Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Levi Johnston Got Another Woman Pregnant

Apparently the women in Alaska are slow to get the news about Levi Johnston. Either that or he is about as big of a celebrity catch as they have there so he can choose who he wants. For whatever reason, some woman actually decided to have sex with Levi and according to TMZ, she got pregnant. Considering that Levi is not the world's foremost authority on birth control it should not come as a shocker. It should also not come as a surprise that Levi cannot really afford his first child with Bristol Palin so it makes perfect sense for him to have another.


  1. There are losers like him all over the world.

  2. Jesus Christ, he's about as far removed from "celebrity" as I am.

  3. If this chick was looking for a big pay day from this, she's a bigger idiot than he is. Good luck kid.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @disenchanted - I can totally picture him talking to her about a reality show they can do together, how much they can make selling baby pictures, etc

  6. he lives in ALASKA.....and he can't find a job???

  7. She's already reaping the benefits of his celebrity, you guys. Just take a look at those super-sweet Coach (ugh) bots circa 2009. Indeed she is stylin and, dare I say it, profilin!

  8. @Rose, My first thought was KFed of the north.

  9. That's almost as good as winning the lottery. Not.

  10. And the gene pool gets a little scummier.

  11. Buy a fucking box of condoms, dude.

    Some brain trust he's creating, huh???
