Friday, April 27, 2012

Nadya Suleman Was Set Up By Hairstylist Who Sold Photos Then Called Police

After seeing the photos inside Nadya Suleman's home, something needed to be done, but that being said, Octomom was set up by her hairstylist after the hairstylist had already sold the photos of the home. According to Radar, the stylist was paid five figure sums for the cell phone photos and sold them to TMZ before she even called the police to go out and have a look at the home. She was obviously more worried about selling the photos then what they actually represented. I wouldn't be surprised if TMZ told her to call the police just so they would get more traffic for the photos after they wrote the story about the police going to investigate. It is kind of like making your own news.


  1. What is she doing with a hairstylist when she is on welfare anyway?

  2. she was on Dr. Drew trying to defend her actions but she was so erratic I can't stand to listen to her. Dr. Drew can't saying they have a cleaning crew come once a week and the toilet was fixed. But Nadya looks like she is about 3 days away from a full blown nervous breakdown.

  3. She spent over $500 on her hair and Brazilian blowout process. How does she have that kinda welfare cash? Does the hairstylist take food stamps? Ugh.

  4. TMZ has it out for her. But they loooove them some Lindsay Lohan, and they are in the Kardashian pocket just as bad as E! is.

  5. I don't like Nadya and I'm glad she was outed, but I agree that the hairdresser did it for the money only, not for the sake of the children.

    And is she on welfare and yet has a hair stylist? Gotta love the system. I think I'm going to quit my job and live off welfare. Why should I work when she's not working and can afford luxuries still. I'm tired of working my butt off to pay for her welfare and her hairdresser.

  6. regardless of the hairstylists intentions, the children should be taken away. she's a mess. and its only a matter of time before there is some big accident or something because even if she were 100% not crazy, 14 children is way too many for one person to mother.

  7. Very sleazy of the hair dresser. I can't hate on Nadya. She's made some very bad decisions and probably could use some help with the kids. People hate on her never thinking how deeply that is going to affect the kids, who really have no say in all this.

    And as far as her getting an expensive haircut while being on welfare - small stuff. I'm more concerned with corporate welfare, which is rampant and runs relatively unchecked than the very rare "welfare queen".

  8. In this case, I couldn't care less if she was set up, let alone by whom or why. The woman's a douche, the very lowest form of human life.

  9. take out the trash. ugh.

  10. So, what, women on public assistance aren't allowed to pay to get their hair done? Geez, I didn't know Mitt Romney hung out on here.

    This is another case for McSpanky! Have any of you on this board tried to raise 8 children under the age of school? No. Let's see you try to keep anything under control under those heinous conditions. It's a wonder the woman can walk upright. I looked at the pics of her house and y'know what? I marveled at all the clean floors. I actually thought it would look worse.

    Not excusing Octomom's obvious core mental health issues. But not gonna judge her as a parent just by some cell phone photos some stankass bitch hairstylist sold for six figures. The hairstylist is the one who should be getting shamed here. Your hairstylist is supposed to be the only one who knows for sure. It's a confidentiality person, like your gynecologist. (Oh god, I hope Octomom's gyn doesn't get ideas.)

    As for the hairstyle, if you were getting snapped by paps every time you walked out for your famewhoring photo op, you'd spend moolah on a great cut, too.

    It's okay, Octo. McSpanky understands.

    1. Right on!Thanks for saying what I was thinking!

    2. Right on!Thanks for saying what I was thinking!

  11. MadLyb said...

    " Very sleazy of the hair dresser. I can't hate on Nadya. She's made some very bad decisions and probably could use some help with the kids. People hate on her never thinking how deeply that is going to affect the kids, who really have no say in all this.

    And as far as her getting an expensive haircut while being on welfare - small stuff. I'm more concerned with corporate welfare, which is rampant and runs relatively unchecked than the very rare "welfare queen". "

    ^seriously good food for thought. thank you.

  12. Yes it was sleezy of the hairdresser to sell out Nadyea
    however it needed to be brought to the attention of the proper authorities so kudos to her. Besides, it only confirms what we already knew about Nadeya.....a lousy mom with feral children, shitting in the back yard.

    Welfare-ites no longer receive 'food stamps' per se....they now receive a debit card which is usuable anywhere. This program has been a bone of contention in the media as some people are using their welfare/atm cards at the Indian gambling casinos or just withdrawing plain ol cash from their accounts.

    At first we heard she was receiving $2K per month to feed her kids but now that story's been changed to $4-5K per month. Of course Nadeya says (again) this is 'the last month' she'll be receiving said amount. Yeah right i call bullshit.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Anonymous11:05 AM

    It was my understanding that the $520 covered haircuts for all the kids as well as a couple of previous haircuts for Nadia. Even so, I think you could get it done cheaper at Great Clips, although they probably wouldn't come to the house. Or take pictures of your graffiti.

  15. Jesus Christ, she didn't use the fucking welfare debit card -- that was a huge part of the TMZ story, that fucking check she wrote documenting that she actually paid $520 to the hairdresser.

    Taxpayers generally do not pay for a welfare recipient's hair, gas, clothing, etc. Nadya is batshit crazy, but any other woman would be given a little leeway in arguing that it is cheaper to pay $520 for TWO haircuts and a Brazilian Blowout -- which lasts 6 to 8 months -- than paying per shot. ESPECIALLY a woman who's only earned income really is from weird fucking P.R. stunts and, until yesterday, probably TMZ.

  16. @ The Bitch Next Door - the problem with that scrutiny is that people arent taking into account the areas that these people live in. Sometimes liquor stores and casinos are convenient and banks are not. The people withdrawing may also have jobs at said establishments, again making it convenient to withdraw there.

  17. Regarding food stamps/welfare. Most states offer both EBT Food and EBT Cash. If you receive "EBT Food" - it can only be spent on food items at grocery stores/convenience stores that accept Food Stamps. EBT Cash is another similar program, but EBT Cash (as the name implies) is the same as receiving cash, meaning you are allowed to spend it on whatever you want, wherever you want. It's a supplemental income for those with extremely low income. Most people just receive Food Stamps, although some people receive both. I would assume that Nadya receives at least a portion of that $2000 a month to be used only on food. With that many children in the house, the state is going to make sure that money is spent on food and not just on whatever Nadya chooses. She may also receive EBT Cash Support but that does not cut into the food stamps that she receives.

  18. Ita with McSpanky, she also said the kids got haircuts too. Tacky of the hairstylist to set her up, and I also think TMZ loves all the attention to the site, and they probably paid her some money too.

  19. So the hairstylist was so horrified by what she saw, but it didn't stop her from performing an expensive treatment and accepting Octomom's cash - cash that presumably could have been used on the kids? Class act, that stylist.

  20. @McSpanky
    Well, I don't have a hairstylist, and I'm not on welfare. I also did not have 14 kids on my state's dime. I live in California and every time I see this broad my blood pressure goes up.

    I paid $25 for my last haircut.

  21. i dont know why people stick up for this trick. I feel bad for the babies but not her!

  22. Number one, I was going to say that in cases of neglect and abuse, I don't care HOW or WHY it comes out as long as it DOES.

    But reading the comments, I also have to strongly agree with what Cancan said. I could not in good conscience sell what is essential a luxury service for money to someone whose monetary situation borders on squalor. (But I have a conscience.)

    also: Regarding the money vs welfare: It's not that "welfare paid for the haircut." What irritates people (me included) is that money that COULD buy milk and fresh veggies is NOT buying milk and fresh veggies. A haircut is not essential, and $520 on haircuts when you're poor is obscene. People whose lives I am partially funding should not get to live better than I do, you know?

    And haircuts ARE non-essential. You can do it at home. No, there's not glamour in that, but I'm poor, and I cannot pay someone to do what I can do for free.
    To end on a funny story: I have a friend who had two little boys and she wanted to get them a simple buzz cut so she didn't have to mess with their hair. A buzz cut was $14 per kid at Cost Cutters. A clipper at Walmart was $10. So she bought the clipper. The boys fussed and would not let her cut their hair. Frustrated, she said she would pay them each two dollars if they would cut each other's hair! They immediately agreed, ran the clippers on each other, collected their two bucks each, and she was happy because she paid $14 for the clipper and both haircuts instead of $14 per kid. From then on, every week or two, or whenever there was a toy they wanted, the boys asked her if it was please-please-please time for another $2 haircut!

  23. I hate to pull this card out, but if you are a resident of California making average middle class wages, your taxes probably aren't paying for Nadya's welfare benefits. Your taxes barely pay for your share of the government that you actually use, including your share of your state Assemblymember and state Senator's salaries (and their office staff), the Governor, Lt Gov, and the other 6 state officers; the CHP, the State Parks, the CalFire department, etc, etc, etc. The top 3% and large businesses are the ones who pay the taxes that cover things like welfare, Medical, and other social services.

    I've said it before, she's mentally ill and needs help, lots of it. She's also apparently making some money from that 'Dial a Star' website, and if she gets audited by the state of california for not reporting that income while she's receiving assistance, she could actually go to jail (but the jails are crowded so she won't).

  24. she has the ugliest man hands ... geez.

    so sick of hearing about this woman .. who the hell takes CARE of her kids? she's out and about all the time.

    from the pics ... the kids look neglected, dirty, etc. these children are doomed if they are not taken from her.
