Friday, April 20, 2012

MIke Tyson Got A Woman Pregnant While In Jail

Although he was serving a sentence for rape, apparently at least one woman in the prison where he was serving his sentence found him attractive enough to have sex with him because she got pregnant. Mike Tyson gave an interview to Rick Reilly, who asked Mike what he left out of his one man show and Mike said the time he got the prison official pregnant. He also said that she did not have the baby. Well, if teachers and students are having sex constantly then it doesn't surprise me that prison guards or officials are having sex with inmates. I guess the fact he was in jail for rape would kind of turn me off if I was a woman, but maybe the fame or celebrity or dream of being Mrs. Mike Tyson overcame that for her.


  1. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Ew. He is such an animal.

  2. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Hell, one of my cousins worked at a prison and ended up married to one of the inmates. I'm not surprised by anything.

  3. I saw Mike Tyson on Conan a couple of weeks ago, and he definitely has early stages of punch drunkenness: thoughts redirecting mid-sentence, awkward pauses as if trying to remember his thoughts from a moment earlier, and so on. For half a moment I kinda felt sorry for him, but then I remembered, oh yeah, that jail time for rape thing. Sorry man, no soup for you.

  4. I lived in a rough neighborhood in my teens, lots of my acquaintances were in and out of juvenile, or boys and girls schools.
    It was common for guards to have sex with the inmates, even wayyy underage. One girl I knew was 14 and came home bragging that she "seduced" the guard so she didn't have to go without sex while locked up.
    I thought it was sick at 14, as an adult it's so messed up I can't believe it. I wish I had known well enough to report this crap. I can't believe a 14 year old would even be having sex, much less be oversexed, and sleeping with people in their 20s and 30s.

  5. i am sad that the jail lady was so hard up that she'd hit that pos.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I have two relatives who used to be guards in the Texas Dept. of Corrections, and this does not shock me at all. The stories they would tell about prisoners and prison staff having sex were enough to make me want to cut off my ears. Sooooo gross.

  8. This doesnt surprise me at all! U got to admitt this is pretty funny!

  9. While I firmly believe that Mike Tyson is a first class creep, I still have doubts he raped that girl. Did he abuse women - yes - but was that night in question rape - or was that girl seeking her 15 minutes?!? I apologize if I have offended anyone, but I just remember all the things that didn't add up back in the day. No means no and I can't stand Mike Tyson - that voice, ha! - but I will always wonder...

  10. @Snowstorms I watched a documentary a few years ago about the rape and there were some things about the case and about her(Desiree Washington),story that didn't add up.On the other hand, he has had a history of being abusive towards women and being violent in general so to me he is capable of just about anything.

  11. Thanks fingerbinger! I felt sorry for him as a kid, as I do all children who grow up in such rough neighborhoods - but I NEVER liked him. I did not want to go back a read about the idiot, but that story was just fishy. Now do I think he could have raped or dateraped other women who stood by in silence - heck yes!! And he may have indeed raped this woman, and if he did, I would feel super bad for doubting her and super guilty.

  12. @Texshan - "make me want to cut off my ears" - never heard that one before, I laughed so loud!

  13. I hate him for his past, but from what I've read more recently, after his toddler daughter died in a freak treadmill accident, he has finally cleaned up from drugs, converted to veganism, and embraced Islam (he looked for a strict religion to keep him from relapsing). IF all that is true, then I give the guy credit for making the changes he needed to in his life. Good luck to him; I hope he has time to do enough good in the world to do penance for the bad he did before.

  14. Sexual abuse of prisoners by prison officials is actually a big problem, but in this case I doubt he was coerced. (And obviously not assaulted as so many people who are less strong are.) Like WUWT, I think he has finally gotten his shit together, and is truly repentant for his past, so I have no beef with him any longer. I do believe in redemption if someone sincerely has changed.
