Friday, April 06, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Parties All Night

Lindsay Lohan managed to finally find a celebrity to party with who did not immediately run for their lives. As a result, Lindsay partied all the way through the night. That sounds like Lindsay is really staying at home and like she told the judge, ready to give up partying.

Lindsay went to the new club Pour Vous the other night and lo and behold Robert Pattinson was there so Lindsay immediately latched on to him like LeAnn Rimes grabbing Eddie Cibrian at a strip club. Lindsay was not letting someone like Robert out of her sight. I'm sure she would have sold her soul right then to have Robert be her boyfriend and get all the tabloid coverage. She would have let them do wedding stories and pregnancy stories and you could hear Dina cackling all the way from her nest. Or hell. Do you think Dina lives in hell or is that just a weekend place? I keep looking for it on House Hunters but have yet to see it.


  1. Wow, that first picture doesn't look like Lindsey at all.

    Did Kristin Stewart and Rob break up?

  2. Thats the first ok pic of Lindsay i have seen in a while. Robert looks like he just got off a bus.

  3. Lindsay is awful.....and would sell her soul to any bidder to help her get back in the appropriate light......I feel for RPattz, who I am certain was NOT there to hang out with the likes of LiLo the Ho....and I am sure LiLo called the paps in hope to make this some kind of a story....which it is not.

  4. why does anyone believe anything this slime bucket says, ever? She does nothing but lie.

    are people still surprised by her actions at this point?

    lets see how she behaves on set in Canada. I'm sure it'll be a lot of the same. Parties, drink, drugs, repeat.

  5. Pattinson has white powder on his pants.

  6. Keen observation, pr787! The pic is huge so you can really see it if you click on it.

  7. The darker hair is kinder to LiLo but the bloated face, double chin and duck lips, not so much.

  8. WTF is he wearing? He looks like a hobo. I can't believe anyone finds him attractive. I seriously doubt he showers... maybe once a month.

    1. I agree wholeheartedly. He gives me a Pete Dougherty vibe. Just nasty & disgusting. Who deemed him attractive & why??? Twilight nonsense be damned.

  9. At this point, LiLo is so messed up and looking so odd that I wouldn't even cast her for the biopic "little girl lost: one year in the life of Lindsay Lohan"!

  10. Surprise Surprise!

  11. At the end of the night she walked out with his beard, three coats and a puppy.

  12. Lol @ Vicki Cupper!

    She's so foul, Lainey did a great story on this about how poor Pattinson should have gotten the hell out of there the second LaLohan showed up.

    I also really don't understand where the double chin came from. She's had it awhile but... I just don't understand why.

  13. His beard??? You mean the hair on his face, not faux girlfriend, right? He can't possibly be gay cuz no self-respecting gay guy I know would be caught dead dressed like a hobo and grimy looking!!! There's been some rumors about that, but I don't believe it. All the gays I know are uber clean, immaculate, and stylish dressers.

    1. I always think its him covering for Kristen, whatever the male version of a beard is.
      She totally gives off the gay vibe to me.

  14. In the pictures from her most recent hearing, I thought LL looked great!

    That RPat fellow - I just do not see the appeal. He looks like he's going to find a warm spot to sleep in an alley. But very thankful that he has a hand-me-down jacket to keep warm!

  15. i would not have known who that was. wow. weird.

  16. Hey! She's a homebody, y'all! And JUST because she goes OUT TO DINNER with friends, it doesn't mean she is CLUBBING or DRINKING!!!!!

    well, that is what she told TMZ.

    *rolls eyes*

  17. Plus you can see his hairy stomach through the hole in his shirt. Yuk

  18. @TeacherNan- I know a few gay men (hipsters mostly) that have cultivated a hobo asthetic.

  19. Lindsay is going to be on Glee.

    I'm going to have to watch that crappy show, well, one episode anyway!

  20. I think they are perfect for each other. Nasty looking, smelly, chain smokers. I've never understood people who find him attractive. I can't stank Kristen Stewart either, but I've always thought she could do way better.

  21. Quarter in the jukebox.
    Eddie Murphy.
    My girl likes to party all the time, party all the time, paaarrrttyyyy all the tttiiimmmmeee! She parties all the time!!

  22. I call BS on this one.

  23. Dream on Lindsay....

  24. @TeacherNan - there is a whole community within the gay world of "bears", that have beards and look scruffily masculine. They aren't at all the stereotypical clean cut type.

  25. Those two photos don't really look like they were taken in the same location. Plus, that looks like Brody Jenner behind fishlips.

    Anyone still believe Stewart and Pattinson are really a couple? I'm don't (not saying he's gay though).

  26. Supposedly Stewart and Pattinson are still a couple. I saw some pics of them partying with Katy Perry's group the other day. I think they are probably both bi-sexual, so the relationship works for them career-wise. Meh, who knows?

    I read this and automatically wanted to protect Pattinson, and I am not a big fan, LOL.

  27. Why the HELL would any of you want to protect Pattinson from anyone?

    This is a man who has been in revealed and not revealed Blind Items cheating on girlfriends and playing/juggling 3 co-stars at a time on the Twilight set. Wasnt the most recent BI about him how, despite little Stewart talking about the guitar she bought her boyfriend on Ellen, he was meeting an old Twilight co-star in Paris and having loud sex with her?

    I dont feel sorry for this "poor" guy. If anything, I do for LiLo.

    He probably banged her just to have the free lay.
    And what this fragile, desperate woman-child needs is LESS people using her for their own amusement.

  28. There needs to be a Seal Team 6 for troubled celebs. Just a group of bloggers or gossip enthusiasts that will kidnap stars like Blohan and keep them in a secluded location until they're off whatever they're addicted to and have had enough therapy to be on their own.

  29. She looks like a hybrid of herself and Anne Hathaway in that photo.

  30. What the fuck is she wearing? A black doily? Her face bloat is so frugly. Just say No, LiLo.

    Did Rob have to enter the Witness Protection Program? He looks like a stinky lumberjack.

  31. The male version of a beard is a merkin, correct?

  32. Lindsay looks halfway decent with the red hair color, but THAT chin and those duck lips. Why does she have a douple chin?? Seriously, is it because the Juvederm/lip plumper is spilling over over into her chin?? This girl will never learn.
    Her mother AND father, raised a screwed up daughter, with no redeeming qualities.

  33. I'm pretty sure most bears are big & hairy (although younger bears, aka cubs, are often a bit smaller and less furry), so I wouldn't call Rob a bear or even a cub, just a seriously scruffy hipster type...but yeah, I didn't recognize him, either. Here's hoping for both their sakes that they didn't hook up...

  34. RPatz is too smart to be hanging around Lindsey. He has nothing to gain except for some unclassified STDs.
