Thursday, April 05, 2012

Lady GaGa Is Back With Luc Carl - No More Taylor Kinney

Didn't Luc Carl cheat on Lady GaGa? I thought that was one of the reasons they split and she went off and found Taylor Kinney. Apparently though the whole roommate thing Taylor has going on and trying to fit her life into his is not going so well and Radar says that Lady GaGa is juggling between Luc and Taylor right now as she attempts to determine which guy she wants to be with. I personally vote for Taylor just because it seems like a humbling experience for GaGa and also who wants to be with someone who cheated on you. That being said, she does have a very long history with Luc Carl and relationships go through ups and downs, but usually those ups and downs are not your boyfriend in bed with someone else going up and down. To me Taylor is much better looking than Luc which is why Taylor got his photo up and not Luc.


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