Matt Fiddes Says He Is Blanket Jackson's Dad
Matt Fiddes used to be Michael Jackson's bodyguard. He also says that he is the father of Blanket Jackson and that he is coming to Los Angeles to at least get visitation rights to see his child. I will tell you what he wants is a payoff. How many former bodyguards do you know who can make a decent living after they get to old to bodyguard. Not a lot of demand fr them if you get your butt kicked. So, he will come here and make some noise and quietly go away with a nice big check in his hand.
Do I think he is the father? Probably. Michael's kids are all part of some kind of factory assembly line, but that does not mean he can just come in and expect to get visitation. I'm sure he had t sign something giving that away, but when you have a big checkbook, you just throw money at a problem.