Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nadya Suleman Investigated By CPS

Nadya Suleman's hairstylist went to the police to complain about the way Nadya was treating her 14 children. Apparently after not giving her a big enough tip, the hairstylist told the police there is only one working toilet for the house and that the kids each have training toilets in their rooms and that Nadya locks them all in their rooms when she has personal things to attend to.

Showing that they take their jobs very seriously when there is potential for people actually watching them work, CPS went out to the house the same day and stayed for 90 minutes but found nothing that would lead them to remove the kids from the house.

I made the joke above about the hairstylist not getting a big enough tip, but I'm glad she did what she did. Whether anything came out of it or not, she saw something she believed was not right and reported it. What if she stayed silent and something happened. She would feel awful and we would be blaming people like her for not doing anything when they had the chance. Think about how many kids would be alive today if someone had just taken the time to report what they had seen. I'm not saying Nadya's kids were in danger like that, but the woman did the right thing.


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