As much as I love a good wedding, does everyone here think Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake are really going to make it down the aisle this summer and get married? This has been a really shaky relationship for the past year or two and somehow they are planning this huge fairytale wedding. They don't really seem fairytale wedding people. They really don't even seem like the marrying type. I figured Justin would go from one two year relationship to the next until he got to be about 40 and then hit the Clooney route.
As for Jessica? I figured she would get a few more acting roles and then quietly disappear to some farm in Colorado with her dogs until E! did some kind of what happened to her special. I always think they are a day from breaking up too, but apparently she is with him all the time now while he films and that is another thing he is not used to which I think might be the downfall of their relationship. When you get used to space, it is tough to be with someone 24/7.
Wonder if they are in the blinds-about the bearding couples or even the "you do your thing, I'll do mine, just don't bring it home"
ReplyDeleteIsn't she pregnant or soemthing?
DeleteI don't think he'll go through with it.
ReplyDeleteI still don't get this couple. I understand what's in it for her (increased profile), but what's in it for him? Really?
ReplyDeleteIf you aren't ready to change from having a lot of space to being with your partner all the time, you probably aren't ready to be married. Just saying'. If I were her, I would be traveling with him too so I could see my future spouse every day. I don't see what's so wrong with that if you are affianced to a guy who travels for his work and you don't work or have kids.
ReplyDeleteShe is such a doormat for him. It's sickening and I don't understand what's in this marriage for him.
ReplyDeleteMaybe JT is an assman? Jessica Biel does have a fantastic behind.
ReplyDeleteI'm convinced they're bearding for each other (although I think he's bi, not gay).
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm sure in true "methinks they doth protest too much" style, the wedding will be completely garish and overblown. Just wait.
ReplyDeleteI doubt they will make it to the altar. They are a boring version of Benifer.
ReplyDeleteJustin has been in Atlanta filming Trouble with the Curve for a few weeks now. There are frequent reports of him visiting local bars and restaurants with Amy Adams and Clint Eastwood, but no reports of Jessica in town.
ReplyDelete^^^ If they do do get married its not going to last. I actually like both of them but something is just off with this couple. But even Ted "every man is hollywood is gay" C says JT is straight. Still dont think this relationship will be forever. Didnt he dump her as soon as he thought he had a chance with Mila Kunis?
ReplyDeleteI reckon she's pregnant, hence the summer wedding, koz they were off the suddenly back on.
ReplyDeleteI just realized I don't care about either of them..
ReplyDeleteOh who gives a rat's ass?
ReplyDeleteBlah and blecchh.
(but thanks for telling us, Enty... mwah!)
I like justin but not jessica much. I dont really know what she does. If the relationship is shacky then the marriage would be too. I think justin put a ring on it to keep her quiet.
ReplyDeleteDont think he is bi, according to those in the know he is GAY GAY GAY! Thinks he beards cause of pressure from handlers(MOM). They will marry then after awhile divorce. Still i like him cause i hear he is very nice guy.
ReplyDeleteI think he should marry Britney
ReplyDeleteAnd to everyone saying 'what's in it for him?' maybe you're too cynical and he really loves her. :)
ReplyDeleteThe problem isn't so much the space as being held accountable for his behavior if she's observing him 24/7.
ReplyDeleteThey've already denied that she was pregnant I think this story was release because she's getting ready to promote total recall and she needs something to get her magazine covers because its not like she's in demand or anything.
ReplyDeleteThey just don't look good as a couple. There is no spark at all. All they do together is foist their terrible acting on the world.
ReplyDeleteOn the potential positive side, if/when this thing implodes, maybe that'll drive him to make music again instead of continuing with his "acting".
I just don't get the gay/bi/bearding feeling from this couple...maybe my spidey-senses are off but I do agree they don't seem like a couple whose marriage will stand the Hollywood test.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYes...but when is the divorce date?
ReplyDeleteI thought SHE was the one who's gay.
ReplyDeleteHe might be bi, but definitely not gay.
This whole thing has "I don't think so" written all over it.
I don't see this happening, but if it does happen, I just don't see them being the big fancy wedding type. Granted I know virtually nothing about these people, but they strike me more as the type to just hit the courthouse.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I'll believe it when I see it. Maybe not even then.
I find him so very, very unattractive. And she ruins every movie she's in.
ReplyDeleteIs is just me or do they NOT make a good couple at all?
ReplyDeleteHe looks really scared in this photo.
ReplyDeleteJustin, I really could not care less if you get married to Jessica. What I do care about is that you're "acting" instead of making music. I love your music, man. I'm not digging your "acting". Get your ass into a studio pronto with Timbaland and make some fucking hits, dude. Damn you and your delusions of being a "movie star".
Wan't he close to his mother? I think it might be parental pressure to show that you're settling down in a relationship, even it that isn't his first preference.
ReplyDeleteIsn't she the one that was lamenting how she can't get good roles because she's too beautiful? Or was that the other Jessica? Regardless, she'll never stop trying to make herself happen. I actually think Timberlake can do better. There's a stench of desperation/cluelessness about Biel that really turns me off. Timberlake, on the other hand, has talent for miles. Seems like a pretty unequal relationship to me.
ReplyDeleteBoth Jessica's made similar comments about not getting roles because of their looks.
DeleteUgh, biel is not beautiful by any stretch of imagination. These 2 have zero chemistry together. She looks like his mom sometimes!!! I vote not gonna happen/last.
ReplyDeleteLol @selenakyle.
ReplyDeleteI made the mistake of watching a DVD of "Easy Virtue" (because of Colin Firth, sigh.....) and dammit! The director and others say such nice things about JB that it makes me almost want to like her!!! They became very protective when JT was visiting, which they would know when he was cos the paps would swarm the location site.
ReplyDeleteThe director even took a whiz in a bush where a pap was hiding and took great delight doing so!
I just don't get these two at all. They're not even together enough nor do they have enough chemistry ie more than zero to be believable beards. The whole thing is just strange.
ReplyDeleteHow can he be gay and not bi if he sleeps with women?
ReplyDeletewell, i think most people have had it beat into them, that you have certain milestones in you life, and you judge the success of your life by the point at which you (and your peers) meet these milestones. so getting married is on that check list. and it sounds easy enough in theory i think. you both want the american dream; marriage & kids. you agree to front each other and kind of "get" where each other are coming from. but, after kids arrive and you have other, real loves, it gets messy.
ReplyDeleteIf this thing even does occur, it's because mommy dearest is behind it and is ready for another little "PROJECT" - meaning her second "clock" is ticking and she wants to start all over again with a little mini-justin and hit up the toddlers and tiaras circuit once again.
ReplyDeleteMommy dearest must finally have come full circle and decided she is ready for a grand baby, and that she MIGHT be able to tolerate letting it grow in Jessica's womb.