Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Megan Fox May Or May Not Be Pregnant

One week Megan Fox is pregnant and one week she isn't. X17 has had her pregnant since November. Somehow I don't think that's right or else she would be six months along. Last I checked (photo above from last week) she still looked to be a size zero. It would be like one of those episodes of I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant. I never understood that show. I think it is just a whole lot of denial and hiding from parents usually that make them think they are not pregnant. There was also that one episode that had a woman on there who thought you could only get pregnant if you did it one position so she and her boyfriend did it in every other position so she was shocked she got pregnant. There are so many celebrity pregnancies that squeezing in announcements is kind of like finding the right weekend for a movie to open. Take yesterday for example, Guiliana Rancic had the day so anyone who wanted to have their own baby announcement needed to make sure they picked a different day. Megan Fox kind of got lost in the shuffle last night so probably wants a whole day to herself. She won't get a cover because Giuliana has the pregnancy covers locked up this week. She had to wait until this week because Angelina's engagement had the covers last week. There is always room for Jennifer Aniston pregnancy covers.


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