Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Lindsay Lohan To Attend White House Correspondent's Dinner

Lost in all the hoopla yesterday about Michael Lohan and Rosie O'Donnell fighting and calling each other talentless was the news that Scientologist and FOX News Channel host, Great Van Susteren will be taking Lindsay Lohan as her guest to this Saturday's White House Correspondent Dinner. Just like the movie Dinner With Schmucks, Greta is known for taking people who would otherwise embarrass polite society. In the past she has taken Kim Kardashian. I think Greta plays a game with someone to see who can get the most press for their choice of guest. I also think she is recruiting for Scientology and never seems to invite a guy for what it's worth. I'm shocked the Secret Service would let someone with such a long criminal record anywhere close to the President, but realized that with all the crooks, convicts and thieves in politics, that Lindsay will probably feel right at home and give her that warm cozy feeling of being in jail.


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