Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Miley Cyrus Cut Herself On A Blender

Hmm, let me think about this for a second. Miley Cyrus rushed to the emergency room yesterday because she cut her finger and needed stitches. The way this was portrayed in the media by the way I was expecting Anderson Cooper to immediately rush to Miley's side and make sure that we did not lose some kind of national treasure. She cut her finger but there were these banner headlines and it made me think the world was ending or at least her life.

Anyway, all night I was trying t figure out how you cut your finger on a blender and the only thing I could come up with is that the blender was on and spinning and Miley opened the protective lid, and then shoved her hand down the inside all the way down to the blade and was not fast enough to get her finger in the middle of the spinning blades without getting cut. Who does this? Can anyone think of any other way you could get cut by the blender? Blades stopped and reach down like a paper cut? maybe, but why are you using your fingers down a blender anyway.


  1. She didn't say it was running. Maybe she's one of those people who doesn't realize you can clean the blender by blending soapy water in it and cut her hand reaching in with a sponge?

    1. ... Well this is awkward

    2. I didi that when I was a kid... How old is she now?!

  2. Wasn't there pictures of her walking her fog and having scars on her like she was cutting herself?

    1. Sounds like something from the Addams Family, walking their fog.

  3. And I gave myself a paper cut trying to open a box of Zebra Cakes yesterday. Where's my post?

  4. Unless she cut it while cleaning an overly sharp blending part?

    1. Agreed. I have cut myself cleaning a blender before

  5. It could have been a hand-blender. I once cut my hand on one and required stitches.

  6. I cut my finger really bad on my Ninja food processor. I was taking it apart and the blade insert slipped. My kitchenfinger looked like a mudrder had occurred. I used superglue and butterfly bandaids.

  7. Anonymous10:27 AM

    If the blender were moving, I'd expect her to lose a finger but I can totally see someone cutting themselves on an unmoving blender. I'm always nervous.

  8. Vicki - ha! Reminds me of a meeting I was in where we had to explain to an uptight gal from California what Little Debbie's were. You know the type - yoga pants and little military- style bedazzled ball cap.

  9. Who said it was running? I've knicked myself on a non-running blender. It could have been worse if I were more careless.

  10. She probably has a kickass super expensive Vitamix that could surely slice a finger.

  11. I've cut myself on nearly everything in the kitchen at one time or another. It's a dangerous place full of sharp stabby things,, I try to stay out of there. ;)

  12. Yeah, it's easy to do it, especially if it's one that you have to take apart to clean. (Don't be so harsh Enty)

  13. Frufra, good god I hate those bitches. They think eating an entire small cup of vanilla Pinkberry is splashing out.

  14. I would guess that our dear Enty has never washed a dish.
    Come on, is it that you really couldn't figure it out or just that it was a story to make a celeb look bad?

  15. Frufa, must have been a northerner, we know our Little Debbie's in SoCal.

    I cut myself washing the blender blades. Luckily it wasn't bad, but I didn't realize it was so sharp.

  16. I cut myself on my blender last week. I was making salsa and the cilantro tangled up at the bottom because I didn't chop it enough first. I reached in and pulled it out of the blades. fortunately I had dumped it all out first so all I ruined was the cilantro.

  17. @vicki -- my girls freaking LOVE zebra cakes.

  18. Vicki, I'm surrounded by them! But it makes it super-easy for me to be the artsy, hippie mama of the group. Plus, I just don't give a shit, so they provide me with endless amusement!

  19. Hmmm, caliblondy, maybe they just didn't sell them in the holier-than-thou markets she frequented - I could see that.

    You have to pity her kids though - come on, live a little already!

  20. Chopchop, I would slaughter a kindergarten class at a petting zoo run by nuns for Zebra Cakes! That bitch Little Debbie must put crack in them or something! And those Peanut Butter Buddy wafer things? OH MY GOD! The first thing I did when I came back from Korea was devour an entire box of those things!

  21. I, too, am adding myself to the "cut yourself on the ninja blade" Those blades are crazy sharp.

  22. Count me in on cutting myself with just about everything in the kitchen. I will even admit to sticking my had down the garbage disposal to get something unstuck (it was turned off at that point) and then while I still had my hand down there I (yes ME) turned the damned thing on. I was extremely lucky that I didn't chop my hand off.

  23. I just used my blender this am, and I've poked myself with the blades when I was cleaning it.

    I actually believe Miley sliced it with the blades while it was not together...or she stuck her hand down the blender (while it was off) to take a clump of whatever off the blades that was probably sticking to it. If she had stuck her hand in while it was running, she would have lost the finger.

    I also don't think she cut her hand cleaning the blender. I'm pretty sure Miley doesn't clean anything...she has people to do that for her.

  24. I've cut myself and/or burned myself on just about everything in my kitchen at one time or another. I'm not nearly as careful as I need to be and I'm frequently watching tv while cooking and cleaning in the kitchen. It is very easy to hurt yourself if you aren't careful. I don't think Miley was necessarily doing anything stupid. I do think the media reaction to her accident was pretty stupid, though.

  25. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I have cut myself badly on my blender when it wasturned iff. I have also shoved something into the garbage disposal e with my hands while it was on. I am lucky i have hands. Burns? I have burned the top of my hand so badly in the oven my ski stuck to the burner and you could see bone on my knuckles. That scared

  26. She was probably washing it. Doesn't seem illogical.

  27. Vicki try the peanut buddy bars straight from the freezer....OMG

  28. @Vicki & Frufra

    Two words: Star Crunch

  29. I used to try that when I was a kid, but I could never wait long enough. I did put the Zebra Cakes in the freezer last night, though. :D

  30. Some blenders have different blades for different cuts - maybe she was switching from one blade to another. I don't know, it probably didn't deserve breaking news status, but I don't think it's particularly odd.

  31. Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar Cruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunch.......zomg!!!!

    Does anybody else think the fudge brownies were a bit much? For non-chocolate, I loooooove the Strawberry Rolls. I can still remember how they taste!

  32. Raspberry Zingers.

    That is all.

  33. It can happen. It especially can happen if you are cooking/making drinks while stoned.

  34. Oh god I haven't had Raspberry Zingers in years! They were just too sweet for me.

  35. My good friend is travelling around South America in an old VW bus....he makes smoothies and seems quite proud of his concoctions; however, a month or so ago he cut his thumb reallllly baddddd and showed me a photo of the damage. OUCH!! Major deep cut! Looked awful! So I guess it happens....

  36. I did this just the other day! Mine is one of those hand-held immersion blenders and I had used it and was cleaning it--and there was some gunk stuck up in it and I didn't realize how sharp the blade is--I moved the blade a little to try to rinse out the gunk and it cut the heck out of my finger--didn't need stitches but it bled like heck for a while.

  37. I was a barista for 14 years and I cut my fingers on blender blades ALL THE TIME! I did it while I was cleaning them, becuase blending soapy warm water in them didn't get out all the chocolate and gunk. I swear, each time I did it, I vowed I would be more careful next time...yeah, like THAT ever happened!

  38. --skydives1 said...
    I cut my finger really bad on my Ninja food processor. I was taking it apart and the blade insert slipped. My kitchenfinger looked like a mudrder had occurred. I used superglue and butterfly bandaids.--

    Exactly this. I cut the hell out of my thumb last weekend. It still hurts! I wanted to go to the hospital for stitches and if I had Miley's bank account, I probably would've.

  39. speaking of blades, my hubby was cleaning the food processor one day, and one of the blades cut him and he dropped it, and my then 7 year old heard him howl in pain, and she ran into the kitchen, and the blade got HER in the fleshy spot between her big toe and her princess toe. She needed 50+ stitches and almost lost her big toe!

  40. I cut myself all the time in the kitchen.

  41. Holy shit, Chrissy! That food processor was on a mission! Your poor baby!!!

    What's a princess toe?

  42. The Princess toe is the one right next to the big toe. I have no idea why they call it that, someone told me once before why they did, but it must have been a dumb reason, because I forgot ;)

    @LuMay, she is very nearly 10 now, and she remembers it like it was yesterday! lol!

  43. I feel for your hubby and kid, but I can't help picturing it like the Simpsons when Y2K hit and the waffle iron was trying to attack them. lol

  44. bahahahaha! Tthat is kind of how I pictured it, too. I was out getting my hair cut. See what happens when I leave them alone?!?

  45. Hahahahahahahahaha. I'm the truth was much crazier than what he said.

  46. @califblondy - I can assure you that some of us NorCal gals are more than aquainted with Zebra Cakes...though i'm more of a nutty buddy fan:)

    I think it is TOTALLY possible to cut yourself on a non-running blender, I just dont see Miley using one...

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  49. My blender (and I expect most blenders) comes apart, so I put the individual pieces in the dishwasher. There have been 2 occasions where I've cut myself on the blade. Once while taking it apart, once while putting it back together. Never bad enough for stitches, though. There is a small part of me that's wondering if this was a ploy for attention.

  50. I am neither holier than thou nor from Northern or Southern California nor do I wear bedazzled military hats (whatever the f those are they sound ugly), and I have NO IDEA what a Zebra Cake is. I've had like one Twinkie in my life and I thought that shit was nasty. I didn't mind the chocolate cupcakes with the little white frosting squiggle when I was like 12, but remember thinking any variety of m&ms or sour patch kids would be much more satisfying. You gals sure can be condescending to us non-Little Debbie fans. :)

  51. I never thought of raspberry zingers as being too sweet, but I haven't had one in a long time - probably about the same time as my last pixie stix, which I'm sure I also didn't classify as too sweet despite the fact that it was essentially a sugar tube.

  52. @ JJ - it's all good, even if Little Debbie isn't your thing :-). I can't actually eat them any more due to blood sugar issues. I just live vicariously through my kids.

    And Vicki, I must respectfully disagree - Cosmic Brownies are straight from heaven!

    As for the bedazzled military caps, they are part of the soccer mom uniform around here (Midwest), coupled with yoga pants that tell the world that, yes, you do have time to go to the gym five days a week. My ass would look like a crime scene in those bad boys!

    If you are so inclined, search women's military hats on etsy to see what I mean.

  53. The sprinkle things on top turned me off, but I would fuck Little Debbie for the other stuff. Except any of the marshmallow shit. Barf.

  54. Uhm... if it's in the kitchen and remotely sharp it will find me, cut me and have me bleeding all over the place. Afterward I'm left feeling embarrassed that I allowed it to happen AGAIN.

  55. She could totally have cut it on a blender especially if it wasn't running. Maybe she was making a smoothie RQ?

  56. Whoever said vitamin nailed it. I totally want one of those expensive mother's but alas I must do with my crap one.
    When I do save up the money I am sure I will cut myself often.
    I literally fear for my childrens lives when it comes to the cuisinart blade (and my husband because he is always burning or cutting himself). I hide it, it scares me.

  57. OMG!! I cannot believe the thread I just read for the love of Debbie cakes! You guys all crack me up. Being from the south, Little Debbies were very popular although I myself have not partaken many or in many years.

    Sorry Chrissy that your food processor was possessed by the devil. Glad everyone survived.


  59. Screw Little Debbie--you guys need Tastycakes! I had a friend in Georgia who once bought a case of Butterscotch Krimpets back from Philly (which seems to be Tastycake Central) with him because he was homesick for them. A couple of stores sold them up here, but I haven't been looking around for them in a long time...but that may have to change. ;-)

  60. Immersion blender. A friend of mine cut himself really badly when he hit the "blend" button by mistake instead of the release (both are on the side of the kitchenaid one, the blend buttons are just lower down).

  61. Gotta love the comments when it turns to food especially dessert

  62. Oh and maybe Enty is really implying something else with the blender incident, like maybe she was stoned or something or it really was not a blender cut but something else?

    I've cut and burned myself on every appliance in my kitchen.

  63. @Robin the Mad Photographer- I really WANT to like Tastycakes, but I just dont. There is a place in the Jake's Steaks here in San Francisco has them (and amoroso rolls)and every time i try them I end up thinking that I wish that they were more delicious. A friend of mine,who is originally from philly, cant get enough of them, though... give me an oatmeal creme pie or nutty buddy, though, and I'm a happy little fatty:)

  64. ''She didn't say it was running. Maybe she's one of those people who doesn't realize you can clean the blender by blending soapy water in it and cut her hand reaching in with a sponge?''

    I was formerly one of those idiots. I see dish washing in a whole new light now! I never even thought of that



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