As I predicted earlier in the week, apparently there is video confirming Lindsay Lohan was at The Standard the night she is accused of shoving a woman. I'm pretty sure Lindsay told her publicist that she wasn't there and her publicist called everyone liars who said Lindsay was there. Lindsay even said she was at home watching television. I think maybe she got confused and thought the bar at The Standard is her house. Understandable considering how much time she spends there. You know, because a bar is not a club so she is allowed to go. If she told the police she was not there, then she is in trouble.
So, just like Amanda Bynes, bad news must make you want to go back because yesterday, TMZ reported that Lindsay went back to the same spot this past Wednesday night and got into another argument with a woman and ended up throwing her drink at the woman. Supposedly the drink was not alcoholic. Two things about that. Never throw an alcoholic drink at someone here. They are way too expensive to be wasting. Second, if your temper is that short, then either you were drunk; you are on something else; or you need to go to anger management class. This is true especially if you shoved someone the week before. I think it is entitlement mixed with medications.
Now, another interesting thing about Wednesday night is that Lindsay's vehicle was in another accident at the club, although Lindsay's assistant was driving. So, who did Lindsay call to help her? Her dad. Yep. I don't think they have been out since they were on their worst behavior about six months ago. It's interesting that her dad was her first call and he came and made the decision they should party together. Sober of course. They spent the night ogling women and crank calling Kate Major from Lindsay's phone.
I hope the next judge who gets Lohan into his/her courtroom throws the proverbial book at her. She needs some serious prison time. Not that there's a chance that might contribute to her reformation, but it would at least put an end to idiotic episodes like this one.
ReplyDeleteI keep thinking that's Britney post-freakout.
ReplyDeleteITA Enty - I think it is entitlement mixed with medications.
ReplyDeleteI know a couple of people that take pills (not from a doctor) and they get into verbal fights with coworkers and friends every few weeks. Pills, not people are the real cause of their unhappiness, but they make excuses about the pills helping them.
enty, "entitlement mixed with medications". This is so good:)
ReplyDeleteTo quote myself as a kid; let's not and say we did :)
ReplyDeleteI love it! Who throws drinks? That is so catty!
ReplyDeleteIsn't this the billionth time someone's said she's thrown drinks at them? You'd think she'd learn. Wait....
ReplyDeleteThis time, I think it was the other girl who threw the drink (according to TMZ), and that's when her father dragged her out of there.
ReplyDeleteIs this a recent picture? Her double-chin is disgusting.
ReplyDeleteI read somewhere that the producers of the LIZ BIO, are so uncertain of Loho that they have a backup ready to go....
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry but Enty got this story wrong. The recent event has Lindsay saying someone threw a drink on her, not her throwing the drink.
ReplyDeleteThough she is a notorious drink-thrower, this story got that detail backwards. See DListed or Celebitchy...
Oh wait, I'm wrong, looks like the notorious drink-thrower was throwing drinks indeed.
ReplyDeleteSuper silly of me to have thought otherwise.
Oh please dear Lord let's DON'T talk about them and just say we did, huh?
ReplyDeleteOoooh, @ TG,
ReplyDeleteWe're on the same wavelength :)
In other news:
ReplyDeleteEarth's Diameter at the Equator: 7,926.28 miles
Maybe she is living in a soap opera, where the default reaction to any of life's contrarieties is to slap and throw drinks in people's faces. And discover that your sister is really your mother, and then get amnesia.
ReplyDeleteGiula- thats funny, but I'm seeing it as a telenovela in my mind.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of bad acting, I wonder what the gullible judge thinks now after buying Lindsay's last performance. The court suits, the looks of rapture at the news that formal probation was ending. The celebration AT THE BAR.
This chick is a mess, and I keep rooting for her, but she doesn't make it easy.
I think I may have to send Judge Sautner these links, so she can pat herself on the back for a job well done.
ReplyDeleteWell, TMZ did first say the other lady threw the drink, but they have since posted an update after speaking to witnesses who say Lindsay threw the drink.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part is what prompted the drink throwing. "You're at a club with your dad??" *drink to the face*
The first story put out by daddy Lohan said the other girl threw a drink on Lindsy but the real story is that Linds threw the drink and daddy got her out of there.
ReplyDeleteShe is a lost cause.
ReplyDeleteidn want to give up on this girl...i'd love to see her have a true comeback...but w/ parenting like that...*sigh*. #disheartening
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is wrong with me? How have I managed to get through 42.5 years of life without ever having a physical altercation with anyone, being arrested, throwing a drink on someone, or hitting someone with my car?
ReplyDeleteThe sad part is, White Oprah and LiLo LOVE to throw pity parties and claim that LiLo is Snow White and that everyone is lying about her and out to get her, but I really think she either does this shit on purpose or perhaps subconsciously. Basically, I don't think it's an accident or just a symptom of drunkenness or drugs. LiLo is addicted to the attention she gets because of her actions. She can't get actual acting jobs anymore, so creating all of this drama for herself is the only way she can get the attention she craves.
As I understand this story from reading this on TMZ yesterday. Lindsay was supposedly not driving & the "DRIVER" of the vehicle bumped something outside of the club. Lindsay was so upset that she just had to call her dad, Michael. He showed up & walked her into the bar where they stayed several hours NOT drinking & a woman near by verbal attacked Lindsay, wherein, Lindsay told her to "EF OFF" & then the woman threw her drink at Lindsay. Her dad, Michael (Parent of the YEAR) dragged Lindsay immediately out of the bar.
ReplyDeleteThe train wreck called LiLo continues.
Why am I so surprised that LieLo actually called her dad? I thought she hated her monster abuse-o drugster omg-he-taped-me Dad?
That photo is the hotness right there.
ReplyDelete@Texshan, we're the same age, and I too have not done what you listed. Amazing huh!
ReplyDeleteFeraltart, apparently we have really been missing out! I guess we were too busy being responsible adults, dammit.
ReplyDeleteI think she is jealous of the Amanda Bynes press & is doing this on purpose. LL can be the ONE and only washed up slutbag actress.
ReplyDeletePS please use this picture every time there is a post about her.
ReplyDeleteHer Dad should be helping Ali instead. There is still hope for her.
ReplyDeleteI'd be shocked if she hadn't thrown a drink in someone's face or hit someone/something with her car, TBH.
ReplyDeleteThe last time she made a watchable film was when she was still a kid. Just because she was a good child actress doesn't mean she is a good adult actress, so does she really even have a chance at a comeback? I don't have much faith in her ability to change her ways at this point.
Madlyb, I've watched a number of her adult movies, and her acting has been atrocious in all of them. There is not going to be a comeback. At least not for a long, long time.
ReplyDeleteApparently, she has now "banned" herself from The Standard b/c it's cursed her. Maybe if she tried banning the bad people in her life, the booze, the drugs...?