Matt Lauer Makes The Right Move - Stays On Today
For the first time in over a decade, Good Morning America finally beat Today in the ratings yesterday. Despite that, Matt Lauer knows Katie Couric is not going to be there next week and signed a long term deal to stay as a host on Today. That is totally the right move. Let me explain. Lesson number one if you are on a hit show and getting paid an obscene amount of money, you never leave. Ever. Never ever. You have side projects? Great, do them on the side and don't let them become your full time job. If you are ready to retire, then retire. I'm ok with a celebrity leaving a hit show if they want to retire, but don't think you are going to be a bigger star or do better on your own show or a different show. Hello Katie Couric and the CBS Evening News. Think she would like to do that again? Now, if Matt said he was tired of waking up at 3am everyday and cannot do it anymore, then great, move on, but he was thinking of going the whole do my own show and become a bigger star and he finally got smart and realized he had a sure thing going and was making tons of money. Have you noticed how suddenly after a flurry of stories about his wife there has not been word one in a long time. I think the source for all the anorexic and marriage trouble stories was cut off at the knees.