Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kristen Wiig Back Together With Fabrizio Moretti

Well that little break between Kristen Wiig and Fabrizio Moretti didn't last long. The Strokes drummer and long time boyfriend of Drew Barrymore had supposedly dumped Kristen for some other woman but the two were seen together over the weekend so apparently either it was just a fling or nothing or Kristen is the type who is willing to be walked over by her boyfriends. Whatever your choice, at least they are together. Kristen doesn't get much gossip about her. I think it is because she is in New York and she doesn't generate buzz like a lot of celebrities so we don't get lots of pictures of her so we don't get invested in her life. What she needs is a good scandal so people will be truly committed to her and her story. Right now from her I see a couple more years of movies followed by a sitcom and then replacing Ellen when Ellen calls it quits to go live on her farm.


  1. Sadly she seems like someone who is willing to be walked all over.

  2. Great advice there: get involved in a scandal so that your life becomes tabloid fodder and you use that to get more "work"...

    It's what the world in general and the entertainment industry in particular need - more followers of the Kim Kardashian School of Infamy.

  3. Isn't it a little awkward? Aren't she and Drew good friends? How does that work? Can't imagine dating a friend's ex.

  4. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I want to support her b/c she's a woman but I just don't find her interesting or very funny. I don't know if there's a scandal big enough that would ever make me care. Maybe if she stuck with the writing behind the scenes instead of trying to make it big on her own as a performer as well. She seems like a nice enough person but I just don't get the appeal or the acclaim, especially those Emmy noms.

  5. Her scandal is the way she's trotting out all her old, lame characters for a last bow as she exits SNL. Sure, kill the last third of the season so's you can make the show your vanity platform. Meanwhile, Sudeikis and Samberg are just quietly heading for the exits with dignity.

  6. I dated a friend's ex once and it worked out fine. She fixed us up, as a matter of fact. Granted, HE turned out to be a douche of epic proportions, but it didn't affect my friendship with my friend. Some people can do it. *shrug*

    I kinda like Kristen, but if I see Gilly, the Target Lady, or Garth & Kat one more time, I'm going to shoot my TV à la Elvis. Penelope, Shanna, Kathie Lee, Michele Bachmann...comedic gold. Those other skits, though, have NEVER been funny.

  7. Presumably Kristen met Moretti via Drew, and Drew gave Kristen a big career boost by casting her in Whip It! So I kinda doubt that Kristen is dating her ex without Drew's blessing.

    Also, these chicas are wise enough to know that rock musicians are like amusement park rides: fun to ride, but always available to the next woman standing in line.

  8. I did not find the movie Bridesmaids funny in the least, so by extension of that impression, I think she is boring overall.

  9. Drew is engaged and pregnant (allegedly) so I would think she would be cool with it.

    Bridesmaids was great and gave female comedians a great platform to get shows and movies greenlit with stronger female casts and characters.

    Nothing happens on SNL unless Lorne wants it to happen. So he is just giving Kristen the spotlight she deserves.

  10. I think she's funny as hell. I hope she's not letting a man run over her!

  11. I like her. I remember him being adorable.

  12. Did anyone else ever see "The Joe Schmo show"? She was so funny on that show. I love her and think she is great. I wish her well with her drummer

  13. I wasn't particularly crazy about Bridesmaids and thought it was overhyped. She does some funny impersonations like Kathie Lee, but I just don't see her having a Tina Fey-type career or taking Ellen's place.

  14. Perhaps she doesn't generate buzz because people find her boring, annoying and NOT funny. I know I do. Whenever she comes on screen in anything I just hear the WAH-WAH of sad trombones. I'm sure she thinks she's a gifted actress.

  15. Just because she is an awesome and hilarious performer doesn't necessarily mean she has all of her sh't together.

    That's almost an unfair expectation on our part, I mean - it's not like she's trying to sell us the "My Life is Perfect" handbook or anything.

  16. I loved her impression of the Kardashian mom, but I think that was mostly due to the writing. Four sisters.....I laugh every time. Bridesmaids was meh. I don't think having a case of the 3's in a sink is funny. For all of the women empowerment associated with that movie, I thought the funniest part was Jon Hamm.

    Aside from that, I hope she's not a doormat.

  17. She can be hugely entertaining but some of her characters are incredibly annoying (Gilly, the irritating actress in the drawing room skits, the irritating actress on the game show skits-- are they the same character??)

  18. @B. Profane...I'm starting look forward to your piercing observations every day as much as I am the blind items.

  19. EmEyeKay, I know people who have dated the same bloke. Bloke dated Woman A then moved onto Woman B (Woman A's best friend), he then dated and married Woman C (Woman B's sister). They all play hockey - I have decided I am never playing hockey, they all slept with each other and were fine with it. Good for them but I couldn't get my head around it.

  20. @ Cake - she was pretty hilarious on Joe Schmoe - long before she joined SNL.

  21. I love her impersonations, but not her own characters eg Gilly. SNL is just not that funny anymore.

  22. @Lexa, I look forward to BP's comments as well as BF's, snk*lers, hud*jo*s, MtB's AND others not named [sorta like an awards 'Thank you' where you know you're forgetting some important people] because we've got some strong female/feminist commenters here, but i appreciate an honest [non B/S] male perspective, too.

    All y'all pipe up now! We need you since the trolls seem to have come out more frequently recently.

  23. (Very belatedly) Well aren't you dolls sweet....
