Monday, April 16, 2012

The Macaulay Culkin DJ Night

A few months ago Macaulay Culkin made headlines because he looked so skinny that people suspected he might turn to dust and blow away at any moment. The furor grew so loud that Mac didn't even show up at his DJ gig one night and jut dropped of his iPod for the club to plug in. It turns out though that is what Macaulay does every Sunday night for his DJ gig. How exactly is that DJ'ing? Does he get paid for this? Every Sunday night, Macaulay just hands over his iPod which is played for the crowd while Mac sits at a bar and chats to women. A long long line of women who probably wish he had some aftershave with him so he could duplicate his famous Home Alone moment with the putting on of the aftershave. They would probably pay extra. I can't believe people would pay someone just to bring their iPod to a club and have it played. How is that DJ'ing? I don't blame Macaulay at all. If someone wants to pay him for it, they probably think its worth it and judging by the crowd each time he shows up I guess it is. Last night he had people coming up to him make paper dolls of how they thought he looked.


  1. DAMN! I need that gig! Think anyone would pay me to drop off my IPOD? I have a very interesting selection. We could call it Rocking to the Menopause Blues? Or Dance Night Family Hour?

  2. Wow, that's lazy. I could see doing that for a house party, but he gets paid for that?? Sweet gig for him, though, I guess.

  3. I would even be willing to sit at the bar and chat people up. I have a shocking collection of dirty Irish jokes. ;0

  4. @BigMama, you're awesome first thing in the morning. xoxo

  5. I always find it interesting that people like him get railed on for being has-beens/high maintenance/etc, yet H'wood turns around and fully supports the behavior by schilling out tons of dough for some BS like this.

    What motivation does he have to NOT phone it in?

  6. Unless he made some monumental financial blunders Mac is set for life. He was smart to take control of his finances early before his father and mother blew through all his money.

    I think the DJ thing is just a way to keep himself entertained. So if he doesn't feel like showing up he doesn't. I thought most DJs now just plug in pre-recorded tracks. Nobody does anything live anymore.

  7. Thank Em - I do try. *psssst the huge amounts of coffee help ;)

  8. Ok, on a serious note. I used to be on the radio years and years and years ago and we would do DJ work on the side to earn extra money. Half the appeal of a good DJ is getting up there and working the crowd. Even if you have a preset play list, you want to be able to mix it up a bit to please the people. I doubt it was a very fun night for the people to dance too. On the flip side (see what I did there?) most likely he was actually being paid to sit there and be accessable to the crowd.

  9. I looooove Macauley Culkin. So much. But never would I ever pay money to listen to his ipod.

  10. He's actually incorporating 2 jobs (albeit easy ones) into one. He just prerecords his DJ set so he can also mingle with the crowd. I can see where it would be a win/win for everyone. Ingenious.

  11. I would just want to drop my iPod off and go back home.

  12. It's a sweet gig for him I admit. If in fact he chats up the crowd instead of being bent over a turntable the crowd probably really enjoys his way of DJ'ing.
    Looks are personal preference but I don't see how this young man is attractive. Does he ever see the light of day? I know he's wearing sunglasses, but he could be in a mall for all I know.

  13. What the fuck is that growing on his face? He should not be growing that fuzz. Guess he's too lazy to shave, much less actually DJ'ing.

  14. Where does Macaulay Culkin end and Sam Ronson begin? I imagine they would test identically on a urinanalysis, for what it's worth.

  15. I really like Macauley. It's very hard for me to hate on him, especially when a whole lot of non-celebrity trustafarians dothe same thing and also get away with it. I blame it on society's ever-lowering standards.

  16. Its kind of sad when your life peaks when you are 8 yrs old. If he enjoys it and someone is willing to pay for that, he's not hurting anyone.

  17. @Barton Fink: Good one!

  18. yo i have good taste in music, just some classics mixed in w/ some dance tunes, not of that hipster dribble..."musicians' we never heard of...those who just want their name out there bs! come on!! i have good tunes to share!!

  19. i wonder what kind of music is on his list anyways?

  20. well, I guess it works for a Sunday night and it means he gets to work the crowd? But "DJ" does seems a bit much for plugging in a frakking iPod.

  21. I don't really have much to comment on Macaulay's DJ gig, but wanted to say thanks to whoever posted that Tumblr blog link within the comments awhile back which featured song requests for DJ's. I spent several hours on there laughing my ass off at the incoherent messages.

  22. As someone who went to one of the DJ parties, let me clarify what actually happens. Admission is free, Culkin's iPod actually has a good playlist, and while yes, he just sits at the bar, you don't actually have to talk to him. Just bring friends who like to dance and have fun without paying a cent!
