Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Julia Louis Dreyfuss On Letterman

Two minutes of hilarity and Julia looks really good.


  1. I would LOVE to know Julia's beauty regimen. I honestly think she looks better now than she did during the Seinfeld days. And not fakey-fakey plastic surgery good. REAL good.

  2. I'm really looking forward to VEEP.

  3. Yeah, she looks good because she's not eating anything. When it comes to eating, at least on screen, she is one of the most ill-mannered, piggish eaters I've ever seen.
    Eat with your mouth closed for once. And don't talk with a mouth full of food; what you have to say isn't all that interesting, especially if you're spitting food while talking. I'm sorry--good manners don't cost a thing.

  4. @Megley: Miaaaaawwww!! down kitty!

  5. I saw this Friday night after just coming from seeing Jerry Seinfeld live in concert. I even watched two Eps of Seinfeld for the first time in a while the same night. Not a bad night. Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good.

  6. "Julia's beauty regime" born to $$$ and never had to work a day in her life.

  7. I love JLD more now than I did in the Seinfeld days. I agree with the comment above that she looks better as she ages. She and Tina Fey are the only two I can think of that pull off that unlikely phenomenon.

    I have discovered the show The New Adventures of Old Christine in reruns (I must admit I never caught it in its original run.) And I like it. I wish it has lasted longer.

    I find David Letterman completely unappealing here. Christ, I remember thinking he was so subversively funny in the 1980s. Now?...Blech.

  8. Anonymous1:13 PM

    To be fair, she does work. But she doesn't have to put up with hellacious workplaces like us. And I doubt the pervs in Hollyweird would prey on her considering her blue blood fam.

    I don't see her as a plastic surgery fiend, but I'm sure she does the very expensive, non-surgical spa treatments.

    We just need to figure out where she goes and what she gets! :D

  9. I love her shoes.

  10. @Lady C, you are correct! Sort of blue blood welfare work...

  11. I worked with Julia for several years not long ago. Just want to say that not only is she fun and cool and completely down to earth -- she also eats, drinks, and swears like a sailor.

  12. she looks like Molly Shannon a little to me when she turns to the side.

  13. If Letterman lets you take his chair, you MUST be cool! Yes, I've adored him since I was a teen.

  14. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I just told my husband she seems like she would be fun to hang out with so I'm happy to read Kelly's comment.

    That picture cracked me up because it's nonsense we've all done. My husband and I did that at a U2 concert so we each have a picture of us with the Edge and Bono.

  15. I love her! She seems so down-to-earth for someone who was born into a billionaire's family and I completely agree that she's only getting more gorgeous as she ages. Personality-wise she seems exactly like my sister which probably makes me like her even more (my sister also does the best Elaine dance as well).

  16. She is stunning. I would say doing sitcoms year after year would be considered work. She also managed to do Seinfeld while pregnant twice.

  17. I too would agree that sitcoms (especially American sitcoms that routinely have 20-25 episodes a year) should be considered work. It's often a 5 or even 6 day a week deal where you can work up to 12 or more hour days. Saying it's not a job is pretty much like declaring yourself queen of the occupations and as such only you have the ability to decide what's work and what isnt. ridiculous.

    And I would also like to know her beauty regime. Up until a few years ago I would say Jen Aniston had the same sort of effortless non-overly botoxed clean look. JLD must stay away from fillers, cause those were the kiss of death for Aniston.
