At some point you would think there would be a photo of Jessica Simpson getting in her car or out of her car, but instead, all we get are photos of her in a car and no clear signs whether she is pregnant or not. As much as I want to be on the conspiracy theory train, because it is a good train to be on, in this photo from yesterday she looks pregnant, but how can you really tell? Any thoughts?
The fact that there is no baby in the car is a pretty big indicator to me.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure she's still preggers poor thing.
The idea that she's hiding her baby is absurd. For her stature, she is carrying HUGE. It's pretty common to be put on bed rest. I think babies gain typically 1 lb/week in the last month and it can be pretty rough for the mom. Not surprised she's started laying low if she's uncomfortable, and in "nesting" mode.
ReplyDeletePfffft, Beyonce fake pregnancy, Whitney death conspiracy, Chris Brown, Jessica Simpson fake pregnancy--and actually self-citing the conspiracy story about her pregnancy created by this blog?
ReplyDeleteIt isn't even 7:30 AM, people, and "Enty" has tapped every hot-button to bring eyeballs to the blog, people. How gullible do you have to get?
My take away from this picture is that her fiance is actually exerting some effort and doing the driving.
ReplyDeleteB. Profane for as much hatred as you seem to have against Enty, you sure are glued to this site, being one of the first to post on every new post. There is an 'x' in the top right corner of your browser, feel free to use it.
ReplyDelete@B. Profane - you should head over to Godlike Productions and troll them. I can assure you it will be far more entertaining.
ReplyDeleteSeems to me like Jessica just started showing really early, so comparatively, it just feels like she's been pregnant forever. When someone is pregnant for real, that baby is usually in there cooking for nine months - shocker, I know. I'm guessing she's primarily on bed rest and went for a drive just because she wanted to get out of the house. As much as everyone complains that she's been pregnant forever, I'm sure she's more ready than anyone for her to not be pregnant anymore.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Jessica had her baby yet, it would be splashed over every news outlet. Sure hope she gives birth soon, the last weeks, especially for someone carrying like her, are so uncomfortable.
ReplyDeleteOh, you real mad huh, B Profane?
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for her. I remember my mom's friend was a week over her due date and she got so big and so swollen and was just so uncomfortable that she would break out crying. Kind of traumatizing when you're a kid watching it happen. Of course my mother was so small when she gave birth to me nearly 3 weeks after the due date that this site would probably make up the rumor that she was never really pregnant b/c she wasn't big enough. God knows anyone who knows anything about pregnancy knows that every woman carries exactly the same and any deviation from that must be a fake pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteAfter all the public speculation about her pregnancy and the shaming of her baby weight, I'm not surprised she's not letting people see she's still pregnant. Poor girl.
ReplyDeleteAn actual Hollywood "entertainment lawyer" bills at, like four- or five-hundred dollars an hour. My college roommate is the senior managing partner of a branch of a major nationwide law firm and he charges even more (when he's not rep'ing me for free, god love him). It costs the price of a nice dinner at Chez Panisse just to walk in the door of his office. Do you seriously think that someone who's time costs that much would happen to post such a slug of canned, slanted blog postings very early in the morning (or the night before)?
ReplyDeleteGet lost B. Profane, you and your imagined stories about having lawyer friends so you know EVERYTHING there is to know about lawyers and what they would do with themselves, how much they would charge, what they should be doing, and what the hell they write about.
ReplyDeleteIt's obvious you can't stand to stop reading here, so just consider yourself as idiotic as you believe everyone is.
Also, it's "that someone WHOSE time costs..." not who's. That would be a contraction of "who" and "is" which would make the sentence "that someone who is time costs" which makes no sense.
You must have skipped that college class.
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ReplyDeleteSo, this whole conspiracy thing with Jessica seemed to pop up really quickly - what's the actual conspiracy? That she was never really pregnant, or that she's had the baby in secret? Is that really a conspiracy? Plenty of other celebrities have had babies and not made an announcement from the recovery room... is this really a big deal?
ReplyDeleteWhen you get to a certain size when pregnant (especially with a big baby in my case) all sorts of discomfort can happen. Lots of swelling of the lesg (my chicken legs swelled too alarming proportions) and trying to get in and out of vehicles takes on a comedic level that is proportedly worth YouTubeing according to my smartass teenager. Doubtless the is doing her best to keep the embarassment to a minimum. It isn't like there haven't already been some nasty remarks about her size. People can be mean. Trust me, I am still hurting over some of the hateful things people said when I was pregnant with my second child. I only wish her well and a YouTube free pregnancy
ReplyDeleteGeez - just leave the poor girl alone. She's not hurting anyone, she seems like a nice (although kind of dim) person and she's obviously pregnant. I just don't get all the hate for her.
ReplyDeleteThe "conspiracy" here seems to be that Jessica had the baby but then subsequently had a massive "mommy job" procedure that she would like to keep quiet. It would look fishy if she had the baby but then didn't leave the hospital for a week afterward, especially since the public is so judgy about c-sections and celebrities being "too posh to push". Anyway, it wouldn't look good for Weight Watchers newest spokesperson to use plastic surgery to reach her weight loss goal, would it?
ReplyDeletePS, the baby not being in the car isn't an indicator of anything. You don't think Jessica is actually going to take care of her own kid do you? Maxi Pad is going to have a fleet of nannies on call 24/7.
ReplyDeletewhether she is or isn't, what does it matter? I see the whole - she already had her baby and is secretly using this time to have plastic surgery to dupe the public in a weight-loss scheme but it does not look like she has has plastic surgery yet...her upper body still looks pregnant. I agree with the bedrest idea - she was carrying so big and is so close to her stated due date.
ReplyDeleteEnty is just doing what most gossip bloggers do...stir up debate to rack up the comments.
I think B is just annoyed that's cool, it happens. Telling him to leave bothers me since this site allows comments. And unless someone's post is full of errors, there's no need to criticize one spelling error, we've all done it.
ReplyDeleteI highly doubt "Enty" is a lawyer also, mainly because of the time it takes to write and manage a blog this size and because of some of the incredibly naive posts. Also, sometimes it's just a rehash of everything that was written on dlisted.
As for the Jessica conspiracy, I agree with Abderian, this is just to get hits.
Does it really matter what ENT does for a living? It shouldn't. I know I don't care. FWIW, I don't think he's a lawyer. If you think everyone on the internet is telling the truth then you might need a reality check.
ReplyDeleteUh...sure, Princess. All that venom was really deserved, right? For just happening to point out that a blog supposedly written by a Hollywood attorney posted a weirdly-timed bit about an early AM (West Coast) bust and then three nicely slanted bits reprising issues that the blog-author knows will get eyeballs to the site ($$$).
ReplyDeleteBut yes, I will go off to my gig scribbling nonsense (for which I should be charging three-figures, but I'm getting almost that) where my copy will be edited for minor mistakes by grammar queens who charge a third of my rate. Except that I will likely, today, have to step out to deal with my ex-wife (attorney, Yale Law) so that I don't have to pay one of my family law attorneys (Hastings) the price of a nice dinner at Chez Panisse, and then I need to call an old girlfriend (Harvard Law, classmate of Michelle Obama) about my next contract gig, and maybe my old roomie (yes, actually senior managing partner for a major nationwide law firm) about my neighbors encroaching across the property line at my summer place, and if I have time tonight I need to swing by another old girlfriend's place (high-profile government attorney, details not going to be provided) to pick up some things, although I have to be careful how I drive to her place so that I don't run into one of my other old girlfriends (public defender).
Or I could just go hog-wild and call up all my old girlfriends (including one prosecutor, which is a little scary if you're dating her in her jurisdiction), college buddies, drinking pals, etc. (Lawyer, lawyer, counsel for city attorney, Boalt, another Hastings, McGeorge, that other Yale Law chica that wanted to bang me, etc.)
So yeah, I'm allowed to speak familiarly about law practice and chide the supposed blog author about legal issues because I'm pretty much constantly fucking attorneys or getting fucked by attorneys.
I personally think there is more than one Enty...but just keep to gossip coming I don't care if there are dozens...
ReplyDelete@B.Profane, ah sweetie, calm down. You work hard, know lots of important people and get pissed when someone claims to be a lawyer and writes about Jessica to make money.
ReplyDeleteWe're here to chill out and gossip, not get all hot and bothered over how other people make their money.
Maybe the kid isn't in the car cause the kid is with the nanny. Maybe she still looks preggers cause she hasn't lost the baby weight fully yet. Maybe she is still pregnant. Whether she is or isn't doesn't affect me. It only affects her and her man.
ReplyDeletePoor girl, with gossip sites calling her "Fat" and a "whale" no wonder she would rather stay behind the dashboard for the last few days/weeks of her pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteFor someone who is whining about how Enty has conspiracy theorized all morning, they have started in on the conspiracy of Enty's profession.
ReplyDeleteYe Gods B Profane!! Sorry you are having a bad day, I hate days like that - feel better soon.
ReplyDeleteIm confused by the supposed conspiracy of Jessica though, why does there always have to be a conspiracy?
Just curious - if B Profane is so well connected and important, how does he have so much time to post on this site?
ReplyDeletePersonally I think it's Lainey or one of her minions.
B Profane, honey, can you pick up all those names you just dropped? They're kinda trashing up the place.
ReplyDeleteI'll never understand people who pat themselves on the back because they *know* someone who does something semi-important. Good for you! Now go find something to do to make your own friends brag.
Sheesh, get it straight, people. I'm one of the ones who have posted pointing out details re cerain BI's, etc., that seem to prove that there is _an_ Enty behind the blog who is legit. In fact, I pointed out just today that if "Enty" actually noted the Wagner bust at 4 AM PST, either he really did know about it before the press got wind of the bust or else someone on the East Coast is up pretty damn early scanning the wire services to repost bits like that to make the blog seem like it has insider info.
ReplyDeleteAnd then there were three canned bits auto-posted. Do you really think that any attorney or publicist would be sitting up late on Sunday night writing dishy bits to post to a gossip blog the next morning? I'm saying that the ghost writing is particularly obvious this morning, not that the whole blog is fake.
B Profane, how many of the lawyers that you fuck or get fucked by know that you read and post on this site daily? Bet you don't share that info with them do you? Not sure what you are so upset about, but wow, that was quite the monologue.
ReplyDeleteI do not believe that Jessica has had her baby. The comments and criticism she is getting are cruel, sexist, and unnecessary. Women carry at all sizes, and some babies want to gain weight no matter how carefully you manage your diet while you're pregnant. I feel for her, I hope she has her baby soon and gets some relief.
I thought Enty even said he has these posts set at night and scheduled to start 6 am West Coast time? Am I the only one to remember him writing that one day not so long ago?
ReplyDeleteAgain, how odd to have all of these newbies coming out of the woodwork attacking me for pointing out some obvious consistency problems with the writing of the blog?
ReplyDeleteDefensive much, ghosties?
I don't think there is any conspiracy going on with Jessica. She's just having the gestational period of an elephant. I swear that Sarah Michelle Gellar is going to have her baby before poor Jess.
ReplyDeleteReno, he did. I just commented about that post in another article. I even remember the one time his Oscars post showed about an hour after the show as he was trying to cue it for the next morning. And that's just given me an idea when he wrote that post, so I think I can find it now.
ReplyDeleteB. Profane, who are these newbies you are referring to? I only see two names in this thread that don't look familiar to me.
I feel for the poor girl. At this point, you just want the baby out.
ReplyDeleteWhat do mean by clear signs? Do you expect the baby to get up and start tap dancing on the dashboard? I'm sure she is still pregnant.
B Profane's comment made me wonder: how exactly does Enty make money off his blog? Little to no advertisements.
ReplyDeleteSounds like SOMEONE has a case of the Mondays!
ReplyDeleteMaja, you'd get your ass kicked if you said that at my work! :-)
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ReplyDeleteWow what is going on today!! I didnt even want to post in the earlier stories! Anyhoo wait i guess i dont care if she still is preggers or not.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone think he's really an entertainment lawyer? I think the original might have been but someone probably got hired and definitely isn't a lawyer.
ReplyDeleteI think Jessica is still pregnant.
ReplyDeleteShe announced it early, she is one of those who show early, and she isn't to 40 weeks yet.
We should hear about a small flood somewhere when her water breaks.
She has to be miserable and just as tired of being pregnant as we are of hearing about the coming event.
I hope all goes well for her when the time comes.
No, I have never thought Enty was actually an entertainment lawyer, or even a lawyer, period. That's been rumored frequently in the two+ years I've been coming here, and I think it makes sense that Enty would obscure details about his/her/their life.
ReplyDelete[note, since the newbie/"ghosting" flag may have been raised: I've mostly lurked, and when I did comment, it was under a different name. Google/blogger hiccup recently forced me to get a new account.]
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ReplyDeleteGiving legal advice without being a member of the bar is illegal in most jurisdictions, but shoot anyway and I'll see if I can answer. About retainers? Don't expect to get any of it back. Seriously, most attorneys will find a way to bill you for most of it.
ReplyDeleteB.Profane, when you mentioned three figures for your work, did you mean per hour? Or did you mean something else?
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ReplyDelete@feraltart--Per hour. I'm not charging that much currently, but I should be.
ReplyDelete@Ms Cool--If you signed a contingency fee deal and the case is close to settling, your chances of renegotiating are close to zero. Your attorney will get their originally agreed upon cut even if you change counsel. Sorry.
I should add, in a class-action case you really don't have any say in the contingency terms.
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ReplyDeleteWait, I really should read this more clearly: you paid a retainer to a class-action counsel and the firm is also getting a high contingency percentage of the settlement? That's not the usual practice.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you could withdraw from the class, retain alternate counsel and file separately. Your chances of getting your retainer back are nil. Sorry, didn't I saw getting fucked by attorneys isn't fun?
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ReplyDeleteI think that any contingency cut over fifty percent is considered unethical. Otherwise, your chances of changing counsel and getting a better deal now, I'm sorry again, are nil. Class-action counsel structure representation agreements to make sure they get their originally-agreed percentage. I mean, they're lawyers, right? They're gonna make sure they get paid, no matter what.
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ReplyDeleteNorseman, TMZ started the conspiracy theories because they saw her fiance carrying two Chais or something, and they figured if she was drinking caffeine, she must not still be pregnant. Then all the other gossip sites ran with it. I think they were just being silly, but everyone loves a good conspiracy theory, so it ballooned up. I don't think she has been out of pictures long enough to have had any kind of surgery. She would've had time to fit in a natural childbirth, but the only reason she would've wanted to hide that would've been if she needed a couple of days to recover, and since that's passed, I think she's still pregnant. Also, isn't it still a few days until her due date?
ReplyDeleteTMZ also brought up that she may have held off announcing because the spotlight was on the Jolie Pitt engagement. However that story is old news and Monday is just about over. Good news is announced early in the week so it gets lots of press. Bad news is announced late on Friday and hopefully forgotten by Monday.