah, the Standard is the problem. Not the assholian lying alcoholic tweaked out cokehead thief.

  14. That's most likely the case. The Standard banned her. In her crazed mind she thinks it was her idea. Just like the Gotti project she does not have that Liz movie either. The sooner this trick goes away the better. I don't want her to join the 27 club, I wish she would get well and use her experience to help others (Amanda Bynes I'm looking at you) .

  15. Why did reading this bring a vision of Heidi Fleiss to mind?

    Her looks are going from her hardcore ways as it is.

    Is Nevada, a trailer and a flock of parrots in her future?

  16. She needs to move to a small town somewhere in the middle of America where the papparazzi wouldn't be caught dead. There she could either destroy her life or turn it around out of the public eye. She's famous now for all the wrong reasons. Time to walk away.

  17. Good advice, lazyday, but that will never, ever happen. She likes the lifestyle and the attention too much. She will never, ever walk away from fame/infamy. I have a feeling she'd rather die first.

  18. Oh SH*T. She's sort of trying, and I'm a sucker for that. You know, I just hope she eventually grows up and gets some help. Let's face it, this gal has an uphill struggle given the cards she's been dealt. Christ, look at her parents. I really, REALLY want to judge her, but I can't. She's all grown up and responsible for her actions, but is she? :(

  19. I believe in second chances, but how many does Lindsay need to see herself clearly?
    Her mom needs to attend counseling with her and take responsibility for the mess she made here. Dina has made excuses to ride her coattails for too long, and her daughter will pay with her life sooner or later.

  20. Aerosmith's new song: "Trainwreck Kept A-Rollin' All Night Long...!"

  21. You know its bad when Michael Lohan has to drag your ass out of a club.

  22. Way to get your act together, girl! Keep up the good work & you'll stay out of jail at LEAST another month or two.

  23. And those girls both look like absolute SHIT. Ugh!

  24. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I dig Enty having fun with Lindsay posts.

  25. What she needs is some serious prison time. Not that that's likely to do her any good, but it would at least keep her particular brand of skankiness out of the news for a while.

  26. This woman is a total asshat. I'm so tired of hearing people say they feel sorry for her. That's exactly what she wants. You can only blame the way you were raised for so long. Survival of the fittest, if you cannot adapt and overcome or learn right from wrong...see ya later! She doesn't deserve another chance (what number is this one?). Give someone a chance at acting who is talented and drama free. This goofy bitch would rather lie to all of us and whatever fans she has and act like she is hanging out with fucking Wilford Brimley playing chess and collecting Avon figurines. On top of her horrible choices and trashy personality, it looks like she put a penis pump on her face and left it on overnight.

    Okay I'm done.

  27. Hahaha! Brittany and Del Riser your comments are so right on and hilarious!!

  28. Lifetime already had someone lined up for the Liz role in case they needed to replace LiLo. No way she's doing it now. I have zero sympathy for her. She's so addicted to attention she can't even stay home for one freaking week.

  29. It is time for her to ban herself from leaving her house.

  30. Is it me, or has Dina been pretty much invisible for quite some time? Did she finally tell her mother to put a cork in it?

  31. Jason Blue Eyes: Ohhhhh, *now* I get it. Seriously, thanks -- I couldn't grasp Lilo's Philosophy of Life before.

    There's a BI out there that says the Liz Taylor movie producers have a short list of substitutes for *when* Lilo blows it; they probably couldn't get production insurance if they start even pre-production with her.

    I think Dino may be on a short leash for a while due to Lilo's tax problems (her accountant fired *Lilo* late last year, right before the IRS went after her.)
