Friday, April 20, 2012

Lets Talk Lindsay Lohan - & Michael Too

As I predicted earlier in the week, apparently there is video confirming Lindsay Lohan was at The Standard the night she is accused of shoving a woman. I'm pretty sure Lindsay told her publicist that she wasn't there and her publicist called everyone liars who said Lindsay was there. Lindsay even said she was at home watching television. I think maybe she got confused and thought the bar at The Standard is her house. Understandable considering how much time she spends there. You know, because a bar is not a club so she is allowed to go. If she told the police she was not there, then she is in trouble.

So, just like Amanda Bynes, bad news must make you want to go back because yesterday, TMZ reported that Lindsay went back to the same spot this past Wednesday night and got into another argument with a woman and ended up throwing her drink at the woman. Supposedly the drink was not alcoholic. Two things about that. Never throw an alcoholic drink at someone here. They are way too expensive to be wasting. Second, if your temper is that short, then either you were drunk; you are on something else; or you need to go to anger management class. This is true especially if you shoved someone the week before. I think it is entitlement mixed with medications.

Now, another interesting thing about Wednesday night is that Lindsay's vehicle was in another accident at the club, although Lindsay's assistant was driving. So, who did Lindsay call to help her? Her dad. Yep. I don't think they have been out since they were on their worst behavior about six months ago. It's interesting that her dad was her first call and he came and made the decision they should party together. Sober of course. They spent the night ogling women and crank calling Kate Major from Lindsay's phone.


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